Daily reminder, this is what happens when the US fucks with Iran.
Iran > USA
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Wharf is this ?
USN sailors aew natoriously gay and surrendured as a joke to get a feel of Iranian bulls.
Ready for assraping.
fuck off Schlomo, the United States civilian populace has enough firepower alone to hold off a full scale land invasion from Iran
can it stop a civil war from erupting?
I remember watching that on tv... not sure what to say about it. Were they supposed to fight or not fight? Maybe hit the gas an outrun the other boat?
can it handle a Russian invasion during that civil war?
A bunch of foreigners get arrested?
can it survive when china cuts off its food and clothing and manufacturing and precious metals that the US relies on it for?
Iran show of force in the Persian gulf, highlighting American weakness in the region.
Maybe they ran out of gas?
they made the right decision, they were alone and having engine problems and were approached by much larger Iranian vessels, there is no way they would have won a fight with them. That PT boat is probably only armed with maybe 1 or 2 .50 cals, not the kind of thing you can fight off bigger ships with.
memer faggots on Jow Forums make it out to be "hurr durr murica cowards" when the reality is that a little PT boat crewed by schmucks isn't going to have any chance to fight off bigger, more numerous ships
Do you know why Iran has warships with glass bottoms?
so they can see their airforce.
We did before computers... technology is the succubus that requires precious metals
imagine this happening now
>China feeds the United States
Best kek I've had all day
Zogbots waving their dicks around where they shouldn't even be in the first place.
>Exporting food to the US
We don't, and have never needed your dog and cat meat, cheng.
>implying Russia wouldn't be supplying us with weapons
Trump would sink every single Iranian ship and then back off.
>China exporting food to the US
>Having the power projection to invade the US
Pick one. Now China in 10-20 years of building up their navy... That might be an actual threat.
OK Pajeet
Russia doesn't have enough ships (both naval and troop carrying) to invade the US, all they could do is ship weapons to their preferred faction in a civil war. The Russian navy has always been coastal defense oriented, they don't go on the offensive
Lol now I know why the Navy guys would never let me go on patrol with them.
>get ran up on by Iranian vessel
>chief pees himself and orders us all to stand down
>the Chad Marine corporal (me) punches chief in the jaw and hops on mk19
>chunk chunk chunk chunk intensifies
>Iranian vessel btfo
>get court marshalled for doing my job as a Chad Marine
>go to Leavenworth for excelling at doing my job
Honk honk.
Cool story bro. Here's what happens to Iran.
How the fuck are you going to get court marshalled when you are dead and at the bottom of the ocean? You stupid fucking crayon eater.
China building up their navy for 10-20 years couldn't even get past Japan.
fuck the (((US)))
kys kike warrior
>crayon eater thinks he can defeat multiple armored warships with a single mk.19
I assume they waived your ASVAB score of 3?
Lmao go suck arab dick faggot.
Do you have any idea how badass our modern PT boats are?
Things are literally armed to the fucking teeth and extremely low profile.
Theyre not deep sea fishing boats retrofitted with a 20mm cannon that can only fire a single round before the recoil causes the next shot over the horizon.
Go play some more BF3 neverserved cuck.
Go back to CoD
>bigger ships
Does Iran even have any large ships, the Iranians ships were probable just as small, was noted that the burgers started crying.
except the boat in question had 2 independant seperate engine systems.
fk off with ur disinfo
>deep sea fishing boat with retrofitted with shitty ruskie 20mm cannon is a armored warship
This is your brain on anti-West propaganda.
They didn't have mechanical problems, it was due to navigational error.
markVI patrol boat
propulsion: MTU 16V2000M94 (x2), 5,200 HP
Wasted digits on a dumb comment.
We going to bomb the shit out of thier navy. Iran will be lucky if they have 2 persians and a canoe left when we done with them.
Our sailors were told to surrender because Kerry was in the middle of nuke talks.
Amazing how not one sailor was interviewed and the media excuses were obvious bullshit.
I would have told my sailors to stand down but there is no way im letting them put their hand on their head and be held at gun point for photo ops. Id just tell the sand niggr that we are not hostile and will not comply. He can kill me and my men if he wishes but it would cause the destruction of his entire shit hole country.
>a bunch of israelis dress up as US soldiers
>get held at camerapoint
Does nobody remember that James Bond movie where the guy who owns a news company makes up stories to get views? Come on faggots
Day reminder that America sunk your Navy and fucked up a couple of your oil rigs for lolz.
Why would it want to? Kabab removal requires it.
Easily. The US has 3 times Russian population.
Mercedes engine is America boats...
Pff they took a speedboat that went off course. What happened when Iran flew to close to our drones in an F4?
They didn't even spot the F22 on their tail until the pilot radioed them to gtfo and they obeyed like pussy muslims always do when outnumbered
Thats the problem with you Sailor boys, to afraid to initiate combat.
Youd gladly get lit up with AK fire and die, but you wouldnt rack the .50 and start chopping their little speed boats to bits?
You are what is wrong with modern US military leadership.
Going out in a blaze of glory is for men, surrendering to execution is for plebs.
Literally irrelevant. Its a freakin speedboat effectively.
And Iran released them. Why? Because like when the fled from the f22 they know the US would best the shit out of them.
Well Obama was President(a pussy MB stooge) and likely ordered them to not initiate engagement. Particularly when the US boat violated Iran's waters.
The US command is clucked. None of those guys wanted to go down like that.
too bad we don't capture you guys.
They werent even in Iranian waters when they were captured though, they literally went "oh shit turn around" and got back into international waters, then Iran chased them down.
They would have been well within their rights to engage as a military vessel being attacked by enemies in international waters.
idk what you're talking about, in 15 years, Iran is no longer a country.
In 15 years, America will already have balkanized through violent and terrible civil war.
and we are all armed