Remember when ice raids you next week you have rights pol!

Remember when ice raids you next week you have rights pol!

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You're literally ILLEGAL. You have no rights

Imagine believing this lmao sorry hunny the future is brown and beautiful!!

I like how they're depicted as off the street thugs and not government agents
The end goal of both parties is an open border, which is why neither of them call out obviously ridiculous shit like counting non-citizens in the census or giving them driver's licenses

False. Everyone on US soil is entitled to due process.

Damn I hope ICE shows up to deport those two MS-13 members before they break into that black kid's home.

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of course you have rights. but staying in a country illegally isn't one of them.

Can we meme this away? Only tax paying citizens are entitled to due process

>Everyone on US soil is entitled to due process

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Brown is beautiful

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They say you have rights but then go on to explain how actually you dont
>you may demand X
>but they're not gonna comply
>and even having said X and them not complying is probably not gonna change anything in court

>beans use the internet for information and research

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Yout friend summary execution wrong

they have the right to GTFO of the country

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Does anyone have that fake infographic telling illegals they have bogdanoff rights?

lol why didnt they make ICE diverse in their cartoon?

Oh, don't you worry. They'll be "processed".

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I can't tell if a liberal made this or a white nationalist

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>implying illegals have rights

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