People in the Middle East are shitski

>Lojain Omran is one of Saudi Arabia's most famous television hosts, boasting over 5.7 million followers on Instagram.

She is best known for her show "Good Morning Arabs" (صباح الخير يا عرب) and being one of the most influential personalities in the Arab world.

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What does she look like without the contact lenses, nasal surgery, make up and whitening creams?

Palestinians are shitski...Jews are whit...

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Massive cope

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Syrians are shitski...

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Uncovered WHORE!

Iranians are shitski...

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Makeup can do allot Still a shitskin


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I don't understand what point you're trying to make.
It's an ugly cunt with blue contacts, a ton of makeup and an enormous amount of hair product, and it also looks like she's had plastic surgery.
Despite all of this and only being 41 years old, she looks like a 60 year old transsexual shitskin.

Attached: Uglymonster.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

all the hottest arab women are descended from east euro concubines.

Saudis are usually darker, that is just a lot of makeup, Syrians, Iraqis and Jordanians, and even some Egyptians, however, can be blonde with blue eyes, tho i don't think people here are basing it off skin color alone

Sure, plenty aren’t but this is an obviously caked up fake bizarre example. 3/10 bait.

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yeah she looks polish now that you mention it, you fucking mutt

these are all shitskins

tbf that could easily pass as a jew.

they arent european neither are jews

fuck off rat

circassian, google it.

I know the middle east has its problems but they do have make up.



aquafresh btfo

No they aren’t, it’s Levantines, Anatolians, and Caucasus people. Some have Balkans ancestry if it’s Turkey.

none of them are even close to europeans

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T*rks and ar*bs got BLEACHED through the centuries by all the white slaves they took from Europe. It's not rocket science, nigger.

Crusade rape descendants

actually baste and redpilled jew post?

>tons of makeup and plastic surgery

You need to go back

>Not wearing hijab

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This bleaching meme has gotten out of hand. You are talking about our women being taken as slaves as if it's a good thing.

Also while i am sure this did happen, it was not nearly enough to change the gene pool in any meaningful way. Turks are related to the people they live near. They are iranian and armenian

She looks like anout 70k in plastic sugery

I have seen her without the makeup and the dress getting railed by old pajeet fucks at a partywhile the saudi bigwigs laughed in amusement .She's a bundle of issues who gets passed around like a joint between stoners.
Next time I go to one I'll try to take a picture.
But for now, in the picture OP posted , look at her hands and then look at her face. Look nice and hard. Tell me what do you notice

No one is saying it's a good thing.

They took millions of slaves, that's plenty to explain the blue eyed minority they have nowadays. They have nothing to do with Iranians either, they are shitskin Seljuk tribes that invaded Byzantium territory.

That tranny with the wig has more powerful eyebrows than 90% of the guys I know that can bench 300lbs

Blue eyes exists endemically in most middle eastern populations from the Levant and caucuses. The trait was brought to the middle east by migration thousands of years before the turks

And look at this
The original people called the turks were central asian. But they conscripted local iranians to fight for them. By the time they got to western easia they were nearly fully iranian. Turks are about 90% iranian, 5% arab and 5% mongoloid

Lmao, the blue eyes was only one trait you autist, you know what I mean.

>Turks are about 90% iranian, 5% arab and 5% mongoloid


T*rks are 100% shitskin seljuk mixed with white slave genes here and there.

We all know that the only good looking people living in the middle-east are Lebanese, everyone else is either an explosive sand monkey or a hook-nosed shekel nigger

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the upper class of many non-white shit holes are white, this is not very surprising.

Why should i believe you over the genetic evidence? If you ignore the genetic evidence, which most people on Jow Forums seem happy to do then you will never be able to make sense of all the variation in phenotype you see. You will just end up with hearsay, circumstantial evidence and people fighting over which racial head canon they like the most

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This is kangz. Aryanz is the white version of kangz


Kurdish people are shitski...

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>this newfag doesn't know that arab women are one of the highest plastic surgery recipients second only to asian women


That's why all your women get plastic surgery to look white? Lebanese women are so fucking overrated.

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(((Ivanka Drumpf)))

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Her mom

Attached: ivana-trump-interview-promo.jpg (660x480, 41K)

Turks have more ancestry shared with Greeks than Iranians, you mong.

> another retard that thinks distance on PCA graphs is a 1:1 conversion to similarity.
Holy fuck, neck yourself. Jow Forums has had ages to learn how these things work.

most slaves the turks and arabs took were young males though since they were more valuable

>that dead eyed stare
How many times do you think shes let herself get shat on by a sheik for plastic surgery money?

Unironically my Lebanese grandma looked a lot like her

arab girls all use lighter foundation, and she's still nowhere near porcelain ginger goddesses

Attached: gingress.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>B-but my narrative! Goy you can't do that goy, it will harm my businesses goy.

>no dima gf
Why even live?

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Pakistanis are shitski..
BTW former PM Bhutto said OBL was dead before the SEAL raid so they killed her with a gunshot to the head then blew up her car.

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The deep state killed Bhutto, I didn't know this.

The good news is that her son is ready to become the leader of Pakistan. He would be better qualified than celebrity globalist Imran Khan.

Am I nuts or isn't this Charles larping as a Saudi prince?

>Not posting this cutie

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man i dont know if its the foundation or snapcrack filters but i cant even see her nose ffs

The middle east works just like India, the whitest people are at the top of society, the darker at the bottom.
It's especially true in places like the Levant where there has been a lot of different ethnicities migrating over the centuries (romans, greeks, arabs, mongols, jews, etc...).


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why does makeup trigger you incels seeth and cope so badly?

>unironically believing this
hello fbi. please glow harder.

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thats an indian

You didn’t post someone from the Middle East.

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is it just me or do chins with cleft look butt ugly.
especially on women

Looks like Laura Loomer kek

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