@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>SoS Pompeo meets w/Italian DepPM Salvini 6/17/19
>CommSec Wilburine on Bloomberg 6/17/19
>CommSec Wilburine on CNBC 6/17/19
>HHSSec Azar @USGLC Annual State Leaders Summit 6/17/19
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on F&F 6/17/19
>America1stPolDir Ellis on FBN 6/17/19
>StateDept Press Brief (Morgan) 6/17/19
>Pres Trump on ABCNews 6/16/19
youtu.be/K_IR90FthXQ (pt1)
youtu.be/Nf_CATbYilQ (pt2)
youtu.be/O2nkQMZEI6Q (pt3)
>Is-ra-hell PM Bibi unveils Trump Heights 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FoxNewsSun 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FtN 6/16/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 6/16/19
>Happy Birthday Mr President 6/14/19
>ArmyVideo: Army Birthday 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on Health Coverage for Small Biz 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on F&F 6/14/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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Trump is announcing his resignation tonight. Screenshot this post.

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As always, she is 110% right.

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AWOO! It's good marine life weather today - gray, drizzly, and a bit of fog.

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It will never cease to amaze me that certain breeds of retard expect the Islamic Revolutionary State of Iran to act like a rational white country.

It's defiantly just a cubism filter, you clearly don't understant modern art, dipshit.

Fuck the IRS

>What is the political incentive of acting like somali-niggers and attacking random maritime transport ships?
Political chaos. Its necessary for them to retain their own power. Its the same tactic that Russia uses.

Sure is. Perfect weather for not having a/c.


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What do you think Trump's gonna announce at the Announcement Rally?

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i think trump and ann should fug

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You know what's sad. Even if the Trump admin works out a way to allow people to purchase whatever insurance they want, if you could purchase across state lines, and it drives down premiums significantly, then Trump's opponents will come out and say he is going to kill people doing this. Even if it was the perfect healthcare bill, it will never pass because of Trump. It's mildly frustrating


>next January
Well darn. Still good news though.


>6 months away
That's pretty short term for government.

Satan confirms.

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That all niggers will be nuked and anyone who has an ancestor who didn't kill all niggers will die.

John McCain gave in to terrorism by letting Scalise take all the lead and then voting it down anyway.

What a fucking cancer.

>no longer doing catty daily border wall construction updates

Attached: spurdo.jpg (960x862, 80K)

It will never cease to amuse me how the left supports a country that literally stands against everything they root for, they are completely mentally ill

I wasn't thinking in government movement pace. That is fairly short now that I think about it.
That gimmick got older than her barren womb.

>anyone who has an ancestor who didn't kill all niggers will die.
but that's everybody

> When you say out loud the silent part

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More republicans need to lose.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

>war with Iran for Israel
>billions in your tax money going to israel
>dual citizens in congress increasing
>tax cut did not see wages increase, only cost of living, Jews win again
>rent/property taxes still through the roof
>banks charging more and more fees
>cost of gasoline going through the atmosphere despite shilling for oil companies
>muh clean coal supercorps getting major tax breaks, energy costs stagnant
>politicians giving free healthcare and driving licenses to illegals in preparation for 2020 voting
>conservatives being kicked out of school for existing
>internet censorship everywhere
>Hillary still not locked up, never will be, Trump silent
Honestly, things would’ve been better with Jeb

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it's a mix of them thinking supporting regimes like that is "anti american" mixed with stupidity and misunderstanding of what exactly they are dealing with

you can thank modern day college for that

Attached: 438.png (645x614, 129K)

>literally stands against everything they root for
Iran likes Obama though, which os basically all they root for.

That user is a google spy.

You have a girl like this, right?

Attached: D7026221-472F-441F-81E5-3D179FA92FE5.jpg (500x968, 92K)

>Is their theory that dozens of career military professionals are complicit in fabricating evidence?
also kill yourself you fucking nigger

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Aren't gas prices going down? Last I heard they were under $2? But you know states are different from one another.

>tfw all caps ID

Attached: stronk.jpg (724x946, 76K)

>you better do it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-18_08-45-56.png (509x312, 64K)


You did your squats today, right user?

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delte ples

Attached: feels through the screen.jpg (576x507, 66K)

>you are here.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-18_08-47-12.png (496x205, 23K)

One of the biggest crimes in recent history was the gays taking away the rainbow and associating it with their faggoty.

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>$2.09 current lowest price in MO
Best State generally has the lowest gas prices.

>that ID
what does it mean?
Is Google becoming sentient and evolving into Googigus???

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John McCain was the modern Benedict Arnold

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Is that a NPR mug?

She can’t even put a bottle to her lips right, do they really think she can out charm Trump?

Well I guess that is just a sacrifice we have to endure then.

Yeah totally. It's not like I'm some sort of user who has no gf. Can you imagine what that is like?

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>will be
is she available?

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it definitely is lol

>tfw no big tiddy Bundesrat gf
It hurts lads

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I better see some of these in the crowd for Autism Pride Day.

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make WHITE babbies, user

no and don't do deadlift. People hurt their back with these and lose all their progress. There are safer ways.

Punching outta your weight class, leaf. Maybe start with bipedal mammals, and work your way up from there.

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What is the flag for Ebola pride like?

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You're right, but it's important to take a moment and remember that bastard is fucking dead

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Notice she says nothing about staying sexually faithful or putting out
You can clean my shit all you want bitch but if I find jamal’s semen in your used up roastie snatch, you’re catching these hands

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>watching George Stephanopoulos interview
>boomers: "but his tweets!"
What a bunch of fucking mamby pamby retards.
His tweets are fucking tame compared to what needs to be said. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Mass deportations, and a complete moratorium on visas for ALL countries under travel ban authority until Congress passes merit based immigration reform.

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Twitter is pushing this hard and fast. Alex needs our support. For years media matters and CNN have been spamming his business emails with Child Porn. The FBI seems to be on his side. He needs our support.

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Just let me buy health insurance across state lines FFS.

Its a kike lawyer likely blackmailing or framing him.

Good thing that banned that pedo months ago.

This. They are brainlets. people should know this

More empty promises and wars/money for Israel
The man loves Jews so much he literally handed his daughter over to them
He is the definition of kuckold

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I want to marry a girl like that.

>she endorsed Mitt Romney and has never been critical of him

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I think she's just super tanned.


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Give me a quick rundown on the whole situation

My sister is becoming like this. She's actually fucking happy too. She has interests and hobbies and a college degree but she's looking forward to being a wife and a mother. She doesn't see anything wrong with taking on those roles if it's for a man she loves and wants to marry and have kids with.

Not colorful enough.

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I'm pretty sure the FBI already said it was a frame up.

>$2.50 to $2.79
Fuck northern VA.

>muh healthcare
how about eat right, exercise, and don't have shit genes?

Oh wait, that doesn't fill kikes' pockets with gold nor does it make a bunch of sickly peasants that are easy to rule over.
So I guess that solution is off the table.

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2D > 3D

What's with all the gay images being spammed? Did you guys catch the gay?

Already more people then a Biden rally.
>But Biden will win!

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Now we believe the FBI?

We all do.
Your sister sounds like a good lady.

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Portland hasn’t been white for a long time
It’s filled with gay daddies from Boston, Somalians from Lewiston, and pozzed hipster liberals

Squats will be done after work.

ann needs a good fuck
mexicans can make white babies too

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We finally have a President talking directly to the American people, every day. Idk why people have a problem with that - context of individual tweets aside

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