Is this the fate of white feminism? to drift away quietly into the night?

is this the fate of white feminism? to drift away quietly into the night?

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Pretty much.
Feminists are going to die alone and unloved. Surrounded only by cats.

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I came here to post pretty much this same thing.
Including the part about cats.


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rare sighting of a non-gay and non-retarded redditor

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The article could add, if it had the courage: "Where lonely men can happily busy themselves with hobbies, the bar scene, erotic pictures and movies, their careers or whatever whim suits them at the moment, women require companionship to feel whole. Sisterhood is not friendship in the same way that brotherhood is. Sisterhood is competition for mates disguised as friendship. Male friendship is real and the hierarchy is respected. In sisterhood there is no steady hierarchy and no respect beyond the white lies told to keep everything running smoothly.

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That last paragraph is pure gold

not everyone wants to buy products that destroy the environment

Damn, well said.

yeah and they are a minority who is subject to the market realities forged by the aggregate

Women are realizing it's a meme. This girl was convinced that she "tricked" my friend into fucking her because she promised a threesome, but only she showed up. All he did was facefuck her, jizz on her face and send her home. Somehow she thought be used like a fucktoy was some sort of victory. Boggles my mind.

Images like this make me wish World War III would just pop off already

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These whores can still vote, that's the danger.

why censor her twitter handle?

>Women are realizing it's a meme.

Thing is it is still being perpetuated. IT is standard material for plenty of female comics to declare themselves to have gone through a slut phase even if it is mostly exaggerated, gets applause from the "woke" audience members... other women who wish they'd been so bold and onions boys who perhaps image in they have a chance with the comic.

That isn't to say that there aren't female comics who have been full on legit sluts... though the real genuine ones can be very jaded and cause utter chaos on the circuit, which can be amusing in itself to a degree. Someone dates the jaded girl then she sleeps with some other comics anyway after a gig... all sorts of politics - yet in today's woke culture they can't really kick off, her body her choice etc.. can't slut shame either, can't get aggressive about it - that would be "toxic masculinity", basically a few of their peers can openly have shagged their girlfriend/now ex-girlfriend and they can't do anything about it other than split up with her and then watch as some other poor chump proceeds to date her.

>Modelling your life after a tv show
God women are such fucking morons.

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>One of the most “emotionally painful” things that Landis did occurred early in their romantic relationship, Baker said. She recalled an incident, right after they had slept together, when Landis asked her if she wanted to see something “awful.” He opened his computer and showed her a “very long list” of women’s names—all of the women who he had slept with, according to Landis. “At the top was a key he had made to rank each experience as enjoyable or not, exciting or not, etc. Some of the women weren’t listed by their names, just by their ethnicity and the location of the encounter, because he didn’t know their names. He scrolled to the bottom and showed me my name, with his rankings next to it.”

>When Baker began to cry, she told The Daily Beast, Landis looked at her “expressionless.” He said that he had shown the list to other women, and that they had had “the same reaction” as Baker, “So he ‘didn’t know why he kept doing it.’”

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Poor cats.