WTF what's wrong with her???

WTF what's wrong with her???

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running low on baby souls

satan has come to collect

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somebody do a body language and facial expression analysis. what is she thinking and feeling with timestamps

Shit I would have just walked away from merkel.

And they are saying that's a seizure?

Bull fucking shit. Seizures don't look like that at all. How does she have full volitional control of her arms if she is having a seizure.

It's the wind.

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She has remote control vibrator and someone else is pushing the button.

>about to piss herself


Was thinking this as well

Mutti just needed some water

Attached: merkelbier.jpg (860x484, 56K)

looks like Parkinsons eh?

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wth is up with the size of her head?

If its parkinsons she can't hide it forever

Maybe she had to go pee or potty. Like really really bad.

question is why didn't the guy next to her ask her if she's ok? how much of a cuck can you be?

>tfw they cut off you daily dose of adrenochrome


shaking with anger at the sound of her own national anthem

Could it be Kuru?

That's a lot of funny hand signs.

Attached: Occultists.png (204x374, 63K)

>when you haven't brought brown people into your country for a full one hour

Now that she's on her way out, her supply of virgin blood and ground up fetus powder has been cut off, rapid health decline incoming. Such a shame.

1) Has to pee
2) Neurologically degenerate issues

She just took a stealth shit, it's a common german practice.

He's only they're to catch her when she's falls, like Hillary and her beef handlers

You heard it here first - they're preparing for her resignation for health reasons, so she won't go as a total loser, in a year she will reapear in the EU.

what's with germans and pissing in public


Good now in 80 years we can say she was methhead and show one 4 second clip like they do with Hitler now.

>how much of a cuck can you be?
Are you retarded? Cucks and whiteknights would come to help a woman. He is the alpha anti cuck.

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She finally realized what she's done to Europe.

Big black dildo up her snatch

“I bRoKe ThE sWiTcH hOWw dO I tUrN tHis CrAzY tHing OFfaAaA!!!!”

someone just please fucking murder this bitch already

When you use adrenochrome from migrant babies and realize its low quality and only adrenochrome from white babies should be used

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She is thinking about all the fresh BBC that she will be importing into the country.


If he cares about her it's better to protect her public image by letting her handle the situation alone. If he doesen't care about her it's still better to let her fall down and get a seizure.

Craving for adrenochrome

Honestly she just looks cold. Likely wind and nerves added to lack of sleep made her body temp harder to regulate and she got the shivers.
Do not underestimate the lack of sleep in this effect, lazy unstressed people will not understand

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Computer, pull up "Hitler on Amphetamines"
Analyze.. side by side view.
>*take puff of tobacco pipe*
Paste Hitlers head over Merkels.


Where/when is this from?

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looks like her legs are weak to me. maybe yesterday was leg day for her.

or she's reaching climax from the remote-controlled vibrator her partner forced her to wear...

No you, pathetic nazi larp

Does she have a boner?

that's what I thought. this is some clockwork orange "singin' in the rain" shit right here.

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He's updating her software.
she has the same condition as her papi


Nip post best post

well see more of this the tighter we make our abortion laws. check'um

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Going the way of Hillary

He doesn't want to get metoo#

It's just the wind :)

>when you think you're smart, but you're actually retarded

What the fuuuuuck?!!


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Running low on baby pineal gland dose

She’s a man

I think this is a common occurrence and the dude just waits it out. He isn't surprised at all anymore because this is the 100th time this has happened to Merkel.

Maybe it's a side effect of medication

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LMFAO someone crop her and make a party hard webm with it adding disco lights and whatnot.

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>Oy vey goy can't you see she's freezing over there.

Attached: Ding the jew Sopranos.webm (480x320, 511K)

japan.... everytime.

Looks like she's got to go pee pee

Same as Juncker

It is the devil inside her trying to break out.

Fuck off ahmed this is white men board


Omibod is kicking

This guy gets it
>I also hate this bitch
But have you shutins never seen a fat cunt when her blood sugar gets low?

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That's the stage before jazzhands.
Pic related.

Attached: jazz-hands-1280x720.jpg (600x325, 12K)

She hasn’t let any Muslims in the past 24 hours

This nippa with that hentai shit

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some patriotic soul is spam tipping her 1 token and vibrating her into oblivion, it's a common phenomenon you can witness on that poltical website Chaturbate

When you're a sellout to the globalists and the guilt hits you when you hear your country's national anthem.

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shes just cold

Mike Myers?

maybe it was cold and she used hoter tempratur in hell?

She shivering, its a reflex that can be prompted from all kinds of stimuli
>sex, drugs, fever, etc

I like teaching basic things to aliens, it feels so satisfying!

This is what happens if you don't change into your reptillian form every 72 hours.

People will think I'm joking but it's very true. Look at Hillary and other politcal leaders. It'll look like they are "out of it", but in reality it's an issue they have with not transforming and the toll it takes on the body.

Watch as this election draws closer you are going to be seeing a lot more things like this.

She cant stand near a sexy young man.

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It's a literal interpretation of Taylor Swift's shake it off


Good fucking riddance.

kek, underrated

She is now entering the "Der Untergang" stage

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Parkinsons brah. Either that or she's fighting the urge to breakdance.

Thats a very unusual tremor; its like a parkinsons pill rolling tremor, but more severe and extending to her whole body rather than just the upper limbs.

>when the national anthem starts playing

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I'm telling you, this needs party hard montage, with colored lights and party hard text

demonic possession

Merkel apparently answered questions about the shaking and claimed she just didn't drink enough. After three glasses of water she felt better.

She's fat and unhealthy

The media will say she is in perfect health, but let me ask you something. If your grandma was doing this, and literally nobody was doing anything, wouldn't you run over to see if she is okay? The fact that nobody did anything, means something is up.

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When someone dropped a cent in front of you and you can't pick it up.