When Libertarians and NatSocs meet on the battlefield during the Boogaloo

>When Libertarians and NatSocs meet on the battlefield during the Boogaloo

He sounds and looks like he was a regular on here.

Attached: brianmilitary.jpg (292x531, 18K)

Not really. He screams r/the_Donald. I doubt he visited any site more risque than Reddit.

Anyone notice how the rangetrap and "I'm pro second BUT" faggots have all disappeared and these threads pop up instead?
Gives me a big think

He was obviously a Jow Forumstard

he also posted a lot of guns on facebook that I recognize from abomination threads on here

the first two appear on here every now and then for years now and the second is related to a recent event newfag

So how long till you guys go back to rangetrap posting?

He could've just as easily been from r*ddit. r/the Donald instead of pol, and weekendgunnit instead of k.

Unfortunately the userbase is one and the same

you're kind of dumb huh

Your pilpull is weak
What I'm saying is, instead of the usual faggotry, they're posting stuff about that dumb fuck and saying he was either Jow Forums or Jow Forums. I pointed out that the same discord faggotry that usually posts faggots and "I'm second BUT" are instead posting this tard. It's clearly coordinated

Right. Because pic related totally doesn't ring a bell.

Attached: brian-clyde-1.jpg (855x480, 119K)

>It's clearly coordinated

Attached: _86138691_brainscans.png.jpg (660x336, 27K)

So this was the guy? I don't know, since the faggot was such a dud they didn't even make him a Wikipedia article yet.

>Wikipedia article
For what? Nobody got hurt.

Anyone notice how after that study got published and shared about Jews being more likely to be schizophrenic and how the left has more mental health problems, suddenly a popular accusation from trannies and kikes is "you're schizo!", especially when pointing out patterns? Almost like they can't meme and must resort to "no u"

If he would have done some North Hollywood-style carnage he would have gotten one by now even if somehow no one got hurt. He just died in embarrassment instead.

Attached: 1558580427013.jpg (2592x1944, 1.32M)

It's already known he was an 8pol user and that the fbi frequents the boards and that they are the ones spouting the anti jew shit, likely to incite people to violence.

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you wouldn't recognize a meme if someone responded to you with one

maybe dont post like a schizo then?

Try shilling somewhere else your bullshit is obvious everywhere you post

you don't know what that means

>be Jow Forumstard
>don't shoot up the macca full of dindus next door
what did he mean by this

0/10 try again

Attached: 1560747950993.png (597x457, 237K)

why? you don't know what shilling means, that's just a fact

see that you just posted? thats schizo nonsense, the kind of narcissism needed to think that yourr inane posts are worth anybody brigading. you dont matter and nothing you say matters, and thats how you know that people who call you a fag and a retard aren't being paid to do it by the deepstate, they really just think youre a fag and a retard.

0/10 digging in deeper

This place is infested with glow niggas.
Abandon ship or at the very least stop posting, it'll only enrage you further and odds are the other poster is a bot.

take your pill

i love how this shit makes you panic to the point that you babble about "abandoning the ship or at least stop posting". what the fuck did you think this place was? is anything of this news to you? or a surprise? what do you even have to worry? this is a weapons board. a retarded one. just keep shitposting about the same retarded bullshit every fucking day like the rest of us and try to enjoy it. who cares how many "glowniggers" are reading it. literally who cares

if you come here for your conspiracy and Jow Forums bullshit and to call everyone a jew or nigger, go on and fuck off, you're making this place shit for everyone else anyways.


This is painful to watch. He nailed you for shilling tranny give it up.


wrong desu

Nothing that you do makes you fit in, you guys glow neon.

Its not working dude

I don't I actually am not the guy you are currently blowing a fucking gasket over.
Tounge my fucking anus you god damn nigger.
Alphabet agencies have been here going on a decade and the less you post the less information they gleam into subculture.

Attached: Sator_Square_at_Oppède.jpg (220x218, 19K)

Really we're harmless, it's Jow Forums and it's ilk the gliggers have to look out for.

Alright user. I shall stop posting now. You never know who might get compromised if the fucking feds find out that I like kitty cats

Jow Forums is a board full of nigger lovers and homosexual.

He sounds and looks like he was an idiot loser.

Jow Forums used to be redpilled
what went wrong

Also full of veterans, hunters, and people who actually own weapons and practice with them. Pick your enemies wisely poltard, pretty much every board is annoyed with your shit already. Just stay in this 70 iq echo chamber board like a good boy, OK sweetie?

have sex

Faggot, go back to Jow Forums and take this thread back with you.