earthquake tsunami in niigata japan, it struck a nuclear power plant

its night here but this is the best pic related on 2 seconds notice


Attached: niigata.jpg (640x360, 30K)

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sorry I was trolling a moment ago, I"m not a a commie

earth quake was a level 6 on the japan scale
tsunami already came it was 1m high

sorry 6.8 earthquake so pretty damn

first wave already hit, 2nd or 3rd wave can be larger

Any big damages?

6.8 earthquake. Not great, not terrible.

Attached: 1559333333225.jpg (720x630, 71K)

live streams

japan scale is different
6.8 is very high
7 is basically act of god shit

depth of quake and location data please and thank you

It's only 3.6 roentgen.

Attached: 1559710703515.png (705x681, 616K)

depth was very shallow and just offshore

Bump for potential happening and active OP

depth was very shallow and epicenter just offshore

Are you okay OP??

This man is delusional, take him to the infirmary.

Preliminary Earthquake Report - Base data
M 6.5 earthquake in Tsuruoka, Asia,Japan on 18th June 2019 01:22:19 PM.
EDIS Number EQ-20190618-1070854-JPN
Magnitude M 6.5
Mercalli scale 8
Date-Time [UTC] 18th June 2019 01:22:19 PM
Local Date/Time Tuesday,June 18th, 2019 at 22:22 in the in the evening at epicenter
Coordinate 38° 37.800,139° 27.600
Depth 10 km [6.21 miles]
Hypocentrum Shallow depth
Class Strong
Continent Asia
Country Japan
Location 41.00 km [25.48 miles] to Tsuruoka,Asia
Source EMSC

yamagata, ishikawa and niigata all going to be hit again with 1 or 2 more tsunamis of estimated 1 meter tall

hardest hit prefecture is niigata

Any Godzilla sightings?

Hey man I bought a Japanese handmade knife to cook and it is so nice. Do you also make knives?

no word yet of damage to sadogashima, large island off the coast of niigata

netanyahu just accused iran of causing the earthquake.

this is gods punishment for not taking in refugees

everyone's power is still on in the nhk footage,
no power plant problems is what they are reporting

Take advantage of this nipbro!
Dip your pp in the ocean water and you can finally be like white man.

other side of japan, I am in no danger from this

1 meter is like 3 feet

Those are bitch size waves


so while you are here do you think that anime turns young children gay?

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post a non nip source and please tell me you forgot a 0 or two

its not big compared to 2011 but not great
also it hasn't hit 2x 3x yet which it probably will, check those live streams I linked

actually they just admitted they had blackouts in yamagata and niigata prefectures, many houses without power
fucking nhk always minimizing damage

2011 tsunami was like 6m and that was like the end of the world level

1m is still not good

Seriously, i get bummed out if the surf if 1m. We had a hurricane come through last year and my surf tracker app forcast waves that were like 8 meters or more.

I think you're better off just google translating the page in chrome browser desu

Tell me, how does a BWR reactor explode?


that tsunami was 6m anons

I remember watching that live at 3 in the morning on /sp/. It fucked some shit up.

>no immediate reports of damage or casualties from the quake
>No problems were reported at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant in the region.

So nothing happened

Attached: 4oOdZHi.png (611x404, 246K)


Wew 2012.

literally happening right now user

we're awaiting 2nd impact tsunami/ aftershocks

also kumamoto earthquake in 2016 was two large earthquakes nearly back to back in the same area with days of aftershocks

builidings typically won't fall in the first shake but tumble after damaged in aftershocks

also nhk loves to downplay damage so the reports will come in slow with lots of minimizing language if there is damage to report

Attached: download.jpg (400x364, 27K)

Wow it already struck a power plant huh? The japanese have bad luck with nuclear power. Any way you can stream live footage from your phone?

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5,000 houses in yamagata no power
2800 in niigata no power

power company says no irregularity at power plant but you know... they were full of shit about fukushima for a long time
niigata is opposite coast from me

the epicenter was 6 miles down. very shallow.

meteorological agency will be holding a conference within the hour

are you shitting me I was swimming in 2 meter waves when I was a kid ffs.
1m isnt even a big normal wave. A tsunami has to be at least 10m or something.
Or what does your m stand for? Meter right? the meter in which speed of light is 300.000.000 m/s?

whats the name of the power plant that got hit?

I don't know, they haven't said it on over the air tv since I first tuned in

assuming it must be this one
its about due south of the epicenter

A tsunami isn't so much a wave it's more like a wall of water. It has a lot more power behind it because it's the ocean creeping onto land instead of a ripple on top of the water.

I looked up on google maps what nuclear powerplants were in japan, and compared that with the map showing the site of the epicenter. closest to the epicenter would have been the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant

here is an overhead shot

Attached: 1024px-Kashiwazaki-Kariwa_cropped.jpg (1024x615, 96K)

yeah supposed it hasn't be restarted since the big shut down in 2011, no idea how much damage can be done it powered down but... I really don't know

if god fucks up my anime I'll rape him in the ass and kill him


This is silly. We call a 6.8 in Japan Tuesday.

Why are you assuming that power plant was hit?

whats the height of the plant above sea level?

according to op its already been confirmed hit I think

God is Anime!

news conference starting

they're just regurgitation the same info though with some minor reports of injury

again they're saying the nuclear powerplants are "no irregularities"

The earthquake is not what you have to worry about. its the tsunami. The epicenter was shallow. makes for a powerful tsunami, well, I guess it depends on the type of fault. Im no geologist by the way, I only took a class in college. So I could easily be wrong

The OP is faggot trying to link 2012 videos to cause panic.
Also he is lying about the "Japanese scale". It was 6.8 magnitude, so literally nothing for Japan.

Also only thing he said was that there were people without power.

ehhh you can just wish everything back to normal with the dragon balls right?

Here is some live coverage (not on location).

they're reporting "low tsunami" and also 1 10cm tsunami,
so I guess "low" means less than 10cm

still expecting a 1m tsunami

rip in pieces, animes

Attached: 1556392292219.jpg (586x616, 20K)

well thats not so bad then is it? sounds more like a wave

no its not so bad, we're waiting to see if we get another larger or equally as large to the first

maybe the close proximity to the shore made it hard for the tsunami to gain momentium?

You watch too much tv. A tsunami is different than a wave. A tsunami is a wall of water with a lot of energy behind it. It's like a tide that rises very fast and very high that happens from seconds to minutes. It's like a storm surge that happens all at once.

like aftershock? ehhhh

tsunami come repetitions yeah, sometimes the big wave is the 2nd wave

No it hasn't you liar

how long is the time between waves usually?

its all totally unpredictable, it could just fizzle out too

how far out was the epicenter from land approximately?

meteorological agency speaking now

thank you for your dedicated reporting, OP

thanks for the reporting op

they're saying 10-20% chance of reoccurrance of same intensity earthquake in the next week

no tsnunami

they revised the intensity down .1 to 6.7
depth 14km?? maybe I heard that wrong fuck i'll rewind the dvr after this is done

do you have a comfy japanese news livestream for me?

depth was 14km confirmed, no idea what this in miles sorry

nhk links above in thread near top, just google translate the page in a chrome browser it'll be better than any nerfed down english site i think

US soldier based in Japan here. Shits getting real guys. Where's a good place to get some sideways pussy?

noaa is now saying it was at a depth of 21 miles, not 6

i was on it but didnt find a live stream

care to elaborate further?

The 2011 tsunami was kino as fuck. I don't know if we'll ever see anything that epic in our lifetimes again.

live report was disrupted nhk lost the feed, which is weird
these are the cameras pointed at the water I don't have a newscast link sorry


the earthquake epicenter was in shallow water, close to land. not much water to push outwards

14km deep? That's very deep dude. Are you sure it's not 14m?

well, its adhd, but good guess.

Please send help the tide has fallen

Learn to swim nip