

Why are you guys so racists toward us(colored people)?
I didn't do anything against you. I just want to watch good netflix videos and play vidya with you!
No more racist posts in here please

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I'm not racist towards niggers in Africa

so... sorry

If you had been here any reasonable amount of time you would know that most Jow Forumsacks are gigantic weebs who grab at Hitler's declaration of "Honorary Aryan" status like a life-preserver. Personally i consider Asians the best nonwhites and maps the best Asians but i don't think either whites or Asians benefit all the much from sharing a society. To an extent, the oriental needs us more than we need him, but you're also the only race that would probably not go extinct without white people around to take care of you.

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Jow Forums is 90% non-white

slant eyed fuck, go commit Seppuku

I am so sorry. Please forgive me

i'll be your second, just commit Seppuku

>Why are you guys so racists toward us(colored people)?

I follow the Chris Rock rule.

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I just want to be loved, a gf, or friends

I take out that resentment on minorities

Oh yeah and dont tell me what to post and what not to, you slant eyed, rice grinding, needle dick.

Don’t mistake our Laotian Agent Orange Forest Repair Forum with your own family tree.

same except i don't want to be loved, a gf, or friends


diversity is our strength

ok fellow mutt, let us pretend you have a unique culture and heritage that does not include at least 3 or 4 distinct european countries.
Hell, I bet your great great grand mother looked like Aunt Jemima.

I love niggers though

unironically, it probably is.
Hard to "shut down" Jow Forums when 60+ countries post here every day, many of them are not "white" countries in the least

Fuck you, shitskin outreach shill #2897

Not everyone here is racist user.

We have lots of frens here

Although a homogenous community with similar values and traits does indeed have more continuity basing shit on skin color is fucking retarded.

I will take a bunch of libertarians/those who regard liberty as the highest priority of all races any day over hypocritical natsoc fags.

It’s intrinsic values and morality that’s the guiding principles, not because some people have permanent suntans.


So, you'd take aboriginal libertarian women over,hmm, Swedish girls?

At the end of the day, I generally like coloureds. The only thing I care about is if someone is nice or not. As long as you’re nice, I don’t care about any identity you have. We can be frens.

you're a nigger living in japan? get the fuck out

Nips are always welcome here fren

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They're racist because they know they're inferior to the Han.

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of course the leaf would be the faggot

Its divide and conquer shills. Jow Forums is a civic nationalist board.


Give me a sexy pochahontas named Tania everyday.


How’s those favelas working out..

We're all colored people. White is a color too, in fact whites are not whites but light pink

Sorry fren, I was thinking the abbos from the other side of the planet.
This one's a libertarian.

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>Laotian Agent Orange Forest Repair Forum

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(((They))) just want to divide us, actual racism is cringe

Ya because hundreds of years of stability, education, nutrition has no effect on IQ....

as long as you stay in your country, nobody will ever be racist to you

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What if the swedish girls are incontrollable whores?

it's because you are INSIDE of our lands and we didn't vote for it.

Simple as that it's nothing personal, for me at least.....

Hey i like ya Japan. Japanese are actually some of my favorite people. Most of yall still have your honor and duty to your people. Fuck the Chinese tho.

friendly reminder that racism is against the rules and you should report racist posts because jannies and mods are not doing their jobs.

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> tries to exterminate Bosniaks in Bosnia
> as long as you stay in your country, nobody will ever be racist to you.

>implying Bosnians are people

Checked and kek


Respect is earned, not given, and no one here will respect a whiny nigger, nor should. Too many people need a kick in the arse to remind them that whinging about being oppressed like a fucking infant doesn't do them any favours.

I just hate Jews, DESU.

n i g g e r s
t o n g u e
m y a n u s

success breeds jealousy my friend

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How could a people who made waifus possible be hated?

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