Did he post here?
Did he post here?
Other urls found in this thread:
sloppy job mossad
He posted on /a/ in best girl threads because Holo was his waifu
Sloppy fucking job mossad. Israel is going to war without US support.
Nah, he was encouraged by the Glowies on 8.
guy looks like a glownigger
Is that sam hyde?
I don't know who that is.
Shit cheap rifle, eBay mag holders,Chinese red dot, no back up irons, fore grip held together with duct tape. Cold steel gladius on belt. Holding mag in right hand but right handed wrf? Guy was a fucking retard.
so did "le deep state" give him a rifle without a firing pin or what?
Oh no body armour either git hit Center mass and dropped like a sack of shit that he is.
Can somebody give me a quick rundown? What the fuck happened here?
So his score was zero? What a shame.
He even has the mags on the left side of his body. Where the fuck do you get such a low quality gun
Impeccable post, Finn. Also thank you for your country producing top tier NHL net minders
>Autismo tries ti be the next Sam Hyde
>Shoots up courthouse
>Photographer laughs and takes photo
>He fires full mag and misses with nobody hit
>Drops spaghetti
>Skitters away like a roach
>Fucking security guard shoots and kills him before cops do
>Everyone fucking laughs at the loser
You mean korbo, right?
What shit's going on now again?
Thanks bro, he sounds like a real glow nigger inspired hit man
no, just an average weeb LARPer. I bet in his head he was an ubermensch and all he had to do was suit up and unleash his hidden aryan super powers.
cope. this is your white brethren and ethnostate advocate
sloppy job putin. dick
Oh man my sides are in orbit from this joke I've heard at least three thousand times for the past 4 years.
N E G A T I V E score
Nothing about this picture strikes me as a shooter who would hit anywhere let alone a hardened target with armed me inside
here's the dude who tweeted that lol
Does anyone else feel like that look on his face is one of fear? Like he's being forced to commit these crimes? Whole thing stinks of a setup.
at least he's alive
>everything that makes white right wingers look bad is a mossad glownigger psyop MK ultra operation
He beat pic related at being the worst mass shooter ever. At least Earnest managed to not fucking die.
If he'd posted here, he'd have known better than to use those shitty toys
ayo hole up, he spent two years in the military and didn't manage to shoot anyone? what are they teaching to soldiers?
How to fill out the mtf paperwork to start transitioning.
Probably had a desk job and hadn't fired a weapons since basic.
it actually looks like him you retarded faggot
>unironically this
spooks on pol/ will never admit how fucking cringe it would be when they really try going postal
As a FED glownigger, obviously
It's true, literally everything. If a Jow Forumstard stubs his toe on his coffee table, it's because CIA B'nai B'rith gangstalkers broke into his house and moved it into position.
Will they let him join?
Nothing about him in european news.
little whiny faggot who probably posted on Jow Forums goes full retard and tries to shoot up a court house in Dallas, is a complete and utter failure (thankfully), no one is injured or killed, and the little prick gets domed by a federal officer with ease.
Probably a Trump supporter too, considering his edgy alt-right facebook cringe meme posts.
John T. Earnest 2.0 except he shot up a courthouse in Dallas instead, killed nobody and died
Who carrys around a camera that can take pictures that clearly?
Oh, and because this little edgelord was a complete and utter failure, now the narrative has shifted to "FAWSE FWAG GROWNIGGER!" here to deflect any attention from the fact that this guy is basically a representation of what all the edgy kids that constantly post "le day of the rope nigger" here are like IRL.
nobody cares about this dude and every time something happens it gets called a false flag
A photographer who was at the courthouse for a trial apparently had bigger balls than the shooter imo
>>Autismo tries ti be the next Sam Hyde
you dont know how right you are. this guy WAS the sam hyde shooter and he knew it. whole thing was big performance
A literal journalist. Also, most modern cellphones you fucking poorboi.
>n... nobody c-cares about this d-dude!
Then why are you posting in this thread faggot, and why are there multiple threads about it in the catalog right now then?
Oh, it's worse than that. The tranny and the faggot in Colorado beat Earnest at being the worst mass shooters ever, by failing to get a higher score while playing co-op. And now Clyde has taken the title from them, by scoring nothing and fucking dying.
hope your mother survives a terrible car accident, and catches MRSA in the hospital’s burn unit. glownigger faggot
cope, he talks just like you losers, his social media is up.
youre a real wise ass Lopez. Gimme fifty laps around the base
I'm here to shitpost, why else?
it takes one to know one. hehehehee
devon would have been a cute girl (male) if he didn't go psycho
You're really emotionally-invested in this. I think you want to give yourself permission to think everything is going to be alright for you. Remember Tarrant regularly posted on 4+Jow Forums and maybe here too.
but it was a false flag. using baby talk to imply we are kids isn’t an argument btw
the scared look on his face, inability to efficiently operate his firearm, and sloppy overall appearance tells me he was coerced into doing this
Is he wearing the ski mask because he's insecure about his appearance or something?
Bullshit, Jow Forums are the ones who shilled it to him.
>imagine going 0-1
He had to have been a forced patsy. He went in, fired into the air, left and died. Good for him.
did they force him to post cringe nazi shit?
why don't you tell us
Found his manifesto.
Your post is a false flag, to make Jow Forumstards look like desperately coping man-babies who can't accept reality and unilaterally reject it. kys glownigger.
Behold - the fear in the eyes of the Federal Nigger.
We got our badge from Jehovah.
Deus Vult.
Vae Victis.
its the look of a man who's thinking
"how the hell did I get talked into this"
no u
What nazi stuff did he post?
Who is this guy? What did I miss?
oh look at that Jow Forums is six anonymous posters
Did he? I haven't cared to "investigate" this case one iota. Got any socmedia archives or whatever? I'm up for laughing. BTW, it's not like glows couldn't manufacture posts.
>how the hell did I get talked into this
You get talking into too many drinks, not going on a shooting spree
he is some ex army guy who was channeling the sam hyde shooter character
not from some of the FBI sting stories ive read.
>he is some ex army guy
And he fucked it up that bad? Doubt
Now that's pathetic
How tf does that even work?
>hey man, wanna go shoot at some random people
>wtf no
>come on it'll be fun
>ok fine
Only ironically
lol the nigga didn't post here but they'd love it if he did
It was actually one the idiot manage to get killed by a security guard
With obvious dissenting opinions, too.
so who else thinks this fag was a patsy
shop away that weird left eyebrow (his left)
the afraid face disappears
he'd been with the army for two years without deploying. he was a terrible moron
more like US is going to war without israel support, as always
Because Jow Forums is a board of peace, never forget.
Milfags always fuck up. It's why the majority out of the military end up being fucked up because they're low IQ. You think I'm joking? Go play airsoft with these idiots, it's not like the movies where some ex-marine is going to pwn you with his superior military tactics. You have low IQ mutts joining the military and they are still low IQ while in the military and they are still low IQ when they leave the military.
Case in point, like this faggot shooter.
This, and a meme with the caption "When Libertarians and NatSocs meet on the battlefield during the Bugaloo" on a segment from the Power Rangers where they teamed up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Fuck off glownigger.
ahahah holy shit