Israel Air Force holding large-scale drill simulating multi-front war

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Based, rip in peace iran.

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Israel is weak. You're all gonna die.

Israel is the strongest nation on earth and will be here long after yours is gone

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>Israel is the strongest nation on earth

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Based Netherlands will outlive you both.

lol, how long did you hold on against Germany?

lmfao the delusion on this heeb

We're still here arent we? So I would say long enough.

they faired better than the jews did

>Israel is the strongest nation on earth and will be here long after yours is gone
Have you read the Old Testament? Because an attitude like that is something God laughs at before scattering the Jews among the Earth.

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Multi-front wars always end well.

Dream big Israel

longer than the 6 gorillion LOL

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Yeah, thanks to allied forces. Without them you'd be speaking German right now
Well, Israel\Palestine was part of the British mandate back then, and Israeli\Palestinian Jews, like my grandfather, fought as part of the British army. So you can say we held on.

Well if you say the jews held on pretty well can you stope whining about the holocaust

they do for us

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I don't. Then again, I don't have any holocaust survivors in my family (all my grandparents were in Israel before the war started), maybe I would if I did.

Und warum ist das so schlimm deutsch zu sprechen?

ich spreche kein deutsch :-(

Sucks to be ju(den)

My uncleworks at Lockheed Martin and can confirm - Israeli planes had to have a built in bedpan of the cockpit seat because Israelis are so prone to shitting themselves.

Yeah? Tell me more about your diaper skills Shlomo.

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Based komsu

Hardly a surprise. Iran will attack Israel from Syria and Lebanon in case of war with the United States.

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they did when arabs didnt have any technology except for kalashnikovs

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The disrespect right here.

>Times of India

im sure you don't. Lizard people will use any arguement that gives them an advantage.

The time is coming. the higher ups are scared shitless because Israel is on it's own.
The United States of America has lasted so far twice as long as the Kingdom of Israel and 3 times longer than the illegal and soon to be defunct state of Israel.

I hope you laugh and love life as you die in a flurry of gunfire. ssshhhhh hush now habibi! nothing but smiles now :^)

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They had Russian tanks and jets. Lebanon war was basically our Vietnam. We interfered trying to make our allies (the Christians) in control, but the only thing we achieved was creating HA.

Typical Jews (This Emrani guy) always deceiving with fake photos then crying "pallywood".
That photo is not even Hezbollah tunnels, it was construction of an underground metro system somewhere in Jerusalem.

Times of Israel. Stay mad Shlomo, don't shit yourself.

>We interfered trying to make our allies (the Christians)
>our allies
>the Christians

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>our allies
>the Christians

that's why next time you had to try again to push burgers into fighting your wars
but its catching up on you lately

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Dated April 19th. Its June now. This hysteria propaganda implies that the people you call deep state are correct about Russia,Syria,Iran being butt buddies in this.

The articles are from June 18th. I even ctrl F'd the word April and found nothing.

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They're on Jow Forums though so probably getting prepared

i can almost feel that rough texture around your neck , soon ... very soon

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sounds good, fight your own wars and stop taking our money then.


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>holding large-scale drill simulating multi-front war
So what they are practicing moving back to Europe and america?

Jeez, deal with the traitors in White House first
You probably won't do shit


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