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A Jew

>Chad pumps and dumps a roastie
>attacks all the other beta men in a post

jews are the most atheists, degenerates, women are actually all whores, prove me wrong


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>happy father's day to all the men whi aren't fathers because they had absolutely no say when the thots decided to murder their children because it was convenient.

Sadly accurate fren

Have sex

Happy Father’s Day to the people that don’t have reproductive rights and never will

Have abstinence
Better yet, repent for your sinful ways
Stupid fucking hedonists...
I genuinely feel sorry for you if you think rubbing bodies will actually make you a better person or increase your self-worth or value
No wonder this generation is fucked

i had a pretty girl i was dating ghost me for over a month only to show up at my door on valentines day to tell me she had aborted my baby. never knew she was pregnant and it haunts me everyday for more than a decade now. fuck this jew.

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“Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is an incel”

Have companionship, roastie. Oh wait...

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I mean.. doesn't sex exist to make babies, but if we're allowed to murder them doesn't that mean humanity rejects the actual purpose of sex, and puts few moments of bodily pleasure above human life?
Hm, isn't that Satanic. Isn't the left inherently Satanic?

We all should have sex, i agree, for it's correct purpose above all.

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>have sex
>kill more babies

fucking devil

What a repulsive post. Who the fuck actively supports the disgusting process of abortion? Its sucking and destroying the life of a future human out of a women's body. Does anyone have the Web.md of the baby moving away from the instrument as its trying to kill it?

Its a gross process, and anyone that marches through the street to support it i find to be reprehensible.

Show your flag

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user, I...

Is she saying "happy father's day to the men who had their sons and daughters murdered and should be happy about it"?

>you have remained silent in the fight for safe access to abortion
But it's her body, I thought it was none of his business?

>safe access to infanticide

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Do American liberal women really think that most women get abortons? They seem to talk about it like it's birth control.

>Does anyone have the Web.md of the baby moving away from the instrument as its trying to kill it?
The fuck? Seriously?

Memeflag. Move along, people

That hurts

Aww shucks thanks for the nice wishes, Jill

Thank you men for remaining silent while we destroy humanity as you lay prostrate. I don't even...

Fuck you too, you disgusting kike cunt.