Recently I have been thinking a lot about what I, a white man, can personally do to contribute in the fight against falling white birth rates. Things I came up with so far: demonstrating against low birth rates; posting on twitter about low birth rates. What are some other good ideas? It feels like there must be a million things, but at this point I'm at a loss.
How to ensure a future for white children
the discovery channel used to be really good
what you need to do though is to somehow convince whites to throw away their pride like the coloreds do, and do things like have 6 kids on minimum wage and accept food stamps
i see no other way. shit is expensive as all fuck
do it like they do on the discovery channel
Holy shit is that Obama in a monkey suit. Is this peak nigger
wh*Tebois will be crawling and begging for Black Onyx King Cock.
even your women can't stop thinking about our cock wh*Teboi
>How to ensure a future for white children
The Butler Plan. There really is no other way.
Based and Butlerpilled
> Increase your credit score with these 5 simple steps or we'll rape your children of whatever humanity you believed they had.
Good strategies there, yes I'm Siskel, yes I'm Ebert. Maybe an interpretive dance quartet will ensure a future of white children.
>Based and Butlerpilled
But I do acknowledge the fact that things haven't gotten anywhere bad enough for the majority of the shitposters of Jow Forums to get off their lazy asses and do anything.
OP can't even be bothered to post more than once in this thread. Either making him a LARPer or a shill.
Spreading info is good but the most important thing is to not just talk the talk but walk the walk by having white children of your own.
>by having white children of your own.
How will having White children alone save the White race in an increasingly anti-White and non-White country?
People who think "jus hab mo chitluns" will save White people are completely ignoring the realities of society.
>Post on Twitter
LMFAO why is everyone on Jow Forums so scientific illiterate. The slow down of population growth is absolutely normal for any advanced civilizations. Instead of having 18 kids, where 33% of them would die before the age of 20 because of lack of access to modern medicine and the others would slave away on the farm until they died.
The beauty of the slowdown in population growth is that parents can focus on less offspring, creating a much higher quality population. In the West we educate our children and have a few so we can focus on the well being and development of them instead of treating them like machinery that will be useful for agricultural purposes.
One white kid is worth a couple of shitskins in intelligence, knowledge, experience, will power , physical strength and mental well being because their parents have invested in them more.
>convince whites to throw away their pride like the coloreds do, and do things like have 6 kids on minimum wage and accept food stamps
>implying it's just a matter of pride
You also have to be approved for receiving government benefits, and with so many caseworkers and administrators in the social services departments being niggers and spics, a white family's odds of getting the gibsmedat trifecta of SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid aren't good.
I had a buddy who got hit hard after the 2008 meltdown, who was struggling bad and finally applied for food stamps. He swallowed his pride. His application got rejected, the nigger caseworker told him flat out, "These benefits are meant for black people." He asked to get that in writing, and the nigger panicked and called security to escort him out of the office.
>The beauty of the slowdown in population growth is that parents can focus on less offspring, creating a much higher quality population
What makes you think White parents will be allowed to instill pro-White values in their children in an anti-White and non-White society?
>One white kid is worth a couple of shitskins in intelligence, knowledge, experience, will power , physical strength and mental well being because their parents have invested in them more.
And yet those non-Whites will still vastly outnumber Whites and the anti-White government will cater to the non-Whites at the expense of Whites.
Thanks guys! Really good discussions so far, keep the ideas coming.
>"muh dick"
I didn’t say having white children alone you fucking idiot. Did you read what I posted or are you just a retard?
>Thanks guys! Really good discussions so far, keep the ideas coming.
There is no discussion, because all of you are hit and run posters.
You don't actually want to save the White race. You just want to shitpost.
going to bump
I'm White MGTOW and would like to help as well
all children should be the goal.
google codependency then remove those mechanisms from your life so others will follow your lead
Great success
Declining birth rates are not the problem, they are a symptom. Don't worry about increasing white birth rates, worry about decreasing the amount of non-whites in white countries and the existence of whites will naturally see to itself.
When I say israel you say BDS
>I didn’t say having white children alone you fucking idiot. Did you read what I posted or are you just a retard?
You didn't offer any suggestion other than having White children. All you essentially said was "yeah, being redpilled is good but yeah have white kids"
But hey, now's your chance. Explain how the White race can make the 14 words a reality.
>Don't worry about increasing white birth rates, worry about decreasing the amount of non-whites in white countries and the existence of whites will naturally see to itself.
The problem with that is, there's no way to do that through the government. And it doesn't address the issue of the subversive non-Whites in control both in the public and private sectors.
I'd say government is the most realistic way to do it short of balkanization.
>subversive non-Whites in control both in the public and private sectors.
If they aren't in your country, they aren't in control of anything.
>I'd say government is the most realistic way to do it
What makes you think pro-White candidates would be allowed to run for any meaningful office let alone win and pass pro-White legislation?
>short of balkanization.
That's the only real answer. Hence the Butler Plan.
>If they aren't in your country, they aren't in control of anything.
Not that you could get legal American citizens (ex: The Jews in Hollywood) out of the country, mind you.
>What makes you think pro-White candidates would be allowed to run
Because I'm not a schizo that thinks there is a shadow cabal meticulously controlling the world.
>Because I'm not a schizo that thinks there is a shadow cabal meticulously controlling the world.
So the Jews that control the media wouldn't vilify a pro-White candidate worse than they do to Donald Trump?
Because the Jewish controlled Republicans and Democrats would allow a pro-White candidate to run under either of their banners?
Because the Jewish-Liberal judicial activists wouldn't block every single piece of legislation from a pro-White politician?
>wouldn't vilify
Never said that. Facing social opposition is different than not being permitted.
I find the way you capitalize the j word suspicious.
>how can i fight them on even ground and win
You don't.
Ctrl + F
“Have sex”
No results
>Never said that. Facing social opposition is different than not being permitted.
Just because the social opposition has stopped any pro-White candidate from holding meaningful office doesn't mean they also wouldn't be permitted to hold office. It just hasn't gotten that far yet.
>I find the way you capitalize the j word suspicious.
Not an argument. I capitalize Whites as well. You gonna complain about that?
>South Korea
>Telling Whites what to do
Pick one.
K, so you're a schizo that believes in shadow cabals. I'm not, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
>Not an argument. I capitalize Whites as well. You gonna complain about that?
Curious that you consider the j words and European people to deserve the same respect.
>K, so you're a schizo that believes in shadow cabals.
I believe the Jews are behind everything bad being done to White people based on the evidence I have seen. Shadow cabal or not, that's a fact.
>Curious that you consider the j words and European people to deserve the same respect.
I capitalize Jew because it's proper grammar. I also capitalize Israel just as I'd capitalize Germany.
There is no future for your weak white children.
>demographic doom is certain
I refuse to take the black pill. Surely there's a lot that can be done, and other anons have mentioned many in addition to what I wrote originally.
I think one of the most important is to spread awareness on social media. And we have come far. The purge on Youtube was a setback, but there is so many people out there creating content highlighting that there is a genocide going on.
Wh*tes refusing to have children is not a genocide, idiot.
>I refuse to take the black pill. Surely there's a lot that can be done, and other anons have mentioned many in addition to what I wrote originally.
There really is no other viable choice but the Butler Plan.
>I think one of the most important is to spread awareness on social media. And we have come far. The purge on Youtube was a setback, but there is so many people out there creating content highlighting that there is a genocide going on.
You haven't begun to see pro-White censorship on social media. I'd wager the second the 2020 campaign begins in earnest you'll see a massive social media crackdown.
The social media faggots think that "racists" elected Trump and therefore all the "racists" will be censored prior to the 2020 election.
If Trump manages to win re-election, it'll get even worse.
So the message will be muted and the LARPers (which comprise Jow Forums) won't do anything offline (like leaflets, fliers, business cards and stickers)
>Anti-White supports White Genocide.
>Anti-White claims that White Genocide is not happening and also doesn't understand what genocide is.
You're just such gigantic hypocrites.
I'm not saying you shouldn't or that failure is certain. I'm just saying that slugging punches back and fourth on even ground, or ground in their favor, as with social media, will not ultimately work. It will take some asymmetrical warfare, whatever that may be, in order to win. If someone knew the answer and were in a position do bring it to fruition, they would have already done it.
>it's a choice
Wh*ites not having children is a choice, just not a very good one for you guys.
Wh*ites have no future in this world. They will become outnumbered and silenced.
>Wh*ites have no future in this world. They will become outnumbered and silenced.
And at the same time you'll claim you're not really anti-White and there really isn't a White Genocide occurring.
You're either a shill or an idiotic troll.
>imagine lacking this much perspective
Then don't be surprised when they decide to simply not do that. The more they become a minority, and the more they're oppressed, the greater they will resist, as has happened with all peoples in history who were attempted to be conquered.
Artificial insemination. Literally buy sperm and create children at home.
Im not even memeing.
>wh*te genocide
No such thing is happening. Whites refusing (not prohibited) does not make for a genocide
>you're not anti-wh*te
Depends on how you look at it. I'm glad there are less and less wh*tes in the world, but wouldn't engage in violence against them.
Imagine not knowing the definition of genocide.
Have sex dude
Anti-Whites like
are really their own worst enemy.
Their hatred of the White race will create radicalized racists who want to destroy the anti-White power structure.
If the anti-Whites just left the White race and pro-Whites in peace, there wouldn't be any conflict. But then, they wouldn't be anti-Whites.
>No such thing is happening.
Of course you say that, because you support Whites ceasing to exist. If you admitted it was a genocide, you'd be revealing your hand.
>Whites refusing (not prohibited) does not make for a genocide
And you also claim there are no measures or programs or beliefs in place that reduces the White birth rate. (which is a recognized form of genocide)
>Depends on how you look at it.
You're an anti-White racist that supports White Genocide. Just admit it.
> I'm glad there are less and less wh*tes in the world,
You're also an idiot.
You think the world being more non-White and less White is a good thing.
Because White nations looking more like Africa and the Middle East is good, right?
>but wouldn't engage in violence against them.
You are engaging in violence.
You support the beliefs and policies that are erasing White people from the face of the earth.
You support non-White on White crime.
You support hatred against Whites in White nations.
When did I claim it was genocide. Besides, why do you restrict things to predefined terminology. Do I have to create a new term to describe this event which was zero historical precedence of happening. It's a phenomenon, and it's a problem. People who claim it's genocide do so because there is no other way to explain it, and those who refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit the term, despite the phenomenon being real, only serve to block discussion and ultimately control the narrative.
>Have sex dude
sub-human chink. go eat a dog.
>There really is no other viable choice but the Butler Plan.
That's why we need to find a way to more presence on social media, one way or another. The Butler plan cant happen without a critical mass of whites saying enough is enough.
>You haven't begun to see pro-White censorship on social media. I'd wager the second the 2020 campaign begins in earnest you'll see a massive social media crackdown.
There's still Bitchute and Voat. And a crackdown might make more whites wake up and abandon platforms that are hostile to them.
>Wh*tes refusing to have children is not a genocide, idiot.
No one's refusing anything, it's just that it's really hard sometimes
Dude seems like a literal kike or an FBI agent sowing discord and trying to provoke someone to do something violent or make threats that will get them arrested
>That's why we need to find a way to more presence on social media, one way or another.
Gab is a start, but it's essentially a contained space. No bluepills will be exposed to the truth on Gab, because they're not being censored enough to go there.
>The Butler plan cant happen without a critical mass of whites saying enough is enough.
Well the thing about that is that can happen in the area that contains the butler plan. And it doesn't need a massive amount of people.
>There's still Bitchute and Voat.
Until the liberals who control the system deny their domains ala Daily Stormer.
>And a crackdown might make more whites wake up and abandon platforms that are hostile to them.
Some, yes. Hopefully enough. We'll see though.
>Gab is a start, but it's essentially a contained space. No bluepills will be exposed to the truth on Gab, because they're not being censored enough to go there.
But that's the thing, most people won't even have a chance to be redpilled because the narrative is "only the most extreme racists and nazis are being censored" and they actually agree with that.
neocons like Rush and Hannity won't get censored. So the thought of becoming redpilled won't enter in their mind.
And then they won't be able to see any of the redpill material because it will only be available on darkweb "nazi" sites.
I hope I'm wrong though. The Butler Plan really only needs 5k Whites and a civilian populous that doesn't actively oppose them to kick it off.
Are you sure about that? Here's a scenario. Hannity and Rush and others are not completely blind to what's happening. One of them might just shaken out of half-sleep by seeing progressively more blatant encroachments on the first amendment. That might just be enough to tipp them into redpill territory and then the hammer comes down...
>Hannity and Rush and others are not completely blind to what's happening. One of them might just shaken out of half-sleep by seeing progressively more blatant encroachments on the first amendment. That might just be enough to tipp them into redpill territory and then the hammer comes down...
Nah. They're firmly neocons. They support Israel unquestioningly. They'd never be redpilled nor would anyone who listens to them.
They are controlled opposition to the Jewish social scheme.
What about Tucker then?
OP is a 55 y/o boomer faggot
Is that turd flinging monkey?
At least you put more effort into your shitposting than calling me an incel and telling me to have sex
Seeing stuff like this and knowing whites will NEVER rise up is why im 100% blackpilled. There is no point anymore. We wont even consider self preservation.
is this tony ferguson
Just found out I got my wife preggo again, this will be our 3rd. Feels good man!!