How long before thrown out due to "antisemitism?"

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Shurkin? Isn't that an Iranian name?

it's Lakewood, NJ and she's wearing a wig. Hasid.

She's one of those straight out the desert Jewesses.

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Get out of your bubble. The general pubic is much more outraged by leaving a kid, even a pet, in a car than your memes.

reports are the car was hot as an oven

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i hope i never attract a jewess. they are irresistible to me.

inb4 you will never attract anyone

Moreso the pet, people are demented these days.

She looks exactly like a half pajeet girl I know. Thought it was her at first.

it’s always Lakewood

ok nevermind then lel
110% khazar

they wont stay away from me, they smell money.

good thing i have level 99 woman deflecting forcefields that stop them from ever emotionally connecting and i get bored and leave.

she cute

>Death of toddler
>zero signs of crying

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"Your honor, a Hasidic woman has no way of understanding the physical properties of heat, therefore my client is innocent."
it will look like that

checked and kek'd!

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>At that point, there was a miscommunication about whether the toddler’s mother or father would bring the toddler in from the car, the source said.

Why did it take them 2,5 hours to realize the toddler was left the car?

The khazars were ethnically iranian so there's not much of a difference

I'm done with this world. She is suing the automobile company for not warning her about the dangers of a hot car in the summer. Fuck this shit.

>She is suing the automobile company for not warning her about the dangers of a hot car in the summer.
TBF, neither did rebbe

That face is the enemy of The Northern race of man.

That face is unironically perfection. A shame really that she is a child murderer.

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>How long before thrown out due to "antisemitism?"
It won't, jews are above the law UNLESS they harm other jews, much like vampires.

I know how jews look. that thing is not a jew.


Does Black Cube pay good?

>‘My wife walked in and said call Hatzolah, which is the local EMS, the Jewish EMS.
Nice try shekelberg

Satan knows his own

>but your honor, in my defense, I have 11 other children to take care of

The kid was adopted.
Imagine my shock.

>need to cover their hair for religious reasons
>so OF COURSE follow the letter, but not the spirit, of the law
why are jews so predictable? they even kike out on their own supposed beliefs.

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No they werent. They were Chechin

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Nice link FAGGOT.

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>trips of truths

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