Europeans, please move to USA to make it more white. America can be saved...

Europeans, please move to USA to make it more white. America can be saved. Whites are kinda 70% of population but we can make it bigger.

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op is a spic

no thx

Yes thats why I dont move to USA. I dont want to make it worse than it is.

They only accept brown people

Come across the ocean when the US collapses and we're ready to build the ethnostate. For now just stay in sandnigger rape land.

That would actually make sense. I think all Germanics should move to the US. I know that some people are probably thinking that it's White Americans who should move to Europe, but at the time being, America is the strongest country in the world, both economically and militarily. It's better for White people to claim it.

Imagine being this much of a cuck.
>Go get fucked by paco elsewhere

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Oh, its afraid.

Why don't you want your European brother to come home? Especially the Germans. I think all White Germans should go to America. The French next. The Brits can stay, they are leaving the EU anyway.

Hell no. We need to move back to Europe and clean up the 5% non-whites there.
America is lost.

Bolsonaro 2022

Its a jew. Dont answer.

Shut up, kike. The Aryan race is on to something here. If they all move to America and start a new racial awakening they will be able to vote whoever they want into power. They will be able to make America an ethno-state. You are just a kike who doesn't want White people to be in charge of America.

But USA is strongest and has more whites than any european country.

Ok. Im coming

Whites should dominate America, yeah. Even South America. We have Argentina, Brazil south and Uruguay, all white places with a lot of white brothers.

Wanting europ....
To make america more white....
This needs to be a haiku

sad but true, then again you could come here with a Visa, overstay it long enough to get married or just live like an illegal

whites will be lucky if they own even europe by the end of the century. i wont find peace in my heart until i creampie a hundred blonde women

Shut up, nigger jew. Just because I dont live in a contry doesnt mean I cant desire good times for the people.

Retarded. Whites are not your enemy.

i never said they were my enemies. i love white people so much i wanna cum inside them

But if whites stop existing, there will be no more white girls for you.

>whites stop existing
kek thats not how genetics work

Blonde people are 2% of the global population right now, bro. Can't you see they are disappearing?

just fix down south. brazil had potential for greatness, it still does, just you know niggers

"Fellow whites"
okay zionists.

they arent disappearing, other people are having more children. genes never completely disappear unless you dont reproduce and die out.

The white population in america is under 40% the country exists in name only at this point.

We will not move anywhere, we will gradually leave leaving you alone with each other, Then you can at least tear off the skin from each other, even to arouse cannibalism

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Literally 46% of zoomers are white in the US and less than 30% of newborns.

Demography is destiny.

I wish we had white immigration. Id take serbs even.


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Why would i want to save ur shithole? Go burn together with europe im moving to russia

Things can change. Demographers 100 years ago thought black people in American were going to go extinct and they were simply wrong.

Clean up your liberal states first.

It won't work. White people did have a preferential treatment or it seems so based on my family. That ended in 2010 for some reason. I got my citizenship before that. My brother can't get his even though he meets all of the criteria.
Obama fucked this shit too. Spices and arabs got it easier.
It only seems like there aren't quotas but people know when to apply based on the current administration.

Why are you kvetching? I am stating facts based on observable and demonstrable data.

Stop lashing out against your own. Schadenfreude this late in the game is retarded, we are all going extinct. Retard.

You mean 56%

This is why the USA is going to go through a reallys shitty dperiod and change a shit ton of the laws it has. The DNC keeps importing people in a few years the majority of people that live here won't even stand by the Constitution. There will be no civil war, just a slow, painful death by diversity and Democrats when they establish socialism and bankrupt the country even more.

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Why would I move to a country where I wouldn't have universal health care for me and free college for my Children? Where I would have to work crushingly long hours without vacation? America isn't considered to be a great immigration destination by first worlders, you know.

he said europeans not northern africans

Not free

Not free, also indoctrination nursery

Are you NEET? Don't you even see where your taxes go? You are paying money so that shitskin immigrants have access to heathcare. You are paying money so that the kikes can indoctrinate your youth into marxism and give shitskin migrants PhDs.

You aren't allowed to say that on pol. Any form of worker rights is evil socialism.

Don't you even see where your taxes go? One of the best AND most solvent welfare state on the planet.

>reductio ad absurdum

Kindly attack my argument.

>fallacy fallacy

Seriously buddy, scapegoating immigrants to get workers to vote for worse working conditions and to scrap the welfare state from which they are benefiting is the oldest trick in the book. Even with 2 million refugees on the hook the German state is generating billions in surpluses all while guaranteeing such things as universal healthcare and college.

Man.. That missed prediction must have pissed a lot of people off.

You are wolcome. If you are professional or qualified, speak 2 or more languages you will live well as high class here.

Not a fan of yearly power outages sorry.

LOL. that was very rare unusual really. the first one that i see. also our electricity power is 100% renewable green...

Native germans are not the ones benefitting from the welfare state.
In fact, in solvent and effective states, there is hardly any need for welfare.

The whole notion of a welfare state is less than 40-years-old, it coincides with the global push for deficit spending and trickle-down keynesian economics.

You can readily even check who's benefitting from welfare in germany. You will find out it's not the germans.

you are 56% at best but i would consider it if it was not for the 13% ...I'd rather kill myself with a rusty spoon as to live among fucking niggers!

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>non-existent public infrastructure and public services
>all-pervasive corruption
>no social security system worth the name
That's fine as long as you are healthy and have enough money to take care of everything yourself. I'd prefer Germany. Poor health is no poverty risk there, and poverty is no health risk either. You can always get back up, no matter what.

>70% white
Youre probably at 53% now, you were 56% in 2016. USA is finished, mongrelized to Brazil-tier

>The whole notion of a welfare state is less than 40-years-old
Maybe in your shithole country. In Germany it goes back to the 19th century. The Nazis even had government-funded mass tourism, government-funded home entertainment systems, government-funded personal cars. Couldn't really afford it back then though. The communists later took up the government-funded mass tourism again, and it was awesome.

Just avoid the nigger states.

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The same cucked Europeans that are intentionally trying to get outbreeded after bringing socialism to their lands? puh-lease.

Dear Europeans,
Please disregard this, and any other, hueape. We are full.

That does not fit the definition of welfare state or socialism, memeflag.
By that logic, Junta, dictatorships, fascist regimes, monarchies, they are all welfare states.


That's touching huebro, but Murica is already fucked. All the brazillians I've meet could at least speak english, unlike the squatemalans and columbians.

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How did she become a nigger wtf

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Actual North Africans look White though.

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yes Maine looks pretty nice BUT FOR HOW LONG?
As soon as shitskins are the majority the USA goes down the South Africa road ...I rather try my luck with 96% white EU

And that's why it's a waste of time to discuss welfare states and socialism with Americans. They have no clue what they are talking about. Only arbitrary American textbook "definitions".

But he's right you can't have welfare with non whites it simply would destroy the USA quicker!

what will you do when the euroboomer (they are the white majority) dies? in five years or so a country like france could become 50% non-french.
i'm telling you, north america is a solid future bet. i see more and more western europeans showing up every year.

Idk ask your rabbi

That's the point.
Socialism in the sense of pooling resources and enacting state-wide institutions for the common good are only ever feasible in homogeneous, high-trust ethnostates.

Now we are just paying for the welfare of shitskins and niggers.

what will you do when the american boomer dies? It's the same thing. Only that you are already further down the road.

you should examine population pyramids in western european countries compared to north america before saying something like that.
it's reversed. it will hit you all at once.

we will have to purge, see i have no doubt that Europe will go down the shitter but as soon as there is no more welfare no jobs and no more fucking brainwashed boomers the first ones to pack their bags are the shitskins, almost all of them came for gibs and in 25 years the only gib they'll get here is death!

Yes pls germans go to USA now

In Los Angeles, whites are 7% of the population


Black genes are far more dominant than white, blonde are disappearing, period.

Please don't. America is where white people go to lose their racial identity and shed their european traditions and cultures.

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ACA2 and HERC2 gene alleles have always been heterozygous recessive, for 14,000 years now, since their initial mutation.

They are still here. People with the alleles self-segregate and mate-select for histocompatibility.

>America is 70% white

Yeah but about 15%-20% of males are either gay or trannies because of all the pharmaceuticals and phytoestrogens in the water supply

This is old news. White american fertility is also below replacement levels now.

The only reason their population pyramid is not as fucked is because of all the central american immigration.

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>live in 95% white country
>dude move to 56% land, it can be saved
No I'm good.

Brazilians have got to be the best posters on this board.

You mean, a 95% hapa country.

so that europe can be 70% too?

White enough for me, Mohammed.

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>Europeans vote differently than beans & niggers
Time to recognize that Europeans are just as bad politically as any minority. Importing millions of Europeans would be just as bad as importing millions of Africans.

m8 you are gonna have the same problem as us, you are also gonna get flooded by sub-saharan negros

free college, healcare system where you pay 4.5% of salary to get all coverage, less corruption of latin america...
also, meme flag?

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we have it worse. we are also being invaded by south/south east asian poo people in addition to africans. its like they wanna completely wipe out the caucasian race.

Please avoid using spix term with Brazilians, pardos don't have such shitty genes as mexicans

>overrun by poos/shitskins/arabs, dwindling whites
Welcome to my life.

Urgay is the 24th province, Argentina claim desu.

Americans plz move back to europe

I plan on moving at my earliest convenience

Fuck off we're full.
We don't want more people we want to get ~50 millions of them out.

There's no koskenkorva or mammi here. Also Saunas are rare. Are you sure you can handle it?

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because he probably isnt a Euro

>Europeans, please move to USA
>Brazilian flag

anyway why would i want to move to country that want white man gone i would rather stay in my poor anti degeneracy country

better we bring all whites to europe. in america yellow stone will explode and then all whites there will be dead.