The AR-15 is a weapon of war designed to kill people on the battlefield...

The AR-15 is a weapon of war designed to kill people on the battlefield. It's also the weapon of choice of mass shooters:

Aurora: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Umpqua CC: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
Texas Church: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Pittsburgh synagogue- AR-15

You have 10 seconds to explain why the AR-15 shouldn't be banned.

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Other urls found in this thread:

2nd Amendment.


2nd amendment. Next

The second amendment doesn't prevent an assault weapons ban.


I enjoy firearms and as the only sentient being in the universe it is a crime against humanity (me) to attempt to limit my enjoyment.

I like buldge

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2nd amendment czechfag, sage in all fields for this slide thread

oh now a wild Assault Rifle 15 appeared

>ar 15 in the battlefield
Kys dumb nigger

The nigger is an animal of the farm designed to pick cotton. It's also the weapon of choice of jews.

Violent crime statistics: nigger
Violent crime statistics: nigger

Violent crime statistics: nigger
Violent crime statistics: nigger
Violent crime statistics: nigger
Violent crime statistics: nigger
Violent crime statistics: nigger

You have 10 seconds to explain why the nigger shouldn't be banned.

Attached: klykstystst.png (513x463, 97K)

You are correct, it prevents a ban on ALL weapons

Don't need to get fucked poofta.

Have Sex.
Women are choosing to get themselves a Black King for a child more then ever before, Women are fucking Black Men.
wh*Tebois become incels, and do mass shootings like disgusting sad little virgins they are.

Well-regulated means "well-supplied and trained" in this context. What do you not understand about "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"? That's even stronger wording than "Congress shall make no law"

Orlando was a Sig iirc.

Well regulated means well equipped you retarded fuck
All fields

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It’s the only way I can convince myself I’m safe.

Lmao show flag


Regulating is infringing. 2A is the most vague and useless law of all time.

hi larper. mommy cooking tendies?

The AR platform was designed as a civilian sported rifle in a time when the military was going to keep shooting 7.62 from M14As until the SEcond Coming.
Sandy Hook and others were SCAR not AR.

I want a HK-417

give up your ar goyim, we only have ac130s and 50 megaton nukes.


>Have Sex.
>Black Kangs
niice b8

The AR-15 was designed to kill as many people as possible, in the shortest period of time. The designer literally admitted that. That’s what makes it a prime weapon for mass murder.

Sure, but only if the government and all its agencies gives up all their automatic weapons first, since no one can be trusted with them, this should be no problem, right?

nice picture, faggot
fuck you

statistically there are more mass shootings with pistols
>retard BTFO!


The second amendment doesn't preclude common sense gun control laws. The ban on full automatic machine guns was a huge success. There's no reason an AR-15 ban won't work just as well.

Unfortunately the feds don't have their own flag on Jow Forums so they have to improvise and choose the next closest.

What weapons do the mass shooters use in Chicago every single weekend? It's usually handguns, or if they feel really fancy, a 20 year old MAC 10. You're only closed minded to the right to bear arms because it's something you will never achieve.

It's actually quite clear. Have you considered the possibility that you're retarded and don't comprehend the words you read?

anyone going to post more bulges or what

i appreciate these slide threads as a means to educated newfags.

Justification (prefatory) Clause:
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

Operative Clause:
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What did it mean to regulate:
Means to make regular, or in regular working order. A well regulated clock, means that the clock is telling time properly.

People assume regulate dictates a power or ability, but this isn’t how the word has always been used.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In many ways this article has already been diluted. First off militias are, to my knowledge, not legal in the US. Secondly many states prohibits arms carry (right to bear arms).

so how exactly does the 2nd amendment hold any value? On a side note: I'm note saying people shouldn't have the right to own guns, because they should, I'm saying that your system has utterly disregarded one of the most basic rights of your country for decades.

and it jams all day long

The AR15 didnt kill many people. It was Dow Chemical and Boeing that killed far more people

Who the fuck is this lying kike "Sullivan" guy? The AR was invented by Eugene Stoner.

We're not gun-hating faggots.

Imagine being a czech (or jewish shill with a cz proxy) trying to tell americans what their own laws mean. Didn't you learn the importance of weaponry from Sarajevo?

because fuck you, that's why

He's the designer of the AR-15 that you love so much, cleetus.

miltia’s are but an example for the reason they wrote it in the bill of rights. not the sole reason.

Actually it was designed as a hunting rifle and simply adapted then adopted because its so awesome.
Banning semites from owning guns would probably be more effective.
Also how come most OPs are literaly trannies and faggots? This just boggles my mind.

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moar Jow Forums traps pls

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Honestly there's no purpose in maintaining the Czech Republic anymore. It would be simpler and safer if we gave them back to the Russians

nuh uh, mine got out and went murdering people
I spent all night chasing them around

the ar 15 is a gopher gun

Aurora: Pistols and grenades.
Sandy Hook: Used pistols. AR was in trunk.He never used it.

AR is a misnomer. Any hunting rifle with a magazine can be used with the same (or actually worse) effects.

I'm a school trained infantryman and can drop as many people with a bolt action and stripper clips as opposed to a sperg with a chest rig full of 30 round magazines

Where did you get an idea that militias are not legal in US?
Is it because they have so glowniggers? They are there to trying to provoke militias to start something illegal.
They see any and all non-fed activity as a threat to their position.