Why havent you manned up and dated a mtf?

why havent you manned up and dated a mtf?

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Why don't trannys just date other trannys?

I'll fuck that tight boipucci but I'm not going to date it lmao

>Why are so few people willing to tongue-kiss a drooling retard?


>why are people not dating gays
>why are people not dating transgender persons?
>why are people not dating pedophiles?
>why are people not dating dog fuckers?

Because most people aren't gay

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Most people (healthy people) are psychologically hardwired to avoid partnering with individuals who have mental disorders.

Men don’t even like to date a woman with roast beef lips. What makes them think men want to date a man with a scooped out orfice?

Taking advantage of the mentally ill is not what I choose to do.

Because traps are gay duh

Because I date with the purpose of eventually having biological children?

This person is lying. No way 12.5% of people said they'd date a tranny:

Recently, my colleague and I asked this question of just under 1,000 participants and we published our findings in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Our results indicated that 87.5% of the participants who were asked this very question only checked off the cisgender options and excluded transgender and non-binary individuals from their hypothetical dating pool.


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Cuz u got a penis.

If you want an honest answer, it's because they're disgusting, mentally ill psychopaths who are as revolting to socialize with as they are to look at.

Call me up when they'll be able to truly transform them into biological women. Until then, if it can't bear children, I have no need of it.

Because I'm trying to have children, I'm not trying to babysit a mentally disabled person.

Mental illnesses aren't attractive

From the article:
Participants were recruited to the study using online advertisements, listserv messages, on-campus announcements, in-print magazine ads, snowballing methods, and invitations sent to previous study participants. A total of 960 individuals completed the questions relevant to the current analysis; however, two individuals indicated that they were “not inclined to have romantic relationships” and thus were not included in the current analyses, leaving a final sample size of 958. The majority of participants identified as cisgender women (61.1%), followed by cisgender men (37.1%), trans women (.7%, n = 7), non-binary (.7%, n = 7), or trans men (.4%, n = 4). For the majority of analyses, gender was assessed inclusively, such that trans men were included with cisgender men and trans women were included with cisgender women.1 However, where relevant, we have also separated participants by gender identity in order to more closely examine how gender identity may be associated with response patterns.

Participants ranged in age from 18 to 81, with a mean age of 25.51 (SD = 9.29). The majority of participants resided in Canada (76.6%) or the U.S. (19.7%). At the time of participating in the study, most participants were in some form of a dating relationship (65.9%) or were single (32.7%). Roughly half of the sample identified as non-religious (50.1%), and the majority of participants did not yet have a university degree (59.5%), although 56.2% of the sample was currently enrolled in university. Participants also indicated their self-reported sexual identities, with 24.4% indicating gay or lesbian, 63.5% indicating heterosexual or straight, and 12.2% indicating bisexual, queer, or two-spirit

>participants in a psych survey
College kids, then. Would explain the 1 in 8 positive response. Repeat the survey anywhere else, 1 in 8000 tops, and most of them would be chaps in their 40s 50s and 60s with fond memories of thai ladyboipucci, not the freakshow genderfluid bullshit we get in the West.

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fag detected

Have you heard about dilating? Who’d want to stick their cock into that?

Most straight people don't want to date homosexuals.
Most gays don't want to date someone pretending to be the opposite sex.

This means the overwhelming majority of people willing to date trannies are
a) Closeted homosexuals who've convinced themselves it's not homosexual if they date someone pretending to be the opposite sex.
b) Other trannies

That is a tiny ass dating pool.

Basically she got a bunch of college students, and people who read fucking magazines of all things, and after they did the study she told them to invite their friends to do the study. 60% women and 13% queer.

The participant pool is completely skewed and biased, almost as if she was trying to get a population that WOULD say they would date trannies and yet she still failed.

This is (((science))) today, a bunch of women pumping out dumb survey studies so they can write dumb blog articles about sexism.

Why won't you date someone so crazy that they make women look sane/intelligent?

Traps are gay

Thats manning up a bit too much for me

Then there's the amount that virtue signal by saying they would, vs those who would actually follow through

I wonder if I hung out with these people, just being trendy, I'd let one suck my dick if I got drunk, and it looked ok, and xer was really pushing for it.

because i'm not a faggot

Sorry I didn't even read that wrong 25% of the sample was GAY and 13% was Bisexual

So 38% of the sample were faggots


They seem abnormal to me, so I avoid them. Although one time I matched with a tranny on tinder who looked like an honest to god 8/10. I never would have been able to tell from pictures alone, maybe in person though.

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>trannies are willing to date other trannies

/threaded and redpilled

good going

Dog fuckers come before pedophiles

because when I order a taco I don't want a hotdog

die trannies die

Well, 7 in 8 suggesting point blank they would not consider it is quite high for a Canadian ultra liberal survey pool? It will be the older dudes in their 50s assuming the question meant "would you date a pretty thai ladyboy" and the survey producers can't figure out why the spike is so high in that demographic.

It's like that older article "Why can't my gender fluid friends get laid?" when the anwer is obvious to anyone who lays eyes on them: Obnoxious Narcississm isn't very pretty irrespective of your bulshit larp or lack thereof.

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Here is the actual table from the article.

Even in her sample size of entirely university student under 25s only 6/209 (3.3%) of Herterosexual men would date a trans person

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Tranny logic:
You're a loser incel! Nobody will ever have sex with you! Now suck my penis or you're a bigot!

Would date a trap of she was a racist right wing qt desu.

imagine the rolled up arm skin being jammed into an oozing inguinal wound while both pretend to be pleased and stimulated.


The purpose of dating is to try and figure out who to start a family with.
No one can start families with transgenders, they are dead ends.

because it's gay

pic' related, it's our good ol' Chris *Chan

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Because I don't want to put my dick in an open wound you sick fuck

>Looks at flag. A leaf

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for Heterosexual women it was

Because mental illness is an std

not a faggot

Article specifies that when it comes to heterosexual people only 3% would date a tranny

>manned up

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Fuck, I think I m going to throw up

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How in the fuck are 30% of their participants gay?

Because I'm not a fucking faggot.

College kids, dude.

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There is no difference in degeneracy. On a cross, they all look the same.

>pretend to be pleased and stimulated
So like gay sex then. I can see the top getting off. But you'll never convince me that getting rammed in the shitter is pleasurable at all.

>I do not date crazy fuckwits
Next question

not gay

no one wants a mentally ill man in a dress..imagine my shock

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It hurts when your partner commits suicide.

My stance on MtF is the LustComics approach. They are nothing but sexual objects for pleasure. We should push for them to be treated as property.

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>why havent you manned up and dated a mtf?

My pappy told me not to stick my dick in crazy.

Damn just spilled coffee all over here man

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Getting pegged by a chick while she jerks you off is unironically a good time.


Lol I just realized there's going to be trannies hiring escorts who refuse service when they realize what they've gotten themselves into and we're gonna have some morbidly hilarious "Bake the Cake" situations.

Imagine the smell

Are there any neo-vaginas made well enough that you can actually fuck it?

>tight boipucci
Which one?
The one leaking puss and hairballs or the one leaking shit?

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or .. don´t

The one my cute little buttslave cleaned properly before I destroy it with my dick

This. Somebody should tell them that nobody likes a whiny loser. Men have to make themselves genuinely appealing to women before they get any.

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>what's wrong goyim?
>don't you want to stick your penis inside this lovely flesh wou-I MEAN female vagina?

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>What is prostate orgasm?

What can be done to mainstream this degenerate fetish?

If not looking like this then fuck off

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all fags deserve the rope

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no one wants trannies they want full fledge traps

actually thats what ends up happening most of the time

LOL, and they said it wouldn't happen.
>Forced dating in the name of "inclusivity"
omfg clown fucking world.

the trannies, the

What's a date? Is that when you swipe left but they keep pming?

you are a stupid object for nobodies pleasure. You should be treated as property and put up like a scarecrow.

Not even a transfaggot would date me.

traps are not gay.
i'd date a qt trap


Kill yourself tranny or accept your role as a sexual object

plenty of guys are willing to date trans girls secretly, they just don't want their friends to know

No link.

>whatever consenting adults do in their own bedrooms is fine

Reminder that there were many, many people saying that this was the first slip down the slope towards the current year. Nobody listened.

why are you wearing that flag you’re not smart enough to be a communist

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My body my choice

where do I find them. It's literally my fetish ;_;

>PhD degree
>Doesnt understand something literal smoothbrains understand

I can see your degree was worth it


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You wouldn't date this user? This one is old tech too, just wait until the next generation comes out and then your penis will REALLY be confused.

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When I was single I would hookup with with trans here and there. Had a good time. They would get mad when I didn't wanna go out in public with them, but I was able to sweet talk them down. One trans I was kinda into and was very passable. I was talking to it for awhile until a actual female responded to my message. Began dating her for actual pussy. I do miss those tranny blowjobs though....

Where do u meet em