So Trump's going to make them all legal?

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Trump is deporting millions of illegals and you can't handle it.

He's going to deport all white people to make room for their new shitskin slave labor.

not sure how you get that from that but OK

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Words are like wind
I want action

There were more deportations in 2018 than any year in recorded history.

Let's hope 2019 breaks that record again.

Hopefully he does make them all legal, wh*Te genocide needs to happen.
You all deserve nothing but torture, hatred, and hanging.
You faggots support aborting babies, and killing innocent people including children.

You deserve extinction, genocide, hatred, and everything.
I'm personally glad that BBC is taking over White Womens mind they can't stop thinking about it for more then 5 seconds at a time.

We Roman republic 2.0 now

He's not gonna deport shot. If he was the president why bison he fucking threatening just do it. It an just another bullshit tweet

ICE is apparently pissed that he leaked the plan, so this might actually be legit.

If he pulls it off he'll have my unwavering support in 2020.

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>ICE will begin removing millions
>They will be removed as fast as they come in
>rate in = rate out
>net 0 change
Is Trump retarded?

Attached: net 0.png (1176x304, 104K)

>If he pulls it off he'll have my unwavering support in 2020.
>Vows to deport GORILLIONS
>In 2019
>Had the House 2 years ago
>Did nothing
>Out of the THOUSANDS of businesses that employ Illegal Immigrants...Trump has fined ELEVEN in total
>In Total
>Promises to deport Millions
>In 2019
>Right before and election
>Magapedes clap please

Holocaust 2 on its way. Here we go!!!!!

oh god I'm so triggered now I think you've finally convinced me to go on a murderous rampage to prove that you've been right about me all along.

>Nothing ever happens in this kike run world.
>Words will be thrown around by the media.
>Trump shills will clap.
>Anti trump shills will kvetch.
>Then nothing will happen.
I wish we had campaign trump instead of this imposter.

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>Had the House 2 years ago
>Did nothing
Not for lack of trying - Democrats in Congress have filibustered 290 separate pieces of legislation since 2017 and there've been hundreds of injunctions from district court judges blocking Trump's executive orders.

aren't they illegal already except they're basically not touched unless they commit a serious crime/are reported individually etc..?

This is one area where the US seems way, way more cucked than the UK, you have entire cities, police forces actively working against the federal government on this issue and laws that actively protect people who are in your country illegally... it is nuts.

Conversely, obviously the UK has problems with illegals too, we have a "hostile environment" policy towards illegals. Landlords are legally required to check immigration status and can be fined, employers are legally obliged to check immigration status and can be fined, NHS hospitals are being pushed to check people's right to free treatment else bill them etc.. granted this still means that in the case of emergencies you'll get treated and the bill might go unpaid but for chronic conditions... good luck getting any consultations etc..

The US is way more conservative in most areas but you seem to have a huge blind spot here.

If you started fining employers, landlords etc.. and checking residency status at hospitals, schools... then you'd have much less of a need for a wall - living in the US illegally would be much, much less feasible without access to any services, accommodation etc... you guys need a "hostile environment" policy too.

the beauty of a proper hostile environment policy (especially as you guys won't have any ECJ to get in the way, is that if implemented properly you might find a large number of the illegals will just deport themselves!


I think he was headed to minnesota

there were also more illegals coming into the country than any other period in history.

>illegals entering rises 100%
>deportations rise 50%

is that supposed to be winning?
Just fighting a rising tide fren

user.. I hate to tell you but..

cool man, play the blame game yeah. When are you going to realize there's no difference between Trump and a democrat? MAGApedes got played again just like every election since ever.

Ah, good, the new catapult system is working. Load the next one.


>What he says: millions
>what he means: thousands
>what will happen: dozens

kek, basically