So, my buddy was invited to a round table with Gov...

So, my buddy was invited to a round table with Gov. Kane involving gun control due to the VA Beach nigger going postal (love how the news didn't cover it for than a couple days, go figure). Give me some good info graphs or statistical charts that he can have printed out and take with him. Mom's Demand Action and a couple other virtue signaling groups (including the glow nigger Abigail Spanberger) will be on attendance. Nothing too redpilled (i.e. Things that say nigger or like or faggots etc, because it has to be somewhat toned down so the normies don't just start kvetching) They had a discussion yesterday and already they're talking about magazine sizes and taking guns out of Section 8 housing, not sure what today's will be. Come on Jow Forums, you have a chance to have a voice in Virginia's capital today

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Other urls found in this thread: and McPhedran 2007.pdf and Suardi 2008.pdf

Schools have gotten safer since 1992 and you are still incredibly unlikely to be shot at a school.

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Fuck off mossad

How am I Mossad, rabbi? Afraid of a couple info graphs that the normies might see? Stop with the shame tactics, we're on to your pilpul

bump. You might want to hit up Jow Forums

Leftists don't care about statistics.

Dropped it over there, too. Figured it fit both boards rules, since it's both poltical and weapons related

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Sitting by and doing nothing is ridiculous. Even if it reaches just one person, mission accomplished

Shameless bump, fight me

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It's not going to change anyone's mind. The last twenty years separated the sane from the insane.

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The janitors on Jow Forums are huge faggots and will delete any political threads even if it specifically pertains to guns, despite being the best place to talk about gun politics because Jow Forums is a collection of men and women who actually give a shit about their 2nd amendment rights and are usually politically active in defense of these rights.

>Thinking that you can reach the normies via your friend that can speak to a governor.

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What's with all this blackpilled nonsense today? So you advocate doing what you do? Sitting on your ass like a lazy faggot and not even trying? This is why nothing gets done, you're all a bunch of lazy defeatists. Every little bit helps and helps combat their echo chamber. You're too lazy to even post a helpful infograph or give any advice on talking points you'd want to see brought up. You really are a blackpilled loser who doesn't deserve the rights you have because you've never once done anything to preserve them and by the sounds of it, never would

That's sad, I don't frequent Jow Forums because of all the LARPing faggots on there. I'm an infantryman and can spot bullshit a mile away and that place is chock full of tac fags, albeit a lot knowledge. I usually only there when I have a question about a vintage military surplus weapon that I can't find on my own

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No one obeys the laws they pass anymore.

It's fine, go give your little speech or whatever. I'm sure it will make you feel good.

Take a hike, defeatist troll. It's better than don't nothing, but you civilians wouldn't know anything about standing up for and attempting to protect your rights. You just sit idly by and btich and moan and then have the audacity to talk shit about people who are at least taking advantage of a platform being given to them. If only we reach one person, then that's a win in my book or if it gives the other pro gun people more ways to go redpill people on guns, then that's arguably better. But that won't happen when all you want to do is sit on your ass like a gigantic blackpilled defeatist faggot. Laziness is degeneracy

Well it's not going to be me, my my buddy and I are working on what he's going to say at the roundtable be was invited to. You just sound like a bitter and lazy faggot who would rather play your vidya than even make an attempt to protect your gun rights.

Based leaf. This is now a gun redpills thread.

More guns do not cause more crime:

Schools that allow teachers to carry weapons are safer than the ones which do not:

The probability of being killed in a school shooting since Columbine is 1 in 614,000,000:

Kaine is a Senator.

Virginia is one of the most pro-gun States in the USA. Tell him that the victims families are all talking about how they were denied the right to self-defense.

I live in Virginia Beach, and I can tell you from the attitude around town that people are more furious at the people pushing gun control than I have ever seen them before. I use the word furious because that's the genuine attitude people are feeling.

If they pass new Gun control legislation in July, it'll be a total political disaster of a magnitude not seen before.

People are starting to see things more clearly around here, and they care about their lives, and resent the idea of being defenseless.

The government has stated many times that they have no obligation to protect you, regardless of where you are. That alone can only mean personal protection is a personal responsibility.

Sorry, didn't read the thread description. I meant to say: have some redpills, OP.

Thanks user, can't believe there's this many blackpill shills in here, you'd almost think they were trying to convince us not to pursue this. Wonder why they're so upset for wanting to stand up for our rights? Fuck those kike shills

Yeah, I messed that up. Was all worked up when I was posting that, my bad. I used to live in Richmond but now I'm stationed in KY. But you're right, it is very pro gun but these anti gun faggots are virtue signaling hard and if they don't get any push back then they're going to think their rhetoric is working and who knows what they will propose next.

You're the kind of insufferable faggot that deserves to be disarmed.

Here are some more:

Assault weapons bans do not affect state gun murder rates + restrictive concealed carry increases homicides:

Permit-to-purchase laws have no statistically significant effect on state-level gun homicide rates:

Campus carry laws have no statistically significant effects on campus-level crime, although campuses in states with unpermitted concealed carry have lower property crime rates:

Most gun control laws generally show no effect on crime rates:

California universal background checks had no effect on firearm homicides in the state:

Sorry, missed one:

You mad about something, faggot? Did something I say get under your skin, newfag? It really must be summer

Here are some redpills on Australia:

"Gun laws and sudden death: Did the Australian firearms legislation of 1996 make a difference?": and McPhedran 2007.pdf

"The Australian Firearms Buyback and Its Effect on Gun Deaths": and Suardi 2008.pdf

"Did Australia’s Ban on Semiauto Firearms Really Reduce Violence? A Critique of the Chapman et al. (2016) Study":

"The Effect of the Australian National Firearms Agreement on Suicide and Homicide Mortality, 1978–2015":

Now you're getting incoherent. Not the sort of chimp I'd choose to defend my rights.

Oh boy

Just lurk more, newfag. Lurk for about another year before you never post again

You know, in all the time you've been chimping out in this thread, you could have just gone to the FBI, DOJ, and CDC websites and gotten all the statistics you need.

I'm sure no one in your state has seen them before and they would probably change a lot of minds. Especially the Mom's Demand Action folks. It's not like they're paid to think the way they do or anything.

"Some gun control policies may reduce the number of gun suicides, but they have not yet been shown to reduce the overall risk of suicide in any population":

"Safe Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Crime":


"Gun Control and Suicide: Possible Impact of Canadian Legislation to Ensure Safe Storage of Firearms":

"Controlling firearms use in Australia: has the 1996 gun law reform produced the decrease in rates of suicide with this method?":

"Current trends in youth suicide and firearms regulations":

"Dynamic pattern of suicide in Australia, 1986–2005: a descriptive-analytic study":

"Trends in hanging and firearm suicide rates in Australia: substitution of method?":

I thought I had more of these but it turns out the folder I set aside for gun data has been filled with race data.

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You can get some more from here:

And here:

Here. I hope that this helps.

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Found them. I believe these ones have citations as well, I haven't looked at them in a long time.

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On top of this, the red block is mostly suicides.

40% of cops beat their wives
>haha so true!!! I fucking love science!

13% does 52%
>um sorry sweaty but correlation does not equal causation

>I live in Virginia Beach
God knows you need a gun then, lots of them. What's 13 but also 50?

Get off of Jow Forums Feinstein.

Doesn't it say "a well regulated militia"?
Why don't leftists lean on the "well regulated" part. Is it because they just hate the constitution entirely?

You act like I don't have all that info, retard. I was asking for stuff that was compiled in a way that might appeal to normies, but instead you come in on your high horse like a gigantic fucking faggot who's butthurt because they know they contribute nothing and are secretly jealous of those who can and do. You're a transparent as they come

>you come in on your high horse like a gigantic fucking faggot who's butthurt because they know they contribute nothing and are secretly jealous of those who can and do.
Aren't you supposed to be an infantryman?

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Bring up the Justice opinions in McDonald v. City of Chicago and in District of Columbia v Heller. Good luck to your friend.
>In the 2015-2016 school year, the federal government reported, there were 235 school shootings. But only 11 were confirmed independently by NPR.

Use their own rhetorical weapon against them - focus on how gun control is classist and racist because rich white liberals don't need guns in their gated communities but poor people of color in the ghetto don't have private security. Make a big deal out of the racist roots of gun control, about how modern legislation was based on attempts to disarm black nationalists. Don't just eschew redpills, fucking overdose them on their own social justice shit. Gun control only benefits people who can afford to isolate themselves and their families from criminals. It doesn't make anyone safer, and crucially, it makes things MORE DANGEROUS for the people most in harm's way.

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Literally this. Hammer the point home about how every additional obstacle in getting a gun is discrimination against the poor, who are statistically far more likely than wealthy people to be victimised.

Licensing requirements, FOID, banning Saturday Night Specials, etc, etc, are all racist and classist because they disarm poor black people.

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You really have no argument do you other than be a contrarian faggot who's mad that people are at least getting off their ass like a blackpilled defeatist shill

Make the 'N' as big as the moon and put it in orbit

Ignore the shills, user, and pay attention. Use muh racism against them; they have absolutely no defense against being accused of taking away poor black people's rights. See:

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Use FBI statistics and NYC's stunning reversal in crime rates since the late 80s as justification for regionally-targeted stop and frisk

Dayum, dis 'lil nigga hayte dat cabbage, huh?

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There is no Gov Kane, stupid nigger.

13 50 them

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Based. Saving

Remember that the rationale for gun control is identical to that of mandatory vaccination. Same people are behind both.

There's a state-by-state trend that shows once concealed carry became easier to practice, states' homicide rates fell with some states going from above to below the national averages.
Inversely, places with strict gun control like Chicago and Baltimore, in anti-gun states that like to make it hard to keep and bear arms, have higher homicide rates. DC's rate was at some points higher than Baghdad during the height of the war.

I guess a good argument to also tie into that would be the hypocrisy of voter ID being discriminatory against poor black people and yet gun control to disarm poor black people being perfectly fine.

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