Is this the start of the one world order?

Is this the start of the one world order?

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NWO is already here we live in Babylon. Countries politics and history are all lies.

They are going to use LINK!
1000USD EOY!

"Libra" is a cool name for a currency
Mark Zuckerberg can suck my cock,
BUT I will always give due credit to people who create awesome "Names for things"

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so, whoever invents a currency, all that value that gets inflated belongs to him?

he basically gets free money for nothing?

This is good for BTC

Cant wait for neetbux

ya memecoins are a scam

Pretty much been the case for every other crypto which dumps as soon as it's released

so why would people give billions of dollars to facebook? I would assume it would be linked to your account and they could track your "wealth" and transactions...

You'd literally have to be an 80 IQ moron to buy this currency.

People just by these coins for a trade
They have no actual value

>The cryptocurrency will be governed by the Libra Association
Haven't read up on it, is it really a cryptocurrency or is it just a currency?

>People just by these coins for a trade
>They have no actual value
yes, but you give them value (exchanging real dollars for some crypto shit). Now why would you do this, since facebook is a piece of shit company?

I'd rather invest in some coin backed by an organisation with somewhat moral cause. Maybe an wall coin, where the generated value goes into building a wall...

>Now why would you do this
Because they want to get in on the bubble

This is why I have a problem with it.
It's not like I want crypto so that anyone can see what I do with it. My local bank (far out in the middle of nowhere) would be safer for my personal details.

>Because they want to get in on the bubble
not everybody is a speculator user... and I doubt they are planning a pump & dump scheme

I am wondering too. Literally kills all the advantages of crypto if thats the case...

>facebook (DARPA) crypto
>HQ in illuminati land
could you be more obviou-

>libra saturn connection
-s....ffs, you're not even trying.


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this. facebook, smart phones, etc introduced in the same year of us entering the solar minimum in 2007 along with Obama getting elected was us already deep in the NWO, that's why we're fighting it so much because this has all been implemented without a single gun shot being fired in retribution

>not everybody is a speculator user
the people that buy memecoins are

The whole point of crypto is to not rely on the legacy financial system.

I think we've reached the point where people like zuckfuck care more about power than profits. Amazon could get in on this and offer a 3% discount if you pay using this crypto. This could be manipulated a million ways, and it all leads down a dark path where a handful of companies control everything even who can buy and sell.

even graphql, an library for api request made by facebook has a half star of david in its logo..

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That’s what politicians want. CEOs have just become their personal bitches.

>facebook invents own currency
>uses shell corporation to do it so its totally not the guys who leak user data freely
Its just the first step for megacorporations. Soon they will start dodging taxes with their private currencies then they will start doing things that are undeniably illegal with state backed currency out in the open for everyone to see. The biggest red flag will be when corporations and banks start loaning each other private currency they themselves created.

This isn't crypto like it's normally thought of. This is a massive power grab.

Yep, and the prototype of the mark of the beast.
>nd he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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I don't think these CEOs are bitches to politicians. I think they are partners.


So a platform that already is open about banning people who's opinion they don't like, will soon have enough power to do that to currency. Interesting times

>I don't think these CEOs are bitches to politicians. I think they are partners.
same, I think facebook and google are controlled by US secret agencies.

No fucking way the US government would miss out on all this data about citizens and allow a fucking company to control it.

Mark is just a fucking puppet scared for his life..

>Mastercard, PayPal, PayU (Naspers' fintech arm), Stripe, Visa, Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook/Calibra, Farfetch, Lyft, Mercado Pago, Spotify AB, Uber Technologies, Inc., Iliad, Vodafone Group, Anchorage, Bison Trails, Coinbase, Inc., Xapo Holdings Limited, Andreessen Horowitz, Breakthrough Initiatives, Ribbit Capital, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventures, Creative Destruction Lab, Kiva,Mercy Corps, Women's World Banking.


fuck zuck and his fuckbucks

why does Switzerland let so many companies do shady shit on their soil?

I hope so trying to hold 100 link if it hits 1000 oh boi

What if the mark was people using their cell phones for everything? Just a though.

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reminds me of the idea to get everyone "chipped"

It's the start of behave or no money for you

So the jew has invented a crypto currency now. Do the jew have no shame? They already control the world's fiat and now they want to control our crypto.

"Let's invent a crypto shekel"
"Let's call it libra, nicey goyishy term so they think they're still free"
"Goys will just lap it up"

Thats what happens when a jew starts making. He only wants more and more. That fucking zuck started with a stupid social media platform which made him billions by selling private data to big corps, bought almost every competition he had. Now he wants to control the money to, for fuck sake someone gas that kike

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Not feasible, using something doesn't stay in your hand or your forehead.
Have you even read the entire book? There's a whole bunch of stuff associated with the mark, people bearing it even get a sore at one point, they get tormented, they get sealed up by Satan and damned forever.... stuff like that, a whole lot of stuff...

This isn't a crypto currency though, it's potential is far worse. One of the main things with crypto - no one knows who you are, and as points out, the backers are insane. This will be the complete oppoiste, where they know exactly who you are, therefor they can shut you down, literally

"I'm sorry. You said naughty words on the internet once, so you can't buy from us, and we are a private company, so it's not a violation of your constitutional rights."
It'll be a fucking nightmare.

poo in loo

The £ symbol derives from a capital "L", representing libra pondo, the basic unit of weight in the Roman Empire, which in turn is derived from the Latin word, libra, meaning scales or a balance.

Fucking Jews

I knew this looked familiar. Sometimes, this shit is so weird that I regret ever having taken the redpill. This is practically the same as the satanic underground sex cult symbol from 1984's Invitation to Hell movie with Robert Urich.

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The abbreviation for pounds "lb" stands for "libra", which is also the name of the £ symbol. In fact, we call the british pound "libra" here.

that's great but what's zuck's pitch on why anybody should use it
looks like it's
"enslave yourselves to my currency"

except in one case it is vertical and represents fire, in the other it is horizontal and represents (air/water)

More likely it was taken from the egyptian hieroglyph for water

no one except boomers even uses facebook anymore

maybe he'll start giving it away for free.. or rewarding people on his platform with it.

like pavlov's dog..
>you liked this dnc post
>here, have some libra

would be nice if people weren't morons and wouldn't fall for this. but I have my doubts.

They're just vouchers that companies can use to advertise on facebook.

>no one except boomers even uses facebook anymore
and zoomers use what? instagram? I have bad news for you...

Its a Stablecoin, means its value is always pegged to the dollar 1 LIT = 1 Dollar, with governing they mean that everyone involved in this will run a node to supply the network with information and back the shitcoin with capital.

So no, buying Zucc bucks won‘t make you rich like BTC did.
If you want to profit from Zucc bucks you gotta buy Chainlink.

Kek wanna see some mindfuck shit?
Check out the Logo from „Hyperledger“ and then head to the gematria site and check out the gematria for „20022“ as in ISO 20022 (the standard messaging format for banks which will be connected to everything in the future, thats the true mark of the beast).

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no one cares what shit hole countries like yours filled with retards has to say

Doesn't matter. I'll tell you why they will. Because they'll get promotions, "buy 100 bucks worth and get 50 free to spend at (insert name here)". "sign up and use your Libra bucks and recieve 20% off your Amazon order". "all Libra users get a 15% discount with uber"

while there may not seem like a logical answer, people aren't rational when it comes to filling their homes with cheap discounted shit. That is how it will start, and NPCs while telling you they know its "not ideal" will go along anyway, for all of the above

Holy shit

this this this

you can say the same for a company being listed on the stock exchange.
>invent company
>value gets inflated by news and hype

2spooky for this early in the day

that is the basics of cryptocurrency, but the fb shit is just like trading one $ for one FB shekel which is tied to your name. facebook doesn't get $1 from you, they aren't doing it for money, they're doing it for control and data. the money they get is mainly from the processors paying to process it as they'll charge 2% to the goys who use it.

Here's how they're going to do it, and I know what they're going to do, because they're fucking evil. Just assume the worst, and it's what they will do:
>unite with other big tech companies to form a digital government that floats on top of actual government infrastructure
>insist that the "Calibra Wallet" will never share personal information with Facebook or other big tech (unless for "safety," of course, snarf)
>they'll work with Paypal initially so people can "buy" some Libra to get them started
>they can "farm" Libra by participating in community events, such as during Pride Month updating their banner to the Facebook Official Pride Month banner will get them a Libra
>users who maintain 'excellent social media scores' across all platforms will get a weekly bonus deposit of Libra
>you must "verify your identity" with a phone number, physical address, photo ID, etc., to have a "verified" account on these platforms to be eligible for Libra bonuses
>the more sites you participate in, the better your score, and the better your weekly (or monthly) Libra bonus
>saying bad things will lower your social media credit score, lowering your bonus or eliminating it altogether
>your social media score is readily seen by anybody who searches your name on the Internet
>getting banned from these platforms will further trash your score, and deprive you of platforms to spend your Libra on
>because your social media credit score is so low, the other platforms suspend your account
>now you can't spend Libra
>now you have a permanent low social media credit score for the world to see displayed on a Google search

This is what they are going to do.

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it's one of those platonic shapes, but with a star of david in it.

sacred geometry. I think there are some theories that postulate that the basic building blocks of reality are triangles (not strings, as in string theory)

I guess you are right. Both are speculative... Basically early adopters are investors in such a scenario (without voting rights).

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we all need to boycott it - dont buy the Joo coin

yep. capped.

For a visible mark on the forehead, it'd have to be a brain machine interface chip

Revelations 13:16-17
>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.


a better way to kill it given the way globohomo works is to get it to have a racist image, like only white nationalists ebil nazis use the zuccbuck or something.

Absolutely this.
And then they will start forcing people to use their currency, then their currency will split off from the dollar and be "stronger", etc, etc, etc.


>they get sore...tormented
You mean like cancer and other shit we know cell phones do?

Why the fuck are we giving these companies time to develop counter strategies?

This is how we get shadow run and cyberpunk...

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his numberisSix hundred threescoreandsix." - Revelation 13

New global crypto by Facebook has 3 waves in its symbol.
Wav in Hebrew means six.

The time has come.

For now

They’ve created these good goy coins to subvert fiat currency and control who can afford to put food on the table

They put Cheese Pizza on Alex Jones's computer then announce Libra. Great job cutting him off at the knees.

Not great not horrible status confirmed. Were fucked.

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>We're sorry. We only currently accept Libra. Have a PayPal account? You can convert your dollars to Libra by following (((this link)))

Buy chainlink

>tfw 10k stinks

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Literally just the social credit system
I bet politicians are orgasming over the idea they don't have to deal with their constituents when big tech does all the work for them

NWO started after WW2.

>tfw 4.4k LINKs @ .37

Nice fren

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Facebook is the (((deep state, NWO))).

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they are actually shitting their pants

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>4.4k LINK too

sure as shit wish it was at .37 tho...

anything under $2.00 is good though. Keep buying

This - it further puts people into a crypto space

Dogecoin> libra

Let the DOGECOIN rise!!!! Let's use clown world in out favor. We have to out beat and outsmart the jooooo000ooo with Libra. imagine the lulz memes of Dogecoin attacking Libra holding justice cups or pissing in them.

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NWO literally means establishing an Order in the New World (America). The NWO has been around for a while now.

Financial economy has long been disconnected from resource economy
This is digging a deeper grave

The great recession can't come soon enough

best opportunity for fast money

there are too many idiots outhere and it will have success the first days


p.s. now you know who are the "buddies" behind your ban in facebook ...

/pol i present you the Libra Friends

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