How can you deny white privilege now?

How can you deny white privilege now?

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No prior criminal history of acting like a nigger does that

Shoot them both

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Fine it exists now what? Whats your solution?

What about that negro in austin texas that murdered a couple people with his car including that dutch cyclist that got life in prison in a plea deal?

We whites have earned every bit of privilege that we have. It is ours. Forever. Negroes on the other hand have lost every bit of privilege with their constant chimping like some primitive low IQ Savannah animal. Did you think you would not face consequences? Yes, you will be getting death penalties. That's a good thing.

"Lay-K" has a rap sheet a mile long, also, he is 19.

Nigger did that because he is a mean, violent retarded nigger.

White boi did it because the country is a fucked up feminist gerontocratic shithole.

Learn the difference.

wh*Te men deserve castration this cannot go on any further.
wh*Te genocide must come, you fucking vile subhuman filth.
wh*Te women LOVE LOVE Black Kings, and BBC

very tough leaf post here but it's actually the real point
white privilege has been earned. we don't get followed in convenience stores because we don't steal. white privilege is just the outcome of thousands of years of civilized behavior. racism is just pattern-recognition. there really isn't any secret here

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That doesn't explain why you guys get a lesser punishment for the same crimes?

Stop being racist it's easy

Maybe we shouldn't all live together, maybe multiculturalism doesn't work.

why the fuck did he shave his head? was he forced to comply with prison rules?

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if this is true, based Texas

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hey we cant kill ALL of them, someone has to keep those prison cells full so uncle Schlomo can keep that juicy government contract!


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They would put a harsher penalty on you as well just because your mixed doesn't mean they don't see you as black

Because the supreme Court made a pair of rulings that prevented underage Criminal from receiving life in prison or the death penalty but the niglet killed someone back in 2016 before the rulings.

Compare the treatment of the white Covington Catholic boys to the treatment of the black boys who ran around beating up random white people on Memorial Day in Baltimore. Niggers get treated too well in this country.

This is wrong. The Gayreek should be tortured on a rack and burned alive for pretending to be white.

> Face it, Jerome get more time than Brandon
Accurate and concise.

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I don’t deny white privilege. I deny the claim that white privilege is unfair. Whites didn’t create this country for the benefit of nonwhites, hate to tell ya.


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>clickbait articles are the same as the legal system sentencing someone to death or not
This is what happens to your mind when you spend your whole life online.

Fake news, neither of them got the death penalty.

niggers are not humans


It’s not privilege, the white kid just practiced more at shooting.


>It's true. Dimitrios Pagourtzis will not face the death penalty if he is convicted of capital murder in the school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas.

>But neither will Taymor McIntyre, the North Texas teen rapper who goes by Tay-K 47 and faces two capital murder charges.

>No matter how much the social media rumor spreads that the two 17-year-old murder suspects are being treated differently by the justice system, this one just isn't true.


all hail based black man

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Stop appropriating white culture.

Your response has no merit and doesn’t provide any solution. It’s jew logic. Fuck you Israel BDS FOR LIFE!

t. Shlomo

>How can you deny white privilege now?
White privilege is earned privilege.

I think my wife and I are "magical crackers." We have somehow managed to evade pervasive systemic white genocide. I'm a medical SLP and my wife is a PT that owns a busy clinic. We live smack dab in the middle of Jew York. If there is white genocide, it leaves us alone Because...magic.

I am a white man that jas evaded white privilege. I live in the hood and fear for my life daily.

All I can see is the guy on the left committed a robbery, and typically murders committed during a robbery are an aggravating circumstance that makes someone eligible for death. The guy on the right, however, shows aggravated assault on a public servant. I think he'd only be eligible for death if he'd killed the public servant. But then again I don't know the details of either case.

>white privilege
>Dimitrios Pagourtzis

the one on the right had a Jewish layer

Tell us more of your outrage about events that happened thousands of miles from you in a totally different country that you have almost no first hand information about beyond a single image meme with a few lines of text.

You're everything wrong with the alt-left

>Dimitrios Pagourtzis
Latvian or Lithuanian name