Is there any way to get through to the tards who just use buzzwords to "refute" your arugment?

Seriously how can we redpill whites when they just say BUT YOU'RE RACIST/HOMOPHOBIC/ISLAMOPHOBIC/ANTISEMETIC/IMGAY/IMACOMMIE
personally i think it's still worth it. it plants the seed of doubt.

Attached: 1554116680400.jpg (480x617, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't drop redpills, you lead them to discover the red pill.

Attached: It's easier to fool people.jpg (475x343, 29K)

same shit, same response eventually.
whats your strat?

If you tell them flat out, they'll reject you because you are essentually calling them a fool.
You drop hints, playing dumb... "Hey, this can't be true about fractional reserve banking? What do you think about printing $10 for every $1 they have?"
"Was it true what Jackson, Lincoln and Jefferson said about the Rothschild's owning the central banks?"
"Wow! If you could print money out of debt, would you start wars between nations so they're borrow more money to fight each other? That's kinda devilish, isn't it?"



Add pedo, mohamed and eternal kraut to your list.

damn, sorry you gotta endure those extra ones bro

Kill marry fuck.

If the person you're trying to enlighten is a jackass or a believer, move on to the next person.
They don't call them "sheeple" for nothing.
Enough of the herd starts moving in a new direction, the NPCs will start moving with them. It's not in many people's nature to move against the herd.

imo fuck kill marry

A Clockwork Orange...

most people are NPCs.
so how can society become #woke when the jews are spreading their propaganda all over the media?


Attached: 1543829493164.gif (270x262, 1.89M)

Exposure Therapy
>Redpill on niggers
Take them to places where nigger culture prevails.
Let them see for themselves how niggers act.
Take them to places where white culture prevails.
Let them see how whites act.
Nudge them to draw a comparison.
Rinse and repeat the process until they start to see the niggers for what they are.
Same goes for the kike, etc.
Never shove it down their throats; they need to think that it was them who reached the conclusion, not that it was forced on them.

>muh systematic racism!



well, we have affirmative action, which is literally designed to help them get into education.
So, if we have a system, specifically designed to help blacks get an education, how do we have systemic racism?

This. They need to wake up on their own. It happened to me

I would fuck and marry all 3 equally. Why kill? Aryan bitches are best bitches

>muh redlining!
>muh police brutality!
of course you can refute all of these things, but then at that point you are breaking the advice in this post:

because thats not how the game works

Show them white liberals are race suiciders.

what actually happened here?

Ideological posession is very strong and very difficult to cure.
The subject would have to have a higher than average IQ to even accept a new perspective, and then it would take a year or two of being carefully exposed to a rational critique of their beliefs as well as general philosophy.

In short, it's very difficult to convince people who have beliefs that are set in stone, mostly because there is an emotional component to their beliefs.
Usually a staunch defense of your own beliefs is very useful (ie for protecting the customs of your tribe) but unfortunately this human tendency has been co-opted.

whats your favorite dish, mr. spaniard?

There's a game that is fun to play with the hardcore political cucks. Just go non-political political on them. Just bring up things that people in society tend to do and casually smack them with it while ignoring their politics. "Oh, you've never been to L.A.? Weird." Implant the belief that everyone else is busy living life travelling, going to concerts, sporting events, dating attractive people, going to fancy restaurants, buying houses, buying cars, stylish clothes, having a good non-blue collar job, etc. Their whole "I'm poor but white privileged" outlook will start to breakdown as they are left to feel inadequate about all of the things they are missing out on that they are led to believe everyone else has. Just remember this is not about actually getting into full out competitiveness, its about dealing with a specific type of person : the political cuck. They will soon be too focused on their own inadequacies to be ranting about how every white person must serve every non-white person.

i like this. can you give me more examples? where do you eventually lead them with it?
here, lets LARP. i'll be the cuck.
>you think blacks have lower iq on average? IQ doesnt mean ANYTHING AT ALL. its useless and completely discredited. what the fuck are you saying you bigot

Don't know why you're asking, but there's a mexican restaurant close to where I live where they serve you a gigantic mountain of nachos, molten cheese, bell pepper, guacamole and holt sauce and onion. That shit is my favourite meal.

"Yea, well fuck you too, asshole"

I'm not quite sure. How do you even stage that?

You still get to fuck all three if you really want. You obviously fuck Fuck. But you get to bed Marry every night, and it's not like Kill can say no.

>doesn't mean anything at all
>but if you think this you are a bigot

Pick one mossad

never talked with a spaniard, was curious since other countries food always tastes delicious to me

man are you retarded? reread the post.

What the fuck do you mean racist arguments aren't retarded?

Unless you are part of the Klan then i don't see how the fuck you would unironically not see the point of their argument.

Can you give me an example of an argument you feel is being unfairly refuted by saying "it's racist"?

>Be actual Spaniard.
>Talk about Mexican food as foreign food.
>BTFO of Amerifag.
Americans are like the British. We can't name 'em, so we misname them.
Mexicans are "Spanish" in America.
Moslems are "Asian" in the UK.

Please provide an explanation of the Graphic Interchange Format file associated with your post.

i seriously have no idea what the fuck you're trying to communicate. something tells me you misread the OP

I know buddy, go back to fucking your sister.

Reading must be hard with NA education

That me being RACIST/HOMOPHOBIC/ISLAMOPHOBIC/ANTISEMETIC has no bearing on any of my arguments.
Always manages to shut them up.

are you saying blacks are just as smart as whites? because saying otherwise is a "racist argument".

Use a memetic reference that isn't dependent on a redpill to feel out who might be aware, and ease into it very gradually. Ideally, you should not be revealing your power level under any circumstances. Nobody needs boomers and if irl niggers can't find the truth on their own they deserve nothing.

Marry the one in the middle. Fuck the one on the right (I honestly don't know why, but the eye-patch turned me on) Kill the one on the left.

Nerve gas

It is racist, or in best case, it is ignorant. If you look at the actual research and not just youtube videos you will see what the real determinant of intelligence is.

Assuming IQ is a good measurement of intelligence you would look at which groups of people who hold the highest IQ's and deem this group as smarter.

Your problem is not with black people, you problem is with poor people.

An extremely good predictor, better than any other, is level of income, social economic status, healthcare, education. A bad indicator which only grants you part of the picture is race.

Just because a lot of black people are lower IQ than the general populus does not mean that that is the causating factor, this is just a correlating factor.

Correlation does not equal causation.

So yes, your argument is either ignorant or racist.

>how do I convince normal people to believe the same autistic shit I got from a meme image board
>jews are spawns of satan and should be killed
>niggers are not even human and should be killed
>unregulated capitalism is unironically good, I say, as I'm struggling to pay rent. Oh and kill all poor people, they're the reason I'm also poor.
>islam is bad but christianity is good. "Now put some clothes on you whore! And go execute all the gays and adulterers"

>seeds of doubt
The only seed of doubt youre planting are the one's regarding your sanity.

>Your problem is not with black people, you problem is with poor people

Attached: Black whites rich poor.png (786x593, 271K)

What does this have to do with intelligence?

Do you need a pole to vault to these conclusions or do you just pull it out your ass yourself?

The question is not wether or not black people go to prison, the question you put to me was wether or not "Black people are stupid"

If you could just stick to the question rather than go off on a tangent on unfounded statistical correlation that would be great

>Complete destruction!
Seriously, though. Do you have one more recent? I want to show it to people, but if they see this one they will say America was still oy vey racist and shieeet.

>Op is posting Jew nazi memes.
Waking people up is difficult when jews tell lies about national socialism.
If I belived in the existance of "nazis", I wouldn't agree with them either.
But fact is, different folks have different values and want to live under different governments. It's why we have a federal system of government - done per the founders intent, we have a lot of different peoples living in states that are all protected by the federal government - and the federal government has almost no power domestically.
One folk, one State.

>blacks going to jail for literally anything
Hmmmm... I wonder why...It's not like the police are racist or anything? It's not like black people are more likely to be prosecuted on the same charges as whites, especially on drug charges. Nah, that can't be it.

Nice meme graph. Now kys.

Attached: 1560186852465 (3).png (612x331, 24K)


Attached: Chart_09.jpg (427x567, 64K)

but a correlation can be causation doesn't mean its not. You assuming its not and assuming it has to do with income is completely unproven. In fact income could be caused by the aforementioned issue with iq. You fucking faggot retard. Seriously hang yourself you are exactly the kind of indignant fucktard that op was talking about and I want you to die painfully.

Small doses. It's amazing how even the most brainwashed sjw can be snapped out of it. There are just too many inconsistencies for their brains to try an reconcile. They will be forced to wake up, at least partially. Then they'll begin to notice the insanity without your help.

>What does this have to do with intelligence?
You're a liar.
This shows that the problem is with black people, because rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people.
I don't much like liars. I believe that most liars with meme fag are Israelis.

Any response to this retard?

An interesting hypothesis, but not supported by the data.

Attached: crime by race black white mexican.png (2032x3528, 2.26M)

Except even niggers from rich families score lower in IQ tests than whites from poor families.

I've seen this faggot all around probably JIDF kill yourself kike.

Attached: Black and white crime.png (616x5370, 1.5M)

>Just because a lot of black people are lower IQ than the general populus does not mean that that is the causating factor
oh boy

That's what I pointed out.
then the Rabbi threw out a red herring, accused all the goys of being "razist". Anyone who's lived around blacks know they do a lot of crimes that don't get charged - quite the opposite of what Op's hate the white police is saying.

No you must be

The null hypothesis of any statistic is by default that they aren't causal to one another. We don't spend time proving that the number of nicolas cage movies aren't linked to the amount of pool drownings that happen in backyards, yet they are correlated.

If you could just spend 2 seconds on google and figure out what the positivistic stance on the null hypothesis in sociological studies is then i think the world would be a greater place.

Or, im assuming, you will continue to sperg in this safespace echochamber like the snowflake you are.

I hate to shatter your world view, but you can't just take two related stats and say one causes the other, there has to be actual research done to show this. If you could show me that intelligence plays a huge part compared to racial bias in the american judicial system i would love to see it.
>Pro tip, you can't

Citing a non peer reviewed figure as proof, are you fucking retarded?

[Citation needed]

Try again

Attached: 1560871658432.png (1412x2609, 885K)

This is seriously disturbing. How are there still so many of them? With this kind of behavior you'd think their number would decreasing rapidly, instead it seems to be increasing. Are you always importing new ones?

By giving actual arguments, instead of entertaining surface-level political identity bullshit.
Refuse to play the political identity game, attack the arguments, and make arguments of your own.
NPC retards can only think in terms of political allegiances.

Causation is not correlation checkmate Incels. Honestly had to stop reading after the first few sentences because you sound like a big faggot

I'm sure all these blacks were framed by "racist cops". Retard.

Attached: racestats.jpg (2032x3528, 840K)

Except your new meme graph is a complete non-sequitur and doesn't support your original graph. Correlation =/= causation. Rich blacks are more likely to be stopped by the police even now, more likely to be searched, more likely to be prosecuted on same charges a white person will get away with probation or no charges. In the 80s these were even more likely to happen and for lesser crimes.

Maybe instead of posting meme graphs you can go and try helping those communities not be so shit. Because they're not going anywhere. And your autistic graphs are never gonna convince people to start genociding populations in a civilised society.

This, I'd usually deliberately make outrageous claims I knew to be true and triggering in the knowledge they'd try and fact check me. I've caused many people to have WTF! Moments.

Ultimately no one wants to be "told" anything. You need to bait them into doing it themselves.

>Refuse to play the political identity game
I wish we would do that more on pol.

And commit more murders. It's really bizarre how leftists have convinced themselves that blacks would stop being violent criminals if they just had more money.

Attached: 1542802320003.jpg (536x392, 28K)

This is a study that says that people who live in poor nations hold lower IQ, sure? but how the fuck does that disprove the poverty is a better indicator of IQ.

I have no idea what the article says, i can only read an abstract. There is no definition on wether or not the black and white people are taken from the same country, socio-economic background or anything.

I would love to read the conclusion, but an abstract is not enough, i don't have acess to the paper.

What the fuck is the citation? I can go into MS paint and make shit up too. You actually have to cite peer reviewed stuff, not just images on a anime imageboard.

What a good point, does you mommy get mad when you say bad words on the internet?

Blacks have a higher birth rate... in r/K theory, blacks are more on the "r" side - have lots of children, give little support, and they age up quickly.
The black population has been stable at around 13%, growing as the US population grows,BUT the US population is growing as illegal aliens get legal status. We have 40 million or more illegal aliens here - more than 10% of our population.
Considering the government's profit or loss from each group, we don't have enough white people paying taxes to support our illegals and blacks - hence the massive federal debts we're running up.

Attached: white hispanic black budget impact.png (1026x768, 438K)

I'll help you out

Causation = 3rd world prot human IQs and a natural propensity for violence.
Before we found them African food was other Africans
You're welcome.

I do this and if they are still unresponsive I subtly attack them.

>It's not like the police are racist or anything?
The police are simply trying to maximize incarceration rates.
Blacks are 5 to 1 more likely to be pulled over, yet hold the same level of incarceration rates with whites. This means blacks are appropriately being pulled over 5 to 1, and the police are simply trying to maximize incarceration rates.

*proto humans.

It's funny how quickly you can identify the reddit plebs.. "non sequitar" bet you didn't see that one coming Intel hue hue hue

I'm tired of your tomfuckery. You keep changing the subject and lying like a fucking jew.

Attached: Hitler on arguments with Jews.jpg (850x446, 135K)

Shouldn’t be to hard, whites are gullible. Just pay them. The more they have, the more they want, like clockwork. Just pay a bunch of poor white trash PC savvy Incels to shill on Jow Forums every day every hour. Get them to feel like they belong because most whites are lonely and incested by their mormon cult leaders.
They are just wage slaves of another hue. Plus, make sure to have rock concerts and white supremacy retreats. Whites like all people need a sense of touch to their beliefs, more than mango messiah can produce because he was always just selfish.


I prefer to do it slowly. I've blown more than one mind. Piling this shit up so their fractured minds don't have time to recover from the last inconvenient truth.

Their pride will always be the biggest obstacle, no one wants to admit they were lied too all their lives.

What I'm experiening now, especially in regards to the kikes, is the normies already know and are desperate to talk about it but scared to do so openly. I've actually been amazed at what seemingly seem to be normans tell me about them I think the tide is turning.

I honestly think even norf FC are catching on.

life will red pill them
they're all young or lacking real world experience

>hurr black communities on the whole have serious issues
>therefore a graph on rich blacks being arrested for undisclosed crimes in the 80s confirms that all blacks are bad because they're black

>all blacks
>framed by racist cops
Not all blacks, and not all cops. But the US is filled with racists to this day. You think they were nicer in the 80s?

>debating politics on a political board
>"non sequitAr"
>plebbit lul xDDD
Should probably end yourself asap, as your double digit IQ and Grug genes are not welcome in the ethnostate.

>pull over 5x more
>still get similar levels of incarecration
>police are only trying to maximize their rate of successful searched by relying on racial stereotypes and profiling, even though statistics show the same rate of posession for whites and blacks.
>not signs of systemic racism
How exactly is this not racist? You'd think they would start searching whites 5x or blacks 5 less, since there it makes no difference to their attempt at stat padding.

>How exactly is this not racist?
imagine how many crimes there would have been if they DIDN'T pull over at a 5 to 1 ratio.
read the paper, moron.

>down with the 1%
The left is extremely antisemitic but they are either too stupid to know it or just too pussy to admit it.

Isn't false accusation based on a flawed systematic approach crime against individuals liberty? This is the constitution, the founding document you are breaking by doing this.

If anything this proves the systemic racism in the US legal system.

>Isn't false accusation based on a flawed systematic approach crime against individuals liberty?
oh look EU retardation.
>Theory 1: Police concentrates on blacks because blacks are more prone to carry illegal paraphernalia.
>Theory 2: The police don't like black people.
Blacks carried illegal paraphernalia just as frequently as whites EVEN THOUGH they were 5 to 1 more likely to be stopped. Imagine how many crimes would be committed if they were pulled over equally.

You're right, lets incarcerate all males in the US, that would reduce all crime by 90%, BUT IT'S ALL FOR THE GREATER GOOD

Are Americans really this fucking retarded?

Attached: Murica.png (856x846, 85K)

Calling every statistic that is at odds with your asinine worldview "fake" is completely retarded. Wake up you fucking moron.

>Is EU really this fucking retarded?
Fixed it for you.
>Police attempt to maximize incarceration rates
>They start by focused their attention on the group with the higher propensity to commit crime.
>This make it easier for anyone outside that group to commit crime, to slip through the net, and harder for the group being focused on.
>Because people respond to incentives, the number of non-group members committing crimes grows, and the number of the group being focused on shrinks.
>This continues until both the group and non-group entities commit crimes in equal proportions.
If the police actually bore some animus towards blacks, you'd expect them to go even further than equal conviction rates. Then we'd see a lower conviction rate for blacks than for whites.
Instead we see EQUAL conviction rates.
This suggests the police concentrate on blacks right up to the point where it help them to increase their conviction rates, but no further.

Fucking retarded EU mongoloid.

When did I call it fake?
All I'm asking for is peer-reviewed studies that actually say what the person arguing is saying.

You are right, the police should be about statistics and should target black people disproportionately.

You are right, the police should be about maximising arrests and incarcerations rather than reducing crime.

What a hot fucking take from the alabama bumfuck retarded, go fuck your cousin and read a book.

>You are right, the police should be about maximising arrests and incarcerations rather than reducing crime.
We are talking about racial discrimination, not how deterrence works.

After failing, the EU mongoloid moves to the next topic he knows nothing about: Deterrence.

>What the fuck is the citation? I can go into MS paint and make shit up to

This has to be bait. That's what I get for responding to a memeflaggot.

Attached: 1546518484180m.jpg (529x1024, 145K)

except who am I going to fool? I want to tell people the truth. And I speak the truth.

Attached: Der Führer.jpg (500x684, 47K)