Be muslim

>be muslim
>invaded, bombed, raped and massacred in home country
>right-wingers think it's hilarious and a very good thing because they hate muslims
>muslim can't live in home country anymore so becomes refugee
>hundreds of thousands of muslim refugees flood into Europe and USA
>muslims are now everywhere in the western world and right-wingers are extremely mad about it
what did you mean by this ?

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Slide thread fuck off nigger

Wars are fake. Islam is a fake religion.
It's all satanic tranny freemasonry.
Earth is flat. History is a lie.

>(((right-wingers think it's hilarious)))

>they hate muslims
It's in your fucking post.
They don't want to live with Muslims
You dumb nigger.

That migration is the modern revenge for first crusade... Well played Saladin...

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If our military was killing as many Muslims as you people claim we are, then how are there so fucking many in our countries?
the Middle East should be empty if that’s the case, but it’s not.

A dead Muslim is always a good Muslim, and if you sand niggers ever actually attacked Israel, we might be able to remove the threat that’s causing us to bomb you non stop

I don’t want to invade you, most of us don’t, blame our government. But this invasion of our lands, and killing and maiming of our people will not be excused. Come here and die, that much is guaranteed, it’s just a matter of time

Nice story bro. How long did you sit on it?

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>invaded, bombed, raped and massacred in home country
Maybe don't fly planes into buildings?
Why are shitskins all so low agency?

>revenge for first crusade
The fact that we had like 5 other crusades after that one that all ultimately failed in the end, just means the the first crusade has been “avenged” for almost a thousand years

so your solution is to bomb them where they live, so that they become refugees, and end up in your own country?

Well that's just fucking oxymoronic

I mean I know you have wet dreams that one day there's going to be this great purge where all muslims are kicked out of europe or killed. Is it going to happen tomorrow ? Next week? Faggot, when you die of old age the only difference is that there is going to be even more muslims in all european countries then there are now. You made your own bed, fucking retard

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If we bomb you in your own countries, do you really think we won’t eventually kill you in our own countries?
Again it’s a time bomb waiting to happen
Tick tock

I blame the burgers that leaped as the Jew dog and fucked the whole world over.

We live in masonic Disneyland. Everything is fake as fuck.

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>i'm totally gonna kick your ass
>just you wait
>it's gonna happen like... soon

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How many terror attacks are you skipping over at the beginning of your story....How about some context buttfucker.

It’s not our fault our government is a tyrannical piece of shit that we can’t keep in check thanks to (((democratic))) processes

Post without memeflag

>home country

That only works against Christians.

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I'd blame the jew more than anything and of course, the burger that bent down for the jew

You at least have guns. I had to learn to use bows and make my own crossbows lol

>it’s not happening right now so that means it’ll never happen
I’m sure some faggot like you existed when the Europeans expelled all the shitskins from Europe.
Tick tock

I disagree. The west is at falt for the current state. Although the Jew orchestrated it we let it happen.

There are more FTM than real women.
Very messed up world.

>be Christian
>invaded, bombed, raped and massacred in home country
>left-wingers think it's hilarious and a very good thing because they hate Christians
>Christians can't live in home country anymore so becomes refugee
>Get denied asylum by lefty governments, return home to be beheaded by isis

Show flag

I don’t give a flying fuck about Christians in the ME or Africa and neither should you

I want an alliance with muslims to kill governments of the west and all degenerates

except that "right wingers" didn't give a shit about you at all until you started coming here

A separate place for every race

>right-wingers think

Who cares what these brainlet zion capitalist cucks think? You should only laugh at them.

If you read some basic history you can clearly see that the primary reason for muslim terror attacks and the existence of terror organizations are reactions to specific unjustly events which were almost always caused by non-muslims, or some faggot dictator supported by non-muslim powers.

It first started with the colonization of arab countries by europeans, and central asia by russians, this period was however pretty peacefull. Then came britains amazing idea of giving Palestine to european and american "jews". Jews in Palestine had already been conducting a terror campaign against muslims and the british for years, and muslims responded to this, creating the first muslim terrorists. These were mostly leftist pro-soviets however, and viewed the creation of israel and the influx of western "jews" just as western imperialism in the context of the cold war.

Things changed up when the soviets invaded afghanistan. For the first time an "international" jihadi movement erupted, leading to formation of afghani taliban, and al-qaida led by bin laden, which caused 9/11. Then came the invasion of iraq, which caused zarqawi to relocate to iraq and start the "al-qaida in iraq" branch, which later became ISIS

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Kill yourself shitsipper

You’re a fucky dipshit

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You got your history all wrong... Thats all I have to say to this absolute shit thread.

>revenge for first crusade
Mudslimes are still butthurt about a minor war that 1000 years ago. Sad

t. goldberg

What number crusade are we on now? Will Iran be number 15 or so?

Well yeah, don't act as if you wouldn't do the same in their shoes you stupid fucking jew mutt.

>absolute shit thread.
then why your faggot nazi ass on fire, zion cuck?

>bomb people, thus making them into your enemies
>let them in your country
One thing is true, its our fault. Should have shot them on the border.

>flying literal Jew flag
>everyone else is a Zionist
>and a Nazi... somehow...
Why are commies all retarded?

>if you don’t care about Christian shitskins that means you’re a jew
Our entire population will turn brown and black and you cucks will be happy as long as they’re all Christian
Neck yourself race traitor

Ooga booga mufugga to you too!

the first time someone said they would exterminate the muslims was some 1400 years ago. However, their numbers have only increased massively since then. When muslim migration started happening in Europe in the 50's-60's, we started hearing those threats. The pogroms of the muslims seem to be taking an awfully long time... Is it possible you're a fat incel nerd whose only hobby is to be a Jow Forumstard and fantasize about being a crusader knight 700 years ago? I'm thinking yes.

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~-~*#*--~~ / / R E D P I L L E D \ \ ~~--*#*~-~

The moors occupied Spain for over a century before they were thrown out

not the reality at all. christians automatically get approved assylum status and citizenship because they're "persecuted" in their home countries(doesn't make that much of a sense since their religion/people/churches thrived in their muslim-ruled countries for 1400 years)

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Mudfucks invaded, raped, enslaved and destroyed countless territories across the middle East, Africa and even Europe for several centuriea

Muslims are garbage and deserve every bomb, every bullet, every missile that falls on their inbred asses.

There isn't anything wrong with what you meme text, aside from the lack of borders and slaying shitskins trying to invade human countries.

bor i Norge din kodd

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That’s why you shoot them when they try to leave, napalm does stick to kids

There is no "home country" for muslims in Europe. If you live north of the Mediterranean or Caucasus and are a Muslim you are an invader, a descendant of collaborators (traitor), and you should leave.
Sau sage in all your fields.

The Crusades were a response for muslims invading Christian lands, raiding, and committing unprovoked theft, rape, and murder for 400 years.
There is no such thing as "avenging" a war you started.
A Muslim slaps you and screams for help.

ditt parti kampar mycket under dagen
nar kommer SD i regering?
protip: never

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Hence why I put “avenged” in quotations. I’m well aware of the history behind it, just mentioning that those wars happened a 1000 years ago so that the invasion of Europe isn’t justified just because Christians rightfully slaughtered a bunch of shitskins

I don't think that and don't have problem with Albos.
But to me yugoslawia is a warning that forced multiculturalism can be dangerous, for example when the economy crumbles

Ironic you call the Swede a cuck, while you shill for Muslims, “Nord”

Now that Syria has calmed down for the most part, the only Muslim Country that would legitimately count for refugee status would be Yemen, and that's only because it's still being destroyed.

Obama killed waaaay fucking more muzzles than both Republicans that started the war.

Crusad4s were a defensive war.

Wasn't the official reason to help eastern Christians like us?

>be Muslim
>savagely spread evil religion by the sword since its foundation
>countries we mooch off of after conquest collapse as Islamic culture destroys them
>finally people start smashing our shit in

Tell me, why is it that every culture in human history that has had contact with Islamic peoples and not been conquered and raped into nonexistence HATES MUSLIMS?

>>invaded, bombed, raped and massacred in home country
>>right-wingers think it's hilarious and a very good thing because they hate muslims
Congrats on just making up random nonsense!


>thrown out

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Suddenly a shitposter appears

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Lel do I really need to explain the Spanish Inquisition to you?
I know you’re historically illiterate but cmon

>neocons and right wing are the same thing because I’m retarded and I put everyone who disagrees with me in one group

>Muslims are garbage and deserve every bomb, every bullet, every missile that falls on their inbred asses.
and thanks to this logic, muslims are now present everywhere in the world
Enjoy, retard.

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>be muslim
>invade, bomb, rape and massacre every country we can possible enter including our own countries
>right-wingers think we need to stop killing everyone and each other and it's hilarious and a very good thing because we hate them and we kill them in their home countries
>muslim must kill whites in their home country so becomes refugee
>hundreds of thousands of muslim refugees flood into Europe and USA
>muslims are now everywhere in the western world and right-wingers are extremely mad about it
what did you mean by this ?

Mom this isnt facebook

Stfu jew


Let’s imagine for a second that Muslims actually conquer the US and Europe(lel). You think the Chinese are going to sit back and let it happen? No they hate you bugs more than we ever could, and have actually done more than their part to genuinely genocide Muslims. Just imagine being such a terrible bug culture, that even the fucking Chinese want to exterminate you. Sounds like hell to me

instead of being a pussy why dont they join a resistance group

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Please explain why muslims haven't offered a single advance for human civilization in more than 1400 years. The entire culture is stagnant. There has been zero academic offerings for nearly 2 millennia. Fucking sad, honestly.

You failed to mention the part where they're blown up and killed by OTHER MUSLIMS.

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They deserved it.
If you had let us finish what we started, none of this would be happening right now.

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only a paki would have this mentality. This a Muslim free zone, my good sir.

>muslims cant live in home country anymore

Saudi Arabia, an ethnostate for muslims
Pakistan, an ethnostate for muslims
Iraq, an ethnostate for muslims
Iran, an ethnostate for muslims
Afghanistan, an ethnostate for muslims

KYS mosad

some do some dont

so let me get it straight. some jew from the middle east presents a new religion, some euros think this idea sounds cool and become "christians", some refuse to adopt this foreign religion and remain with their indigenous faith, and some other are exposed to other religions like Islam.

But those people are now suddenly "invaders" and "traitors" because they felt no need to follow some jew in Palestine

You should move to saudi arabia or iran, they don't believe in freedom either, you'll fit right in.

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Maybe cuz of the constant wars against them, and tell me of some advances by indians and chinese after 1400

This is something i never understood, who finds arab women attractive enough to rape them?

The reason you shitheads hate them is because you fucking bombed them out of their own country, and now they have nowhere to live, so they come to your country, but youre too much of a fucking retarded bloated piece of shit to blame yourself for what happened. God damn stupid bong.

The same thing is happening with the US Southern border. America's policies towards the drug war and their interference with Central and South American politics turning them commies into dictatorships that answer to them cuz basically fueled instability in the region for decades and now those roosters are coming home to their soil to roost. If you didn't want fucking refugees from their you shouldn't have made their countries unbearable to live in fuck wods

Karadžić and Milošević are in hag for genocide your fucking president and highest general


Orthodox/Catholics in Balkans are so fucking retarded, instead of allying and wiping you jihadists forever they instead fight eachother

>they have no where to live
What about all the other Muslim countries we’re not currently at war with, and are much much closer than Europe
Nah they’re here for gibs don’t pretend they’re escaping a war, when 90% of them are males capable of fighting and defending their country

>how can I ever recover from this epic comeback

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Go back to Poland pedo

How does that defeat my argument?

They don’t have to be attractive to get raped
South America’s entire population would still be Native if the Spaniards only fucked the attractive ones



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>be goatfucker believing in arab pedo
nothing of value is lost

you're right OP, we should've killed them all instead

vast majority of muslims, especially chechens, are right-wing you dumbass

What do Bosniaks have to do with middleestern muslims. NOTHING

Id rather worship a "arab pedo" than a fucking jew nailed to a stick.