What happened to blacks after 1950's?

Seems blacks were pretty redpilled until the early 1960's or so. What happened? Will they return to pic related?

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Welfare and hip hop

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LBJ and the lie of the Great Society that put them all on welfare with the mantra that racist southern democrats care about them.

CIA niggers and liberalism telling them they dindunuffins

A lot of their culture was white washed and almost forgotten. Thankfully they regained it.

Degeneracy affected them even more

This is the correct answer.

Regan happened

Once a monkey always a monkey.

Blacks were still niggers deep down, they just were afraid of getting lynched if they got too outrageous. The rear of the white man makes you act more civilized

They are small brain, easily controlled by trends. They'll be whoever the flickering screens tell them to be.

They rejected white culture

Undisclosed population experiments
Spread of drugs
War on Drug
Underfunded education
Lack of positive role models.

they still don't really have a culture though, they're just degenerate now

Martin Luther Kang liberated them and now they live in squalor.

beat me to it.

More culture then whites.

civil rights movement. before that irish and italians had higher crime rate than blacks.

the CIA happened
how do you not know this?

They were always a bunch of retarded savages, it's simply that they still had leashes on them back then and there full well were consequences for their shit too.

>tfw from conservative Caribbean black family
>tfw Grandfather was a god fearing pastor and Grandma is 90+ something years old and still sharp as a razor because she never drank/smoked or developed other bad habits
>tfw my father, uncles and aunts are all businessmen, lawyers, doctors and engineers
Goddamn I love being an outlier. We really do have to something about our ghetto counterparts though.

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They were legally integrated into white society and white degeneracy tore away the fabric of their communities and black culture.

Here you go, OP

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nothing has changed in the niggers, what changed are American whites. niggers "behaved" back then because they were afraid of getting their shit kicked in by whites. now American whites have become docile and stopped lynching nigs when they acted up and now they terrorize us rather than the other way around like it used to be.

Ah yes, such great culture

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jews. they came down from new york and stirred them up and now here we are today.

Have you NOT seen the movie Avatar? That is the kind of society we could all be living in if it wasn't for whites being so goddam greedy.

>forgetting the biggest contributing factor... genetics.
Whites have been suffering many of those things for a while now but it's only been recently that its started our collapse. Its almost like nig nogs were predisposed to self destructive tendencies.

>what happened.

The FBI, CIA, COINTELPRO, Iran-Contra and the ensuing, government created crack epidemic happened, user.

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white people are the dominant culture of the planet

>niggers "behaved" back then because they were afraid of getting their shit kicked in by whites.
This. In those days the average black man feared the white man. today its the opposite.

Very nice digits, checked and confirmed

Now post the pic of her with a black eye and bloody lip.

Wer stopped hanging them when they stepped out of line

Oh you don't want to get into the business of measuring culture, small brain. Culture is your people's interpretation of the world and it encompasses everything, so by that metric whites have far more of if than anyone else, like Dylann Roof said, the reason they say we have no culture is because our culture is everywhere. Our culture is the only reason why there are modern cities in whatever shithole you come from.

More like, "plague".

hiphop would have been fine if not for every other factor affecting niggers. it's the welfare.

gee, what happens when you systematically destroy the family unit. What happened to blacks over the last 80 years is that white guilt ruined them because white people thought they new better

Yep. Same in every country, stupid materialistic rapper that is spoken about everywhere with kike promoters behing the scene

Whatever helps you sleep at night Kyle.

>Jews tell you that you're oppressed
>Sends confirmed nigger faggot MLK to whip them into a frenzy
>False flags
>Tell sheboons they don't need no man and can get gibs if they kick out the man
>Rest is pottery


We're also the only reason you are able to drive a car, or take a shit in your own house without having to go in the woods. Oh but you have colorful beads and earrings, I guess that means you win.

The quality of posts was higher back then

I think an outgoing POTUS, in 1963 I think, said something like,
“We will have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years”.
It’s been downhill ever since.

basically. White culture became so dominant on this Earth we became the "base" culture. Now any deviation from that (the "diversity") is called "culture," ignoring the underlying white culture of it all

reparations for slavery happened.
it combined with single mother welfare
and it resulted in 70% of black kids being raised by single mothers (going up from 20% before 50s)
first generation of black kids raised by single mothers and made belive whatever they do wypipo are guilty created gangsta rap culture
there's no coming back from this one if you dont exterminate jews and destroy any influence they ever got over society including socialism, cultural marxism etc

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Why do Whites try so hard to be apart of Black Culture, but nobody tries to emulate white "culture".

Democrats happened

In the 1950s if a nigger raped a white woman he was getting dragged through the street before being strung from the nearest lamppost, and everybody knew it. This is the level of law enforcement required for negros to exist in a state of pacification.

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And don't forget they killed our space culture to give more money fo dem programs. We could be having this conversation in a Moon Hotel right now.

Genetics has been disproved countless time, boomer.

>a part of

Power. The beta cuck white male sees himself as weak, and these livin' large rap niggers who give no fucks as something to emulate.

In some ways they are right, as gangsters exude masculinity - Violence at any moment, they take what they want..

Too bad there wasn't an option for beta cuck teens to emulate.. like some strong Nazi alt-right folk that seem cool..

Everyone tries to emulate white culture. Then they call it "racism" when they realize they can't do it as good as us...

Can't argue back so diverts to grammar. What a faggot.

Eventually those blacks have to put on a suit and speak English properly for a job interview, it is in that moment where your culture of shirking authority goes out the window and you become a white person for a few minutes.

Nothing but downhill.

Like what? What is your culture? Barbecues, potato salad, and coleslaw??

Niggas gotta get a paycheck some how. You whites are everywhere.

Blacks were convinced that instead of having their own shit, they should just have whiteys. Back in the day the Black part of town was where only blacks did business. If you were a white man in a black man's store, you were asking for trouble and questioning by black men as to why you were in their part of town. People fail to realize segregation was for all races, including whites.

The Democrats need voting cattle on their welfare plantations, not individuals that can reflect on their misery. They will keep blacks chained up forever if it serves them.

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>genetics have been disproven.
>there are no differences between peoples.
>we are all equal.
>race is a social construct.
>evolution stopped at the neck when it came to humans.
>hey take a look at my ancestry.com results! It shows I am 85% german!
It's all so tiresome.

Look up how the Socialist and Communist Parties of America both tried to seduce blacks into their ranks.
Read about how The Nation Of Islam sent men into prison on purpose to manipulate and persuade them to become pawn for their crooked leader.
Read up on how the feminists movement, whose leaders were all old bitter Jewish ladies, targeted young black females in the 70s.
Being angry makes a people easily lead.
Their lowest common denominator became the mouth pieces for outsiders and groups with malicious endeavors. The educated one and the ones who pushed back were either silenced through violence or death.
An entire community with their own police, business owners, family structure, and so on was dismantled slowly.
Once they finished with them they came after the whites.

Everything from our architecture, to our clothes, to our technological achievements, our family structure, our economies, our food (including "black staples" like fried chicken), to sports (another "black staple" like basketball).

It's not a coincidence that non-whites try to follow us around by getting in to our countries.

White people are by far the most appropriated people on the planet

You're appropriating white culture just by living in a civil society.

>hiphop is fine
Lmao how much more bluepilled can you get faggot?
You probably unironically listen to that fucking garbage.

you can get a nigger out of a jungle but you can’t get the jungle out of a nigger

The culture was more encouraging of good behavior. Cops could use enough force to keep them in line. They didn't get as much welfare so they had to work harder. I'm sure there are lots of reasons.

A perfect case example of what is happening to the general population. The black nuclear family was obliterated by state welfare policies and degenerate "black" (((media))). The state became the husband and provider for the single African-American woman and her children, while the father never committed to the relationship. Pic related.

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This. LBJ did more damage to the black community than anything else desu.

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Non-whites even try to make themselves look more white, often dying their hair blonde or trying to make their skin and eyes look lighter.

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Make a difference and try to post more high quality stuff in the future.

>but nobody tries to emulate white "culture".
Have you ever seen a black anchor/reporter on a news channel?

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We really have no choice. You crackers has everyone else on lock down.

None of what you mentioned was invented by whites.

Because a NIGGA, gotta get paid.

Government started paying them to not work and create broken families

They weren't. It just keep getting worse now that they aren't kept in check anymore.

also abortion


Yes I have to admit such a strange heartbreaking scenario all those whites that want to commit crime.
But none of the blacks want to not commit crime

operant conditioning via welfare programs happened. No they are too far gone. They will require a stress-induced mental breakdown to be reconditioned.

Why are you the way you are? Why can't you see that the white man is the devil?

I sincerely apologize for all the crime we're not committing.
I'm sorry I didn't rape your sister.
I'm sorry I didn't bludgeon your elderly grandmother to death for $50 of silverware.
And if you knew who your father was I would also be sorry I didn't kill him in a mugging.

I hope you don't shoot up a movie theater anytime soon. Also please try to not rape a young boy at the playground.

Black people actually have higher child molestation and domestic abuse rates

Dont let the suits and clean cut look confuse you, those were niggers just like they are today. Read Malcom X's biography when he was living in Harlem, they were complete degenerates.

Oh yes I'm sorry for that we don't commit massively a disproportionate amount of the mass shootings.
I'm sorry for this

Do you have like, actual statistics or are you pulling that out of your ass? Can I get some links?

Why dont you prove your assumption faggot. That's what my post was demonstrating. You are making retarded assumptions based on false stereotypes.

For the domestic abuse rates go check FBI statistics by race 2016. It's at least 2x as high for blacks than it is for whites.

Hey faggot, how about you post it? Go ahead and google it for me. Then take a screenshot and post it.

bump, fpbp, this

Amen brother.

Also, fuck niggers.

t. Fellow black person

There you go. Blacks commit 29.1% of offenses against family and children (domestic abuse). That's 2.5x their share of the population.

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The biggest redpill is that the North African race has known blacks for the longest length of time out of any non black race yet still to this day regard them as violent stupid animals. This means blacks would never amount to shit even if ape hop didnt exist, they were always uncivilized violent savages even back in the 30s.

Blacks have no nuclear family, single moms are off the charts in Apefrica thats simply their natural family unit because they are paleolithic savages.

White people introduced the black man to the cocaine. The rest is history.

Got em. Nigga you really thought I was going to read that shit? Hahahaha

>niggers SUDDENLY became stupid, violent animals after being freed and given access to free education and financial benefits
>niggers definitely weren't stupid, violent animals before, because they dressed nice in these photos I found