Is there any explanation of the current thot epidemic in the world right now?
Is there any explanation of the current thot epidemic in the world right now?
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This is hell and you're here forever.
corruption culture from murica.
Shitty parenting, it’s all our faults
Birth control
thots don't pay taxes, report to your country's tax revenue service.
General apostasy
Women do what they can get away with. Explanation: men
Jew agenda.
Social media combined with western individualism.
shame the beta and cucks that orbit these whores and fund their degeneracy.
Holy shit. Is this bitch still around?
funny way to spell kill because clearly the have no shame
Yes, my wagecuck friend. And she's been a millionaire for a while now.
this and the combination of the feminist movement creating a stigma around "slut shaming"
you seem to be glowing a little, they orbit ethots, their happens are not know to their family or co-workers.
That explains why I see Dozens of teenage thots at my local store everyday,they just try wanna emulate the degenerate American bitches,the Eastern European woman is no longer based.
You like 14 year old girls. Just like me.
Islam is the only and best fix at the moment
I have a personal hypothesis. Ahem, here goes: (
From time to time in a relationship the woman makes "shit-tests" (often unwittingly) to see if the male in the relationship got any ball's. The test can come in many different forms, but often it comes in the form of some unreasonable demand. If the male cave's in to these demands, he has failed the shit-test and the female dries up realizing the male is too betacucked to stand up to her.
I think feminism has been one giant shit-test on men. Collectively, men failed the shit-test by not standing up to feminist's in time. "We" caved in to unreasonable demands, and now all the woman want's misogynist's from 3'rd world countries all over the world to replace the betacucked male populace in the west.
Weak men are the only reason. Women do only what men allow them.
I'll be honest man,despite our differences I unironically respect Muslim men for keeping their bitches on the leash.
You are correct. What supports this is that women, with all the freedom they have today, are less happy than ever before. This is because they have encountered no resistance. They need to encounter resistance in order to feel safe. Boundaries make women feel safe, absence of boundaries achieves the opposite.
yes, men are ultimately responsible, but it wasn't an unforced error.
Now It's their fault for having such high standards,isn't it
I guess the ones to blame are the strong men who made America great to begin with. They made good times, those good times made the weak men that inherit western society today. But will the weak men of today make the new strong men of tomorrow?
Shitty parenting and guys who can't control their dick so they give the thots money and attention.
Weak men (boomers) lost their rights and morals to government, now another generation of weak men (zoomers) are born in already fucked up clown world and can't even imagine another life, so their maintain all this system of degeneracy
thots use pussy as a commodity, commodities have a shelf life, then they are roasties, roasties must be reminded of their mistake, as an example to others.
stop being a pedo
J E W S is the correct answer, the merchants of sin
merchants-of-sin . com full book there, easy to read, short and good
even the rich and famous become roasties.
reported to your government
Are those actually her kids?
the kids are reading the Daily Stormer . com
You gave women rights.
"A country has the jews it deserves." The source of the problem is thus in the men
a certain historical event didnt happen
show your flag, you son of a diseased whore.
Funny how right Hitler was about literally everything...
adopted, the boy is transgender now. She can't understand "why men will not grow a pair, and date her".
meh, try to change men with jewish influence omnipresent, seems very difficult, remove jewish influence while changing men seems pretty doable in comparison. Focus on the objective.
Don't forget the deadly masturbation machines
Social networks and beta enablers
Or the specially trained rape dogs, or the bear and eagle
My favorite was the steel plate that lowered into water then raised again, then lightening bolts turned 100 jews to ashes. Imagine if the germans had used such a weapon on the flooded battle fields against the us/brits/commies, would be a different world today, lucky us hun.
The Kali Yuga/ Ragnarok. There is no escaping it. Just find a woman who isn't a thot and try to survive the destruction that's coming. And take solace in knowing that all the shitty modern people about today will die from pestilence, war, natural disaster or their own degeneracy
Yes actually. Whores come from hypergamy, which we have stopped preventing in any way with the invention of the birth control pill, the free love 60s, equality, the welfare state. Back when almost any fucking could get women pregnant, they really needed to think about fucking guys that were also good providers. Now that they don't need those men they can just chase Chad thundercock for validation until they get too old.
Look up Rollo Tomassi's red pill 101 videos on youtube.
if she was some fat bitch she wouldn't be famous or have the money. Nigger rappers just want some of that young pussy.
You dumb assholes validate them
Gamergirl here and no I will not date u lol
And the SS pedal powered spanking machine for naughty little kikes.
Hasn’t this been answered by the 1000 other threads daily on this subject?
thots get a lot of attention by both media and people
women like attention and become thots
that kid is 7, you made the quote up.
Yes. There are a shit tonne of horny lonely "men" out there, and women who exploit them for money. Thats it.
>Is there any explanation of the current thot epidemic in the world right now?
women follow men and their directions
"men" are directing women to behave like this as it's more beneficial to them, at least in the short/mid term
stop blaming women, jews and niggers for your current problems frens, blame your father, your uncles your grand father for allowing women, jews and niggers to be in a position where they can do this
her, not the kid.
Birth control, condoms and abortion.
Sex without babies has created a generation of promiscuity.
its not hard, social media and women receiving lot of attention, especially from wankers, makes women vain
>Is there any explanation of the current thot epidemic in the world right now?
Women have rediscovered BBC
Feminism + Jew Media = Thot epidemic
US culture spreads like cancer.
Jew propaganda + no dad in the house + internet is the perfect storm that has unleashed thots true nature
wen sex tape?
>Jew Media
is there any other kind?
Their standards are based on the attention that weak-minded beta males give them on the social media.
Oh haha. Yeah I actually think I read that before.
Ragnarok was the coming of Christianity user, replacing the old Gods with one God.
The world is like the human body. When it was young, it was healthy and strong, full of life and vigor. With age it's grown weak, and sick.
this. We did this.
Simple Explanation: Women have it too easy, are encouraged to become sluts, and beta orbiter "yaaaaasss" men are allowing it to happen.
It only takes societal permissiveness to unleash the evil in a woman. They aren't going to be moral by choice.
I remember the thread. I said something like: who the fuck does she think she is? Without the kids she'd still be an old hag.
What is gonna happen when Bhad Bhabie starts doing hardcore porn?
Mass media.
There is a concept in psychology called "social proof". If people think something is common and "everyone is doing it", they are likely to copy them.
So, when TV shows or other media make promiscuity look normal and desirable, this leads to an increase in people engaging in that.
>Groundbreaking research suggests that pregnancy rates are much higher among teens who watch a lot of TV with sexual dialogue and behavior than among those who have tamer viewing tastes.
>women who read Cosmo were more supportive of sexual assertiveness and the prioritization of personal pleasure in women, but simultaneously seemed less concerned by the risks of sexual behavior.
Fuck I thought she was an adult.... Is she not?
Yes, we gave them power, treated them as equals, now they can let their true nature run rampant.
Socrates warned what happens if you make them equal, none of this is new news. Shit was written down in the first books.
Imagine calling someone a pedo for wanting to see some DD-cup tits. Each day is a brand new smorgasbord of bizarre tragedies in clown world.
I'm gonna jack off to those titties before she ruins them.
Actually birth control causes normal changes that alter the female's partner preference.
drugs, fast food, whoredom, they are hitting the wall at 30 now, they are so brainwashed they don't understand. Chats move on to younger thots, betas do too, roasties end up alone.
she looks so filthy
Men are bitches, in general.
Now women are equal to men.
But you are missing a point, anons... this might be some kind of reporting effect due to social media and more relaxed behavioural schemes.
Do you remember abortion? When the law was passed in my country the stats skyrocketed... but then soared.
Why? It is the same that happens when something new occurs. At first, there is hype and data record unprecedented threshold (protip: nothing was being recorded before, thus the slope is suddenly very steep). Later, data recording gets normal.
Abortions in Italy since the "permissive" law was enforced.
They are decreasing even more if you consider population increased.
She is and smells bad.
women do what they are told basically. They are told to act like this- so they do.
She's still underage.
Give it 2 years user.
This is why.
Sorry, this graph is better because it shows a proportional graph (not bare figures).
Out of 1,000 newborns.
Still a holocaust. But you see the figures soaring.
Yeah and no one is bothered by this obvious grooming from other rappers.
it was madly high here in 80s though. Madly high- what is explanation for that?
Btw there is now 'morning after pill', whihc is nto recorded in any way.
Requesting the video of her wrestling with one of her friends.