The Biggest Red-Pill

To the frequenters of this board I ask you this. What was the hardest red-pill for you to personally swallowed and what do you think the biggest red-pill actually is?

Are there any black or white pills you swallowed as well?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That Hitler did nothing wrong.

That Western Europe is the problem and must be destroyed.

That based beaners and blacks are the real MVP and Jews are mostly good

Despite everything, all the black pills, we all need to take greater personal responsibility for our own lives

>What was the hardest redpill to swallow
We're fucked m8.
We can only watch as the world burns around us.

That about 50% of people on here have schizophrenia. They serve as useful idiots for the jews, spouting misinformation and half-truths. They also don't understand science at all.

That you cannot save the west no matter what you do. At best you can slow the collapse, but it is inevitable.
A white pill that goes along with this is that once the west collapses there will be plenty of opportunities to form whatever type of country you want.

Death is PROBABLY the fucking end, it PROBABLY all just dies in the end. Also, the game of life is rigged the high IQ elites win in the end because they own all the WMDs. You will not even leave a genetic legacy if the elites simply genocide all of us using WMDs.

Problem to WHOM? you? it's all just self interest.

That the white pill is the final pill and the responsibility that comes with it

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What does "Science" says happens after we die and eventually at the "end of all things"?

knowing that u are in the matrix or whatever crazy place we are in
yea u can say that we are in something like it but u really have to know

Adversity introduces a man to himself

8 hot dogs in a pack and 12 buns in a pack. Its a conspiracy to eat more hot dogs.

Why will there be a "collapse"?

Seriously, this.

It was the Jews all along.

The hardest redpill is that the cycle is real and the engine never stops. There will be a collapse. There will be a rebuilding. But we will never, ever learn from enough of our mistakes to break the chains. This tranny shit has happened before, the rampant greed has happened before, the insanity and social distrust has happened before.
The Indus valley.
Minos and Crete.
Each time the cycle gets faster, seemingly. But that too is just part of a greater cycle which itself repeats.
There is no escape.

Reduce need for money. Get off social media. Stop playing video games, watching TV/movies. Aim to become self sufficient. Learn how to fish and hunt. Practice permaculture and bushcraft. Buy tools that will outlast you. Grow your own vegetables/fruits. Raise hens and goats. Brew your own booze. Homeschool your kids. Get out of the cities. Workout using kettlebells. In the mass of all that, find a trad woman to join you on your journey. If she's not fully trad, find a normie and teach her the way. Green pill for life.

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It aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall comes down to what you believe happens after death, that sets the context for everything. I think death is the end.

That Jesus is real and also that Hell is a reality. That people will be burning alive literally for an eternity. Not a billion years, not 100000 trillion years. It never stops.

These luciferians that control the world really have no idea what they're doing. I pray God has mercy, even on the satanic Jews.

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Science is something you do, the afterlife is obviously outside of the realm of testability. At that point you can believe whatever you want.

Which scenario do you want? There are simply so many ways for it to fail, and basically none for it to succeed.

Also, woke af.

I put out 28 matches last night with nothing but my mind.

There is no spoon...

Humans are not evolutionarily designed to operate in the societies we have constructed. The source of all our issues stem from this. Teddy was right.
We're at or hitting most of the signs. The disease is coming in with the illegals right now.

Feminist roasties and how they raised age of consent. They started the pedohysteria meme with the start of "sexual revolution" in order to equate sexually mature adolescents to literal children and thus shame men out of dating young virgin girls, so that underage Chads and niggers could fuck them instead, and thus polyamory and cuckoldry becomes normal. If 80% of men turn into adult virgins, while 80% of women lose virginity before reaching the age of consent, then its a failed society. Women gone turbowhore in the hypergamy mode, Chad fucks all around him, and we are held here as slave workers, made to contribute to their economy, where we can't even get young virgin wives, and are either forced to live out our years alone with no offsprings or get cucked and settle down for a fucking roastie.

Made me so fucking mad, i wish some motivated guys with guns would fuck this shit up.

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That my dad is a cuck and moms a nigger fucking whore.

That's baby's first redpill, dude

Something of a grey pill:
Everything happens and happened in cycles of birth, bloom and doom. We can't halt the decline of western civilization, it's moribund. If we desperately attach ourselves to it, it will pull us with it into the abyss.
We are though perfectly capable of building a new society and carry the philosophical spark of tradition to bring it into life. I see Jow Forums amongst the avantgarde of this new era. We the disillusioned idealists aren't misfits, but we are the men of the coming age. A homo novus so to speak.
Our task is to discard the lies of liberalism and materialism that ran the west into the ground, detach and get self-sufficient, build the framework of this new society by having families and most importantly many many white children.

>What was the hardest red-pill for you to personally swallowed and what do you think the biggest red-pill actually is?
For me, it's the Jewish Question. The near two decades of indoctrination were really hard to break and it took a LOT of personal research into the subject matter after I started coming here from /b/ to troll "racist anti-semites".

Though I don't think the Jews should be killed off, that was tried and failed; I do believe that they should all be:
a) deported to Israel with no exceptions
b) banned from participating in politics, finance, banking, media production or media distribution and academia anywhere that isn't Israel - and that Jewish works in any of those categories be banned and censored outside of Israel

They have their Jewish homeland, they need to fuck off back to it post haste.

That Stalin did nothing wrong.

that the jews must all be exterminated

Red pills are easy for me to swallow for some reason.

I wasnt surprised when i found out that most women are irresponsible whores.

I wasnt surprised when i found out that shitskins are lesser beings than whites.

I wasnt surprised when i found out that gays are pedos.

I wasnt surprised when i found out that jews are behind most of societies current ills.

What really got me is how hard it is to red pill normie whites. They resist the truth at every turn, falling back on their programming so fast that it beggars belief.

Now, i feel like an island in the middle of a great ocean. No connections, no more "real" friendships. I see the truth, but everyone around me has their blinders on, and nothing i can do or say will make them remove them.

I feel so alone because of this.

Seriously what the fuck is up with Jow Forums being completely scientifically illiterate? I expect that schizo shit in /x/, but it's everywhere lately.

That there is always nuance and that Jow Forums isn't always right nor is it wrong

As far as i know Science=Atheism, pretty much. And Atheism=death is the end because we're just animals with no souls.

Dude, we don't even know what the fuck is going on we're all just low IQ morons talking shit here. You can't really say X is going to happen because YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH LIFE "THE UNIVERSE" (assuming the Earth isn't flat) AND EVERYTHING.

There are those that eat and have sex for the sake of feeling good, and there are those that eat and have sex to continue living and start another generation. These are two very different types of people. The ones who seek to live have discovered some sort of transcendent purpose.

>An infants understanding of religion
Jesus manifests himself in you the closer you live to his example.
Hell is what happens when you deliberately distance yourself from his example.

>We the disillusioned idealists aren't misfits, but we are the men of the coming age.
How very convenient.

But what is actully going to happen in your opinion, like will the internet ever go down? i'm scared.

that no matter now bad it is, it's going to be worse
humanity is racing to the bottom and there is no going back

Finding out for myself the New World Order/Luciferian cult was real after my dad hammered it into my head as a kid

That's nonsense, "Hitler did nothing wrong" to SOME people, i bet most Slavs would disagree. It's ALL self interest as far as i can tell and "right" and "wrong" are made up concepts.

So much this. Do not go on the defensive to protect a falling structure. Go on the offensive to build a new and youthful one.

Because Jow Forums peddles conspiracy theories about secret canals of Jewish bankers being behind everything bad that's ever happened in all of history. They're also out to get you and your race in particular. This kind shit speaks right to a paranoid schozophrenic. I'm surprised there aren't gang stalking thread on a regular basis.

This is pretty gay, user. I rarely, if ever, think about death. You need to get over it and become your best self regardless.

Biggest redpill was that once the enthostate I help establish is finalized I will be hanged for being a race traitor. But so be it. If the 14 words can be accomplished then the feeling of the rope against my neck with be more than satisfactory.

14 should be the age of consent. Period.

There is still a sliver of hope. The collapse is coming and it is unavoidable at this point, but the cycle continues as it always has.

After the fall, begins the rise.

Yeah it really is astounding how fucking resistant they are. I've had more success redpilling niggers (who already dislike other niggers) than I have redpilling any huwhite person.

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SERIOUSLY, i feel like i'm losing my mind over here. All you low IQ plebs talking about "going back to tradition" because that's what would benefit YOU.

LOOK, nobody gives a shit about feelings. Feelings don't matter, you prove that every time you shit on the Abos because they are biologically obsolete.

You are not even living in "the real world".

I actually welcome the apocalypse.

I was a left-leaning centrist for most of my life.
Got out of the military.
BLM was doing their thing in my city and I thought, sure, lets support these guys.
I went to their rally and they tried to convince me to wear chains and shackles and march ahead of them as they "pretended" to whip me (about 30 others agreed).
I laughed at them.
>It's for solidarity!
They told me.
I told them my being there was solidarity enough.
Then they tried to force me.
I am a bigger athletic guy.
Had I been a soft bodied tard like most of you, they'd have forced me.
That was my first red pill. Realizing they don't care about whites unless those whites will debase themselves on command and be discarded immediately upon cessation of usefulness.
Time went on and my suspicions were justified as it became more apparent they simply do not like whites.
Many more red pills followed.
But that was the first for me.

In relation to the JQ you faggots, do I have to spoonfeed what's being implied, you babies?

Science is not atheism, it's just a method for understanding the world God created. Science makes consensus and scrutiny on models (mathematical explanations) possible in a well laid out way.

You're fucking stupid and driven by sex and the need to breed, like a mindless animal. You low IQ pleb, i know you know i'm right. It's scary as fuck isn't it?


“Muh science” Scientism is a false religion. Go away meme-flag. Namaste demon.

The current global political and socioeconomic system is totally unsustainable and this is a fact. The post-WW2 global system is in the process of unraveling; Fukuyama's "end of history" was just liberal wishful thinking; Huntington was far more on the ball with "war of civilizations" which is what happens once the globalized economy stalls once again.

What fucking "God"? the one from The Bible?

If they aren't completely destroyed, they will eventually infect our societies again. I hate it, but it's the bitter truth. They have to go.

you guys all got your electricity back on now?

Yea I was speaking personally there.

That God loves everyone just as much as he loves me. You don't know how good you have it on this earth. We should be thankful for him, he is the only one worthy enough to judge all of us equally.

No there won’t. Not unless the rest of the world collapses. If there is a civil war that results in Balkanization of the US, there will be no white ethnostates. The rest of the world will jump in and take the territory they can so you’ll just end up living in a chinese smartphone communist surveillance state with fucking chink bugmen everywhere like in Vancouver. Do you seriously think if the worlds greatest superpower and the worlds most hated country collapsed that the rest of the world won’t kick it while it’s down? Do you think China and Russia won’t arm leftists? Do you think the rest of the world won’t try to plunder our resources and land to make sure an anti communist super power never rises again?

I am an actual mobile network engineer, but pretend that 5G is going to give us all cancer. Its funny seeing the shizos sperg out about stuff they have no fucking clue about.



Of course you fucking were, we're all scared shitless. We all wish we were "special", well we're fucking not and we're fucking doomed because we ALL know death is probably the fucking end and WE only HALF-BELIEVE it isn't because it would benefit US.

And what happens after the heat death of The Universe? pfft.

Of course everyone's entire reality paradigm would shift if we could somehow "prove" (at least to ourselves) that the Earth is flat, only in that context would humanity (meaning ugly low IQ peasants like you and me) be "special".

after chinese gore webms i do not consider chinks to be human or even possessing a soul or any kind of empathy. same goes to south americans.

The globalized economy is so intertwined and interconnected that the fall of a major domino like the US would inevitably cause a massive global collapse that would affect everyone else and plunge the whole planet into chaos to the point nobody would care enough to meddle in the American civil war as they'd be too busy fighting civil wars of their own.

The hardest redpill for me was to come in terms with the fact that we live in a extremely well-crafted bubble of deception.
>news are flat out lies
>when push comes to shove, the "free" press, all TV channels and the establishment speak in unison
>(even global) politics is just theater
>grassroots movements do not exist, they're funded and manufactured by think tanks
>we're all taught a fictional version of history in school, and it's enforced further through movies, books and documentaries
There's an dark, horrifying underbelly to this civilization, and the average citizen is kept completely oblivious to its existence. Whenever someone with credibility starts shining light upon it, assassinations, illegal incarcerations, coup d'étas, and even wars happen, and they don't give a shit, they do it publicly.

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There is no fucking equality, your God CONVENIENTLY doesn't want me to go live with White people, doesn't he? yeah go fucking figure.

You seem pretty low IQ to me. Nihilism is cringe and bluepilled.

after chinese gore webms i do not consider chinks to be human or even possessing a soul or any kind of empathy. same goes to south americans except they are more violent than niggers but most of you don't want to admit it.

>your God CONVENIENTLY doesn't want me to go live with White people, doesn't he?
No, white people don't want you to live with white people

Jews are literal satanists.

race is socially constructed and we are all in this together

Evolution didn't stop at the neck, goy.

God exists and there are objective good and evil in the universe.


That I bought into a bunch of bullshit, and became part of something evil.
And then I needed to get rid of all the evil I had embraced, piece by piece.

Nihilism is the apparent truth, i could give a shit less about your attempts at shaming and your coping. Your opinion doesn't matter, apparently nothing fucking does. It's all about ego/vanity and unfair birthrights/privileges like being born 100% pure White or having a big dick and lots of money + a handsome face, there is no "innocence" and children aren't special. Its all fucking lies.

Everything's a fucking ugly lie and there is no hope because death is PROBABLY the fucking end. There are no "victims", not the ugly 60 IQ petrol sniffing Abo dying on the street in Australia nor the sexually attractive high IQ White people in Sweden getting overrun by muds at the moment.

We are all just combatants.

It probably all just dies in the end (entropy).

>gang stalking thread on a regular basis.

You haven't met our Brazilian guy yet, hang around we have those

Yeah retard, i know. And it's all ugly and based on biology because we are JUST ANIMALS.

I do want to live with White people, however. Why the fuck wouldn't i? it's the only way to better your lot in life after you've gotten in top shape and all that.

Lmao, I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I heard that Uruguay is pretty white. His rambling nonsense makes a lot more sense in light of his racial handicap.

>fat incels of Jow Forums
>capable of building a new society
Tip top kek


are you that guy that wants to be white and thinks he's going to come and take white girls?

Being a nihilist is being a retard. “Lol it just ends anyway so who cares?” Is and excuse to keep being lazy about the life you have
Okay, then don’t blame God because whites don’t want you around

You can't seriously be suggesting Jews aren't a fucking scourge on humanity and aren't the direct source of a lot of the woes facing Westerners?

I think the hardest thing was understanding the current state of women. I’m black. I wanna have a family in the future. But my only options is to fake my political views and marry a “strong inepenent black wahmen queen” or race mix. I want off this ride.

>le incel meme

>For me the biggest redpill
Jewish influence and Hitler being the good guy
>the biggest redpill
that this world is some kind of simulation, either a test for us and if we somehow pass we transcend or live in the next world, who knows. Perhaps we are in rabbi's simulation


that homosexuality is unalterable, and yet universally unacceptable, and not conducive with long-term happiness, and that I'm permanently cursed with it and all of its social implications.

I don’t disagree but you should state your reasoning/logic with that statement

We really fucking aren't, it's sad and depressing and HOPELESS and frankly fucking scary, you think Whites are ever going to die for this race shit but i'm not so sure anymore. I mean the idea of life after death is dead in the minds of high IQ Whites.

They don't care, they will ride it out for as long as they can and most of them aren't even going to have children IMPLYING they would even be willing to die for their children because "muh feelingz".

You kids are fucking naive.

This is it, low IQ civilization can collapse all it fucking wants the Elites don't give a shit, they have Elite Spetnaz guards to keep the muds away and shit. The best technology money can buy, bunkers. Pfft, it's you who's fucked not them.

And what are you going to do? you will never all get together to do anything, because why the fuck would you? you're not "the good guys", you're just businessmen like everyone else and guess what? busninessmen betray eachother all the time.

And you're not willing to die over anything, stop LARPing.


YOU'RE SO FULL OF SHIT. Why did "God" not make me Chad Thundercock the 100% racially pure Germanic? because there is no God, kid. Stop coping.


>Why did "God" not make me Chad Thundercock the 100% racially pure Germanic?
Because that isn’t your role in this world