Pure larping, no questions needed
P*gans' true god is Whiteness
Territorialized ethnofaith is the best religion, sorry if this triggers you mutt
I'm not even Christian or religious anymore but Pagans are the last men of Nietzsche who worship their own assholes and gay renaissance statue aesthetics and think nobody figured it out by now.Only actual fucking mutt's with deep mental issues and no self esteem would be so insecure as ato idolize it's own race.
can't argue with that.
I'm sure that's what actual Greek Roman and Norse pagans thought. Yep We are actually worshipping aspects of whiteness here.
>The most precious possession you have in this world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.
my God is my BLOOD and SOIL
the living organism of Europe
no Desert Demon of Abraham will taint my soul
p*Gens are satanist in disguise.
You cannot argue against Christianity, and you won't win either way.
wh*Te genocide is coming one way, or another just learn to accept it you fucking disgusting pigs.
I'm atheist.
I value my race highly, but yeah it's sort of bullshit. It's the equivilent of making your own family into a God. You protect them and love them, but they're not God.
Let's hope the Big White G saves your pesky ass soul lol
NAzi Germany wasn't some larapgan festival either all the major nazis and even Himmler up to a point where public christians the wherhmacht and the average german weren't pagan alrpers and nither was the SS except for the innermost circle and I think the pagan larping was mostly allied proaganda to scare housewives with wierd pagan mystic nazi shit and was overhblown to the extreme to the point where neets in 2019 are fucking nuts
fuck off shill
Our god is an awesome god.
>I can decide what is God
Yeah, you are retarded
I didn't decide, my Führer told me what the highest ideal and highest value is
do you disagree with that quote?
What's the problem with that, religions do it all the time
>A dead man that I've never seen decides what is God
If your church has a parking lot or modern architecture, you're a heretic.
it's true but at least Christians even the larpy ones actually do believe somewhat in what they're trying to shill and their religion is rooted in traditional national and familly ties while Paganism is rooted in online larping and contrarian bugmanism advertising, hot topic fashion shilling and record labels
pic related
I actually like it. Priorities are important
shitskins still don't understand.
being white means you're held to a higher standard of existence, because there is implicit value in Self.
That value in Self can be achieved by anyone, whites just set the best example.
Guys, please stop practicing contrarian bugmanism.
Based Romanianon!
As a Heathen -> Christian convert nobody I knew as a Heathen cared about race at all. I don't recall it ever being mentioned. Whereas there is a lot of understanding in my church that while Christianity is for everyone, European Christianity must be preserved as European, not polluted by customs of foreign races.
Heathen cults lack the whole truth, and one of those things they lack is a means of dealing with foreigners. Heathens can ignore and exclude foreigners but they have no prescription for what to do when a foreign people is moved into the same area. Christianity does. For example, look to the traditional Christian way of dealing with Jews.
I wouldn't expect a leaf to understand anyway
you're in a foreign land, alien to your own blood
you have no place in the world, your metaphysics are all in conflict
you have European blood, but you are on foreign lands and have sold your soul to a Jewish religion
no wonder you spend time D&D people on Jow Forums
Well the denographics issue is here and its a proveable problem. God, Jesus, Allah, this and that have been debated for centuries and it wont change, so forst fix the actual problem at hand that you see and then go back to bickerig with other beta males about god and interpretations.
Why did you post a screenshot of a person that is right?
Some of these guys don't seem to understand what being a "nationalist" means. Loving your people doesn't mean claiming they are the best ever. Love means recognizing that we are not perfect but being loyal regardless while trying to help improve.
>For example, look to the traditional Christian way of dealing with Jews.
The traditions of defending at all costs, empowering in finance sectors and employing as political pundits? Do fuck off
Fuck off with that Nietzschean shit. You cunts will die all the same, niggers or not
>argument fails
>default to mockery and irony
like a true Talmudic Pilpul tactic
Nick Fuentes would be proud
go ahead, take a dive into Christian Nihilism
I cannot promise that you will get out
this wasn't the matter at hand. No christian here will negate the necessity to deal with the demographic change on Europe and NA.
Nords had swastikas?
Except you're wrong and not only christians here are cucked on the race issues but a vast majority of christians around the world are too
>blue board
fuck off faggot
Are you serious? Yes, fucking everyone had swastikas you dumb newfag.
There were swastikas everywhere my friend. They just don't teach non-Abrahamic history anymore.
The majority were what was called "Gottgläubig"or God believers, not Christian. Out of the 861 members of the Reichstag in 1943, 55 were Catholic, 188 were Evangelical, 1 was old Catholic, 154 did not indicate a religion, 2 were without religion, 5 were other and a whopping 456 were Göttglaubig
(Kirchenkampf in Deutschland pg 134)
Reverse the text and it becomes true. Except pagans don't care about children since historically pagans always practice infanticide and pedophilia.
Seething, shaking Russian rape baby
Ok, buddy
Sure, but what it meant to them and what it's connection to Thor?
Go larping somewhere else, mutt
You mean like all of East Asia
You know that, of all these people babbling the same shit as you are, none of them think of poles as white?
>what it meant to them
The same as it meant to everyone else basically. It represents the sun, the very real live-giver to the world. From a spiritual perspective it's an all-encompassing symbol of god-consciousness, the recognition that there is a greater power that gives life to us all.
You realize that as a mixed race person you have a vested interest in splitting apart white people so that you don't feel as excluded
I'm fine with that. Some people are just not very bright. If they ever decide to harm my people though, well, they're welcome to try, they'll fail. Meanwhile I'll just sit here worshipping the ancient gods (or a single God in many forms if you prefer) of my ancestors. But if they want to be friends then I'll welcome them with open arms.
so... are poles white?
Absolutely fucking based
I say yes. There's my vote.
Forgot picture
since we are all mostly atheists here anyway can a Pagan explain if there was a case of a society rolling back it's entire social and religious system to something that existed thousands of years ago it would be like changing capitalism back to fedualism also how would this even help white demographics?
plz tell me that you at least larp as some kind of slav pagan and not just worshipping thor and Odin
Kike enabler.
Kike enabler.
That is almost the whole thread, just kikes circlejerking with each other, damn.
/leftypol/ inept as fuck.
None that I know of. Japan, however, comes to mind with christians getting uppity and starting rebellions. Fortunately the good guys win in this story. I guess you could call closing off the whole country and reversing the "open minded" approach somewhat of a rollback although that wasn't to a thousands years back.
Opinion discarded
trying so fucking hard
Seething so fucking much
Remember that "pagans" are just rebranded atheists. Also remember that atheists always allied themselves with the jew against white Christians.
>literal favela monkey
Imagine my shock
Im agnostic, does that qualify me as a 'pagan' according to judaism and christianity?
the worst is when you get some irish-scottish-anglo italian nigger metalhead Odinist
Pretty much yeah.
Nice NPC response, you are still a kike engaging in D&C.
You are a kike.
All Europeans are extraordinarily closely related to each other genetically in comparison to non-Europeans, anyone trying to call a given European ethnic group "non-white" is either a brainlet with no understanding of genetics or deliberately employing D&C
>Memeflag accusing someone else of D&C
Like pottery. Show your flag, faggot.
Not even Christian lol
Delete this pic
Of course I'm closest to slavic beliefs. But you can interpret paganism similiarly as to how the other user described it, something of a panentheism. I would respect a celtic or germanic pagan all the same, there is no reason to be hostile to different interpretations of the same divinity of the world.
ok unironically how does it work? Do you have like a temple and a main pagan priest? Can anyone jsut show up and do it or do you have to prove yourself first? Where do you get the rituals from the knowledge of pagan rites and rituals ahs been lost for centuries I imagine it's even worse with slavic paganism
'Pagan' literally just means 'goy' in latin. Make of that what you will.
White nationalism does not require white supremacy.
Nationalism =/= Supremacy
I always assume they understand this perfectly well and are just accusing you of it in bad faith because it's much easier to rhetorically defeat someone arguing that they're better than and deserve to dominate everyone else than it is to justify why they shouldn't be allowed to be left alone to do their own thing
watch your mouth, mutt. lest I remind you of the 56%
>Calling pagans the last men when Christians are literally just waiting around for the second coming (revelations, the end of the world)
Are you dumb?
>t. christcuck cope
I've even seen videos of Italians living in Italy practicing Odinism. It put me right on my ass.
Kike enabler.
if (post == exposes_you) { write("%s\nLike pottery. Show your flag, faggot.");}
>m-muh d&c
but bro what if there are actual differences that can't be ironed out over a cup of tea?
IIRC the official pagan churches in slavic countries aren't very numerous. Russia's one been growing though. You're right in that there is very little information available of the actual beliefs of slavic pagans from over a thousand year ago, but germanic pagans don't have it much better with most of their info coming from christians. So no, there is no temple in which pagans congregate, you can always make yourself an altar to pray at if you really want though. Unless the religion becomes more widespread, and let's be honest, that's not gonna happen, there won't be any temples or wider communities built. So with reconstructionism more or less failing you're mostly left with yourself and trying to make sense of the reality you live in by yourself. One common trait among all pagans is a strong connection to nature (unlike abrahamic desert religions) and I think everyone could grow from trying to find their place in the world. I'm no expert on pagan theology and can just speak for myself but a popular theory is that the one God exists on a metaphysical level whereas he is the whole world and he experiences himself through sentience. But that's just one school of thought. I'm sure other anons could explain it better. Also: reincarnation amongst your general ethnic relatives.
Retarded kike.
Retarded kike.
Retarded kike playing dumb.