/Brit/pol: Polish kid got almost 5 years for hate speech

Reminder to keep edgy comments to Jow Forums, lads. Unless you want to spend the rest of your twenties behind bars on the receiving end of BBC

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Other urls found in this thread:


These are Polish last names. Second generation?

Slavs are only chosen white
Brit cucks are worthless cowards

(((Hate speech)))

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Remember when there was a police investigation to find the creator of this image?

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Why would anyone join these undercover FED organizations? AtomWaffen, Sonnenkrieg Division etc.

Are people on the right really this dumb?

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>Using scare tactics now
God you shills are so pathetic
Fuck niggers
Fuck Kikes
Fuck mods
Fuck jannies
Fuck OP

No faggot I'm not trying to scare I'm saying just be fucking careful and because they will literally destroy your life

Inb4 the leaf and the dane having a who can guzzle the most jizz competition.

It was all satire your honour.

If you can't speak out for what you believe in, you don't deserve the opinion at all. Gas yourself.

>Are impressionable teenagers stupid
I don't know, lego, what do you think?

>be fucking careful and because they will literally destroy your life
>Jow Forumsacks
>having a life
I say bring it on kikes

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A threat is illegal I don't feel bad for this thug


> two extremists plot to kill a member of the royal family and his bride just cause one of them is mixed

Appropriate response to throw these incels in jail.

>more polauts arrested

I love this country

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Just fucking lol, British far-right are full of slavniggers.


Britain is the most cucked country on the planet

Everything I've ever said on this site has been satire

why are you all so fearful of the so-called "law"? Don't you realise you can flout it any time you like, like I do every day?

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oops forgot my name

lmao it literally takes Slavic alphas to stand up for brincels

>fearing the law
ffs lmfao this is why i style on you

>encouraged an attack on a government official
don't newspapers do this every day?


I am not happy with this but let's be real here. This is more than "hate speech" if you read the article. There is a lot of intent to cause actual malice and destruction.

you're talking to brincels
they don't actually know what the law is but they still fear it and do their best to remain within it
that's what makes them so pitiful

Smell my arse

sounds like you're intimidated by the false "law" written by mere men?

Hahahaha you're not wrong.

You really need to do something about that Orwellian legal system and your anti-white institutions in general.

Boom boom boom boom I want you in my room

>no bbc news special with the neil
what is this bullshit

>you're not wrong
that's a recurring theme
this general is my bitch

At least the frogs had the nuts to kill you heir royals, britfag

oi m8 ur id sez CUM

>britcucks afraid of the alpha pole

>former advisor the May on BBC News
she must be utterly toxic to employers

>to kill you heir royals
u wot m8, are u on drugs or sumfin

>Neo Nazis

lol what a bunch of fags. Hitler would have had them all shot.

thread theme for lawless swine and cringing, pleading, constable-compliant brincel scum alike to enjoy

should have gotten banter licenses like normal people

1. They both look like Brits.
2. They both show more patriotism than Brits.

These "slavniggers" are, as of 2019, the new Brits. Deal with it.

what is it with polish teenagers and the alt right? there was another one who got caught can't remember his name he was going to stab people i think.

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is the fbi scared of the next timothy mcvey or is the fbi scared of actual terrorists?

i think the government doesn't give a shit about anyone except homegrown terrorists they know they create on purpose.

>killing harry because he fucks a nigger

which would accomplish nothing. the police got useful for once.

what is it with british teenagers and sucking muslim / jewish cock?

You can't break the law. If you break the law, you're a criminal. And the laws are there to stop criminals.
It's like the gun ban, since guns were banned there are none in the country anymore, because the law took them away.

Like magic.

>I make pictures depicting violence to public figures in neo-nazi groups
>it's just memes heh xDDDD
>every month there's a new memer with a bubble gun shooting memes at people
>every time it turns out they had an exquisite collection of funny kill all nigger memes
>what is stochastic terrorism

This kid literally made propaganda poster advocating for the murder of a member of the royal family. And living in a time where there are enough retards who would actually attempt something...The average IQ of this place must be double digit.

Well not really it's just that downplaying what they were doing is simply playing jew-tricks yourself. They were planning attacks; that's not just hate-speech.

I am not happy because I understand why they want to do this but I'm not in favor of actual terrorist attacks. Certainly not on a race mixer. At least pick a target that is actively doing evil things with a lot of power instead of some faggot that just signals stupid shit and doesn't do anything.

if they were white they wouldn't have gotten so much time

>17 year old Tory member can vote for our next PM
this is bullshit she should be blocked by the party from choosing leader

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the faces of Euro Jow Forums

atleast they are white

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Based Poles. Race mixers must die.
Diana fucked that sandnigger Dodi, that's why the based Queen killed her

ah so you're a bootlicker, got it
I sense a facetious tone to this, and thereby I detect a fellow lawless swine
so you envy me for following only my own law?

>want to stab/kill innocents

Like pottery. Poles are the niggers or Europe.

bbc is a racist kike meme

>t. cucked by a pole


Hello Pubes, still going to the boatyard?

why do you obey the "law" written by mere mortal men?

why are you conflating me with a known virgin?


>lads arrested for shit you see on here daily
man we're fucked

>literally a hateful caricature
can't wait until it's literally illegal for online services to host this sort of garbage desu

is prince Harry white?

Tory leader results in a minute, when they finish weighing Boris's votes

>I detect a fellow lawless swine

You must be using an unloicenced detector or something. I am a good law obeying citizen.

and redpilled
lmao fear more virgin
why would that matter?

Because I've seen what happens when idiots don't drive the speed limit or use their turn signals.

keep crying for that slavnigger.


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PM ballot results due soon. Predictions?


The worst thing is neither of these 2 people should even be in this country.

this is the real thread btw

but this entire general's crying about people breaking the "law"? lmao
who cares what you've seen?
>I am a good law obeying citizen
oh you're a Keanecel?

>Be foreign
>Threaten to execute member of Royal Family
>Get imprisoned
>Jow Forums chimps out


BOJO: 126
HUNT: 46
GOVE: 41
RORY: 37
- - - - - - - -
RAAB: 30

the law is perfect.

You should if you don't want to end up in a mangled metal hell cage bleeding out as you're trying desperately to find your ejected smart phone so you can call your mum to tell her you're sorry.

>17 year old
>Member of the Cuckservative Party

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Hmm, all to play for everybody left except Saj, who is fucked.

who cares?
>t. pitiful law-abiders

They're not cucks like the British

Wielka Brytania dla Polaków a nie dla brudnych angli*ów

Meanwhile elsewhere in the UK..

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>t. pathetic virgin
lmao keep licking that boot crimecel
I like how I told you I didn't care and you proceeded to shoehorn in a description of an auto accident because you really, really needed to share your twauma with the thread n'awwwwwwwwwwww
I never drive sober
And you can't stop me :)

Ha ha, my friends can vote for the next Tory PM.


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okay pube

Hmm... I don't know Faisal, isn't that you could be exempt from said law simply because you're of a certain protected race and unfortunately your "native" compatriots are not. Hmmm... seems very feasible.

Well then I hope you learn your lesson by being an example of another meaningless statistic.

Any of you lads tick every box of this British Army chart?

Fucking Orwellian.

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>be Tory MP
>vote for savage jarhead

>I never drive sober
Only because you haven't got a car

That's also easily observable in college towns.