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What's your type? Is the description accurate? What is off? What type do you like the most and why?
Take the test here:
What's your type? Is the description accurate? What is off? What type do you like the most and why?
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Half this board is INTJ.
ISTP. It's accurate. I don't like to craft irl or atleast I don't do it. I wish I were an extrovert. Or INFP because I like to help people and people often seek INFP advise
Proofs? The survey once done here showed that most are INTP
I prefer life path numerology desu.
I think I got ENTP when I did the test, but I've always felt like I'm really a ENTJ but I just can't be bothered with all the fucking normies getting buttflustered that I don't buy their shit quality control...
In numerology I'm a lifepath 33, which is basically jesus, but I guess I'm not realizing that very well cept posting some pretty dank red pills once in a while.
Reminder that the creator of MBTI "carl jung" was a Jew dabbling in the occult
Emotionless Anime Girl reporting for duty
What is this numerology thing? Elaborate and explain your result
Everyone mistypes as INTP
ISTP gang checking in. I feel like we suffer the most. Change my mind
>wants to clone himself so neither of them will be a virgin
You know I actually had fantasies about what it would be like to have a female clone to have sex with
Post your type and tits with timestamp
I got the chad ENFP. Would anyone here like a hug?
Why do you think that?
INTP schizoid 142 IQ
Jow Forums is a haven for INTJs for good reason.
I unironically have a crush on you (if female). Too bad she wanted sex on the first date, I refused, she broke up...
I'm istp and autistic who else istp?
ISTP here, I guess its close enough even tho I dont think I’m introvert
Idk, jung was pretty based and the occult is pretty real, just hidden.
The thing is that you don't put your trust to these techniques, you trust nothing but Jesus, but you use these techniques to find out about your purpose and a path to happiness.
>you use these techniques to find out about your purpose
Explanation please
>please take my Cosmo personality test
INFJ, on the border between N and S, so I'm sometimes ISFJ, though I am consistently INFJ nowadays. It's funny, I do like Hitler and So-And-So is my favourite TGS character. I told my mom I was an INFJ and that they think Hitler was too, and she said she could see it.
ISTP, I do want total war to break out already.
>tfw no infj mommy
I'm a guy
MBTI is worthless, it's about as useful and accurate as a horoscope
ENTP Chad here.
Lol at all you little meek virgins.
INFP, actually very accurate
>classifying people based on the stars under which they were born is as accurate categorizing human behavior into 16 archetypes
INTP master race coming through
I got HDNW. Anyone else?
I used to maintain a r9k & mbti disc. The tests in general are crap, especially 16p. Plus a lot of people mistype because they aren't fully honest (the dilemma of the ego).
If you care about this psuedo-horoscope you need to understand the function stack and consider looking up socionics (Russian Myers-Briggs). The tests are just helpful starting off points.
Socializing is a skill not a pereference or personality trait. If you are I you are wrong
ESTJ reporting in. Have success, money and family but I'm not a visionary or anything. I love making rules for people to get fucking screwed by at work though. Lawful evil master race
I'm like a whole mix of INT/ENT
>If you are I you are wrong
>Get Ugly One years ago
>Retake and get So and So
Shit I'm always part of Teen Girl Squad
INTP here
INTJ here. Did this test a long time ago and I must agree that it fits almost 100%.
No fellow INTJ mastermind here? I feel like we are the true master race.
The entire board gets that.
majority of Jow Forums is def INTJ
Am afag. Life is great
It’s been that way since /new/
ENTP/J apparently. Well, fuck.
The way the function stack works you're either one or the other.
ENTPs have Extroverted Intuition (Ne) and Introverted Thinking (Ti)
INTPs have Ni and Te.
Your primary function is the most clear cut.
There are a lot more people who mistype their secondary function. Someone who types as a ENFP might actually be a ENTP for instance.
INTP-T. Sounds about right.
ENTJ reporting in.
Why do you Guys think that Jow Forums ist mostly INTJ?
Yeah, I'm ENFP, but get close to ENTP. People think enfps are all flakey hippies, but if you find a traditionalist enfp you have a fierce ally. I think more ENFPs and ENTPs have a big picture view and can see where things lead. My in law is an INTJ but he's a Marxist. INTJ's always get stuck in the minutiae and can't see the forest for the trees.
not Jow Forums but Jow Forums dumbass and it's because of this
ENTP masterrace
I get a different result every time I take one of these tests since it's fucking retarded and in reality a persons personality is dependent on what situation they're in. E.G. I doubt someone who's super extroverted at the club with their mates visits their fiance's parents and goes RIGHT WHATS UP YA FUCKIN WANKERS WAYHAAAAAAAY
Its probably pretty close between INTJ and INTP. The board is certainly dominated by NTs though.
Because SJs are out DOING things user.
fucking zoomers ruined y'all
Think of it as more of a persona test than a "personality" test. Its meant to dissect the narrative we construct about ourselves.
Interstitial graph user. That means that over a third of women are programed to be traditional, while about 15 percent are programmed to be tramps. Therefore, tramps utilizing social media gives the impression that all women are tramps, hence, the INTJ majority of pol with their myopia, focus on the tramp data and conclude women are lost. Clears up a lot for me.
INTP. 100% accurate.
This is jew bullshit. Your personality is defined by your race.
I bet you were that faggot who never studied/never did anything in group projects but got all the best grades
One Problem of the architect personality is their obsession with rationality and thinking. Some think that they can gain knowledge and insight by only using their majestic brainpower. However, Not everything can be thought through, sometimes you have to fall back on empiric data.
But their ability to solve complex problems and understand difficult and abstract ideas is unconquested. That is why we are so special.
Or *interesting graph
Every based person I've ever met was an ENTP, an INTP, or an INTJ.
Unemployed for 3 months and with depression.
My personality is a fucking curse
I know several Marxist INTJs user.
INFP, and that is literally not me. I think more than I feel. I don't make compulsive decisions on emotions, and I control my emotions. I don't allow my emotions to run wild. These tests are fake and gay.
The frequency of each MBTI personality between the races is different.
White Americans are more likely to have a dominant or auxiliary intuitive function than African Americans for example.
Same, but I've met a few that were NatSocs too.
We are just to smart for the average normie. Architects unite!
You can be the silver haired one in my harem
Mien niggere
Almost true
Why are ENFPs so perfect?
They're all sluts.
What about shitposting Kekistani sorcerer? Yeah, I used too much shade on the skin; but the cloak is /our/ flag.
I lose sleep trying to figure that out user. I wish my wife could see it.
INFP - life a special kind of hell.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter White, Elon Musk, Karl Marx and Putin are INTJ. Only smart people on our side
true to some extend, things that required memory like foreign words i could memorize them at the start of class and do the test. other than that didnt rlly do good at school, got carried away with some people and ended with a probation and got put into sort of a youth prison, dont know the english word.
I literally get paid to talk shit 24/7
Become a trap or get a dom gf.
I am ENTJ, my gf is INTP
>Karl Marx
user I...
How are ENFP people perfect? They dont posses the cognitive capibilities of the INTJ or INFP
>they enjoy masturbation more than sex
it IS better
Juvenile detention or juvie
Figures you modestly post that without comment. Same here. I thought I was intp and was going with that, but retook it yesterday after a few months, I suppose more honestly and got INFP-t. It’s definitely been helpful to read about it, regardless of its scientific validity which people will argue to no end. It seems to clear up how I acted in the past, but more importantly giving me a base of knowledge so I can actively work to avoid the negative aspects of that type, and that I see in myself.
Juvenile detention center