>hates libtards
>inspired by bendon parent savior of the weast
>wants to go for a higher k/d than nz
>pisses pants
you guys really are the saviors of the west
you think brenton tarrent will piss himself when hes mauled by muslims in prison?
>lol i was the same age as this guy
Cucked doomer
ok den!
This guy was clearly recruited by feds and set up to fail. Nothing about his kit says "put any forethought into this."
you know what you sound like? like that guy's facebook posts
why are all the other americans retarded on this board, youll just convince yourself of anything. you think the government would trust this autist not to be a whistle blower
no hes one of yours for sure, hes retarded
just watch his videos
If he called out false flags/asset flips often he should have realized that he was getting roped into one.
roped into being an idiot and thinking his government is the downfall of the west so he should shoot up the place
literally who?
watch he news idiot
Woah cool CT cosplay
>watch endless shilling about how we need to bomb iran infused with prescription advertisements
it would be very easy to find an individual who is mentally unbalanced and push them to action without ever directly asking them to do something
use your imagination
who is he? has there been a happening today?
Shill harder glowniggers sage
someone give me a quick rundown
Whether you are useless elder or an orc piece of shit taking advantage of their stupidity or a kike, mocking the fact that boomer and mutt government shitstains will throw younger white men in a cage with savages who will rape them makes you worse than worthless and Jesus shouldnt have given you a single day under the sun
Someone tried to assault a corrupt courthouse directly, shot out a few windows on the way in giving ample warning and got shot before he made it through the door because Texas is unironically a police state that copes with its heavily armed populace by being good at killing them
Soft targets guys, you arent going to get a powerful judge with cops on premesis to guard him as easily as you will get a power line or his unguarded family that his wife has taken out to eat.
Think before you slay brothers
Some US veteran, ops pic, shot at some federal building, killed nobody and got killed in a parking lot across the street
>abloo hoo hoo
>the poor government
I think he was going for suicide by cop. Cause a ruckus and make em kill ya.
Hitler was desirable, his charm helped him get the women vote.
you're good, you got me, kek
>attacking a hardpoint with no support.
>implying anyone has the balls to actually go out and do anything, ever
This was the sloppiest job of all.
>hurrr turn on cnn
>When one user said he had heard or read the shooter never aimed at anyone while shooting, shot in their direction but intentionally not at them? it made me think thats what he was doing, suicide by cop
guy litteraly droped his clip while trying to reload, and peed himself in fear when he got shot back
he was just some bad Jow Forumstard that thought he was superior
>>hates libtards
>>inspired by bendon parent savior of the weast
>>wants to go for a higher k/d than nz
>>pisses pants
Where did you get this info?
>didn’t prep for 2 years like BT
Probably didn’t even lurk for 2 years either on 4/pol/ or 8/pol/
What about with a squad?
>watch he news idiot
the brain damage is already done lol