This American has $235k of student loan debt he can't pay back

>I have $235,000 of student debt. The first $120,000 came with a bachelor’s degree from my state school. Another $70,000 or so came with my master’s degree. The remainder is accrued interest.
>The suggested minimum monthly payment on my private debt alone is approximately $1,200. For reference: that’s nearly rent for the 600-square-foot apartment where I live with my partner in New Jersey.
He's a journalism major, BTW.

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>this man is a fucking idiot

>He's a journalism major, BTW.


>here’s 235k in free money
Fast forward
> how could this happen to me.

>I spend money I didn't have on something I didn't need
>now I'm fucked
Ah, life as a braindead normie following the laid out algorithm programmed into his soulless eyes.


>The first $120,000 came with a bachelor’s degree from my state school.

lololol how in the fuck

>picking a degree where you arnt paid for your masters degree
pleb degree

Kek, why would you get a Masters in journalism.

Also I live in NJ and got zero help from FAFSA , he did not pay 120k for a bachelor's degree unless he failed many classes

There better never be debt forgiveness for these retards. They should be hounded for the rest of their lives until they pay every penny back

How do you do Jewish business man?

what's most amusing is that literally anyone can become a journalist and a degree is not required if he got a useful degree and then became a journalist he'd have better chances

Man. That sucks. He should have bought better degrees if he was going to borrow so much of our tax dollars. Now he's actually worth less than nothing.

Frankly, these people knew they were never going to pay this money back and that is fraud. Put them in jail. It's not putting you in "debtors prison" if you willfully defraud the US government.
I think even Lizzy Warren knows that if they actually forgive this debt there will be an all-out civil war.

This, or he took a ton of random electives trying to figure out what he wanted to actually pursue.

Don't care faggot

stopped giving a shit

Well, what did he think was going to happen?

Any normal person would never put themselves in this situation.

my brother

Bankruptcy doesn't clear student loans either. He will probably need to suicide.

Lmao I think we just became best friends

Lol he's a broke ass faggot

>The first $120,000 came with a bachelor’s degree from my state school.

My debt went up by 33k in two years when I couldn’t pay it. Thanks, compound interest.

University keeps the money

LOL he deserves to die broke after thinking some liberal faggot degree could be worth 250k

just learn to code lol

>tfw family connections at uni
>got free tuition
S on anyone dumb enough to get in debt for the rest of their life for a shitty degree

imagine after your freshman year of college you've racked up 40k in debt, and still going to the same school to rack up the same amount of debt per year

dumb faggot deserves everything coming for him

he thinks that the anus is a sex organ of course he can't understand why taking over 200k in loans is a BAD idea. at least little faggoy wage slave won't have to spend anything on kids lol

Rutgers costs 30k a year ish.

At that point, just leave the country and never come back. Paying that off isn't worth it.

Jesus, bad choice of subject.

Even though I have credit card debt, suddenly I feel rich reading this.

>Take my tax money to bail out worthless masters of journalism and diversity study

that shitskin Arab looking mutt can just go ahead and kill itself then.

He apparently got a Bachelor's in Journalism, and a Master's in Social Journalism.
He (or his editor) conspicuously omitted mentioning his major(s), probably knowing it would make people unsympathetic to him.
He's a Russian Jew immigrant

Probably should have taken a personal finance class his freshen year.

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>Master's in Social Journalism.

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Honestly, I have been as miserable as sin for the last week or so. But this has really cheered me to see someone making even worse choices than I do.

Meh I'm 245k in debt because this one college scammed me by saying they were accredited and it turned out they weren't. I'm fine with the debt that I'm in even though repayment is outrageous at 2,400 a month. I'm in the counseling/therapy profession as well and I couldn't care less about paying the shit back slow.
The government has to learn that the college institution is to blame for this inflation, and themselves for ever allowing colleges to utilize government spending to inflate the price of their services to this degree.

Anyone who racks up more than $20k in student loan debt for anything other than engineering, CompSci, accounting/finance, or med school is a fucking idiot

I love how the shills and dummies blame the children rather than the institutions, the bankers, the corporations, the cabal. It is always the individual vs civilization itself where a single, solitary child should no better than the totalizing superorganism cocked and loaded against his sovereignty should he move a nanometer in the way of self-determination. It’s like these people think their own slavery is qualitatively different, that they are free rather than being the house-niggers they are. Boring.

He will go to prison and get anal dilated then, he consciously put himself in debt.
Dumb fucking children not everyone can be a champagne starbucks college campus bourgeois. If you don't have money or the opportunity then you have to stay in your lane and be a cashier your wholelife, loser

What stops me from going crazy with loans in school, getting a degree, getting linked up with some company/marrying some girl in another country, and just living there as a skilled worker while telling the US bank jew to fuck himself? Will they come for me in Sweden or Estonia or something?

He actually says in the interview that he'd rather his income go towards buying a house and not paying down his debt.
In effect, he thinks tax payers should indirectly subsidize his real estate purchases.

I have a stem degree, took out scholarships, worked through college, and had a teaching assistantship so the school paid for my masters degree and I made money doing it.

Get fucked journo. Your degree isnt worth the paper its printed on and it's nobodys fault but your own you got swindled

>my parents pay $600 towards my student loan a month
>i pay 35
>and that's totally fine i wanna live my life LEAVE ME ALONE
>*types on macbook*
>*eats guacamole*
he's playing devil's advocate, right? like, it's not real and he just plays a parody of millenials

Paid back loans in full within 3 years. Not that hard if you took loans out in anticipation of a high salary after grad/law/med school.

t. Formerly 160,000 in debt

Of course (((they))) need to be called out, but individuals also need to learn to understand what a fucking loan is and formulate a plan for how they plan to pay it off.

know* ugh

how is it any different than welfare and housing for people who dont work, probably even pays taxes, so is contributing, but that money to the govt doesnt count towards the loan, neat. fuck even illegal immigrants benefit from free money from the govt.

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It took him 12 years to finish. he kept switching majors. first he did sociology, then photography because he thought he was talented and maybe some magazine somewhere would need a photographer. He also tried graphic arts because he's creative. Then finally he settled on communications.

You have student load debt don't you? No, I'm not a jewish business man, I'm someone who is pissed as fuck because I worked my ass off and finished college debt free while watching these retards live it up on their student loans buying MacBooks and booze. Now they want their debt forgiven making all their college and partying free? Fuck no.

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4 years of having the best time of your life at $30k/year
University was crazy fun, but there's no need to go to an expensive one

>the debt of a physician
>the salary of a failed blogger


>and a Master's in Social Journalism.
Well there you go. Hard to feel sorry for a dumbass who spent more than I make in 20 years to study for a useless degree for a career in writing shitty clickbait.

This guy proves that college can't fix stupid.

Should've learned to code
Or done digital graphics arts like a smart artsfag

Nobody cares that you have a rich daddy, faggot

College is a debt slave trap for idiots.

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Finland is a welfare state but even here he would be regarded as a moron. Study for a trade job first and then after years of experience in blue collar job, thats when you consider wasting your money on a university degree.

Even with working, the debt should still be forgiven or partially forgive. it is way too expensive this day and age.

If I had rich parents I wouldn’t have needed 160k in student loans you jealous pleb. See you at the drive thru window cuckboi.

Honest question pol. If you were 29, no debt, can get a middle class job, but you think you might enjoy doctoring would you do med school? Isn’t the average like half a mil of debt and like 250k salary?

You can thank congress for abolishing usury laws. Banks basically own you if they want to they can crank up those interest rates to 100%.

>my partner
$20 he's a lazy bottom

Great. So it's paid off in 3 years. Fuck yeah I'd become rich if I had the ability.

My view is the “no loan ever” mantra because you already owe enough on the existence of the fiat currency. This applies even if you wind up in food service for 15 years. Credentialism is the problem with the economy, not lack of education/information. Call me an egalitarian but it’s bad enough that the rich own all the productive tooling and quality real estate.


Literal faggot journalist. The memes are real.

>partner in New Jewsy
He's a faggot to boot

i studied economics for 3 semesters then went on an ecstasy binge for a month and had a breakdown and dropped out. i don't owe any money to anyone and have more than a few million dollars. OP guy is clueless and has been coddled. even in his journalism job he is coddled.

I thought about going back to med, but the cost of loans is insane for something that I'm not sure about. Plus I codefag so I'm fine for now.

See if you can shadow a doc in different settings before you take that leap

>journalism cunny

Attached: cunny.jpg (872x505, 58K)

>Being a Russian journalist in todays climate

Not necessarily. What if, instead of the government paying back his debt, *no one* pays back his debt? And the school, Jew money laundering scheme that it is, goes out of business because it charges too much for a commodity that is available cheaper if the price isn't inflated by Professor Rosenbaum's salary and Shantrina's scholarship? What if that happened?

I'd be okay with that.

29 is to old to start an eight year education program that entails massive amounts of debt.

So what did he turn these $190k degrees into?

Or he also used the student loans for housing and food.
Some kids really treated college like 4 years to freely do whatever they want without worrying about tomorrow

>go to overpriced as fuck college
>take extra years to graduate because you keep switching majors
>major in useless shit like journalism
what a fucktard, he deserves all that debt. how fucking hard is it to grasp the concept that you should go to a cheap college if you don't want debt?

Oh no! My actions have consequences!

>my partner

Sounds like he's great at making life choices.

>the debt should still be forgiven or partially forgive
So you just laugh your ass off at the responsible guy who passed up the expensive prestigeomat and went to 2 years community college / 2 years state school because he knew he could never pay back the loans. Fuck your cancer world you cheating thief.

>I am in a lot of debt
>And its impeding my ability to get more loans
I don't think he learned anything...

Its expensive because everyone can get a loan.

I have no sympathy for them, and forgiving their loans is just a bailout for irresponsible people

>go to college
>work 2 jobs and never have time for fun
Looks like you don't benefit from loan forgiveness

>go to school
>get job
>pay back loans within 5 years
Sorry, this bailout program is only for lazy/retarded fucks who didn't put any thought into anything

Don't watch the video unless you want to pop a blood vessel from rage. Parents came from USSR in hope of a better life for their son. This wimpy little brat is spoiled and entitled in a way is amazing after only one generation in the U.S.

At 29, he seems perfectly happy for his parents to pay $600/mo toward his debt while he pays $35. And cuts back on work from full to half time while groaning about his oppressive financial burden. I'll bet he spends far more on lattes every month than on his debt.

Hey asshole: You have debt because you bought a useless product and paid for it with the taxpayer's money.

Absolute worthless human trash.

well i guess it's my responsibility to help him pay it off then

Spbp. Enemies of the people, they all deserve to starve in the street

>I made extremely poor choices and now I need someone else to fix them.
Does anyone understand personal accountability anymore? What a fucking moron.

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We should all be trying to pop the university debt bubble, not pay into it holy fuck

Bruh just have rich parents duh makes everything way easier

It really doesn't matter what degree you earn if you can use the internet to apply it.

This is the 21st fucking century anyone can get any job they want with enough experience.

Fool doesn't know how to balance a budget, working a job and interning for experience.

I fucking love being debt free, but sure, sometimes I can't afford everything I want and have to wait until the next pay check...
When I speak to my peers it's clear people just don't do that, if they can't afford, they borrow...

Delaying gratification is really nice to actualize, just realize that you don't need much cept a wife and a couple of kids to sleep next to at night and spoil once in a while.

>He's a Russian Jew immigrant
So he can just flee to two shit countries to avoid ever paying anything back.

Perspective matters. Those in the building trades are building finance and usury, maybe “cleaning up” after military adventures in foreign lands. Again, it’s like you expect people to graduate a state k-12 knowing education is for profit, not a societal good, that Western civilization no longer needs numerous professions their parents worked in just the last generation, that the uni still trains in these areas because it serves evil, and so on. Go get your trade certs, a bank loan on your house and truck, and serve those same rulers. The money flows or it doesn’t because they could create economic activity of move it someplace else. Stop romanticizing the trades.

>faggot journalist is 250k in debt
>I am up18k in the market today
Having a good day so far

Isn't that kind of like saying that if we vaccinate kids against polio, we're laughing our asses of at the guy who spent five years of his childhood in an iron lung and then struggled to learn to walk with leg braces and crutches? Just because horrible, preventable misfortune struck someone in the past, is that really justification for not preventing that misfortune for anyone?

>paid for it
Yet there it dangles, around his family’s necks.

>50k debt for accounting
>turns out the jobs pay $18/hour
>my part time job in uni paid $30/hr (tip based)
it's all so tiresome.

fun fact. wells fargo pays grads with 2 years experience 17/hour. this is your nation on jews.

Dont feel bad for the parents they raised him

>with my partner
I bet his partner is male.

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