Friggin americans spread gay disease to the world and now everyone is slowly becoming a tranny

Friggin americans spread gay disease to the world and now everyone is slowly becoming a tranny

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There's nothing wrong with being a tranny.

It's not 'Americans' you fucking asshole, we're victims of globohomo too. It's the JEWS who are not really Americans, get your shit together.

Trannies have always been around.
"Masculine Women! Feminine Men!" 1926 song
There are so many trannies. All celebs and politicians are trannies.
In public there are so many trannies too.
FTM are especially common real men are rare.


>There's nothing wrong with being mentally ill.
Fixed it for you.

It's more like a disability really, but yes, there's nothing wrong with that either.

Its not us.

>.03% of the population, 45% of which kills itself
No, they're not. You're a mentally ill faggot who will die alone and unloved

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But you're not helping these people by catering to their delusions.

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You're not helping these people by condeming them.

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>jews invent and push this shit
>its the americans

At least 3 or 4 of every 10 kids in my school are trannys or closeted trannys that of course wont appear in your numbers .
Stop making it a fashion just commit suicide already

Post feet

>Americans invented trannys.
Sorry, it was degenerate Euros that did this.

It's nothing personal, childless degenerates just spend more money on stuff with high profit margins friend.

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Blame Zog.

Even if this is massaged data, the rates for depression and suicidal thoughts are still abnormally high regardless. It begs the question whether the underlying issue is something that is pre-existing and that gender dysphoria is not the cause, but the symptom. It doesn't help that some (((people))) are pushing transsexuality as a cure for mental issues.

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Does it beg that question though? Pretty sure I'd feel awful as well if I was born in the wrong body.

Yes, Africa is only shit because of the jews too, otherwise it would be a superdeveloped black ethnostate. Also, if you disagree you are a jew.

You're not born in the wrong body. So if you think your body is wrong, is your body really wrong or is your thinking wrong?

So you're denying male and female brains differ?

Not the first time america doing tests on human.

user, as an American, I apologize for our mentally unstable and just how loud they've gotten. We don't agree with them either.

Having said that, this all started in Europe. We are just better at it. Like all things.

America is the source of all degeneracy, and your new religiously spread ideology is LGBTQism. Blaming "Jews" is a cop-out.