Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11.
US President Donald Trump has cryptically suggested he knows who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but would not name the names.
Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the Rose Garden of the White House this weekend,
the president digressed from the subject of the 2003 invasion of Iraq to the infamous terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York and Washington in 2001.

“By the way, Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center,” the president said.
t was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were.
“And you might also,” he added, looking at Stephanopoulos.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If his "other people" is anything but Jews, you know he's a liar.

Holy shit 2020 win is now sealed.

hes blaming it on iran so he can invade

He's going to say Iran

911 was a controlled demolition made for TV movie. Nobody died. The towers were built to be demolished.
US leadership and the freemasons planned out and executed 911.

He'll say Iran and use 9/11 as justification to start a war with them

He played this 9/11 truth trick before Rabbi Drumpf is not going to finger the US and Israel fuck him. Won't be fooled again.

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>Nobody died

reminder that trump was most likely involved in the planning and cover up of 9/11

guiliani as his personal attorney. they were very close before, during and after 9/11

hires john bolton to his administration. bolton was chief member of PNAC. the guy wrote the 9/11 script

very close friends with larry silverstein before, during and after 9/11

hires CIA head pompeo to his administration. pompeo knew it was coming

9/11 suspect louis eisenberg was his best man (melania wedding)

very close friends with bibi, prime suspect #1

trump was the king of NYC real estate.

trump's financial building re-became the tallest building in lower manhattan after the WTC came down. being the biggest is important to a guy like trump

marries his daughter off to the son of one of the planners

and that's just the beginning,

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Why are 3,000 victims of 9/11 missing from Social Security death list?

911 was a LARP by freemasons. No one ever worked at the towers, no planes, no heros.



Isn’t one of the victims a 911 “truther” now?

Is that actually true?


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Controlled opposition no doubt.

This, New York City is just a Hollywood set.

It's a disinfo shill ignore him. 3/4ths of the victims were consumed by the nukes.

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They all knew, user. Every politician, every celebrity, every newsman, every financial exec in the world knew.

If he actually say Iran did 9/11, I'm losing all hope for this world. Just imagine him saying he knows Israel did it and glassing jews in to oblivion. It would be huge.

This is an aspect no one talks about. They used those identities for securities fraud which ultimately lead up to the housing crash in 2008. The house I bought in RI was issued through an agent working for Wachovia who died on 911. This is some major shit no one talks about. Wachovia, BOA, wells Fargo, Countrywide, Citigroup, Chase, Bear were all in on it.

Elections are rigged.
Trump is a FTM tranny.

you know he'll never out the jews
he's israel's best friend in 1000 years

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Basement nukes confirmed

Attached: 911 wtc basement nuke fires.jpg (500x649, 65K)

>The towers were built to be demolished.
this is the redpill

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it was hulk hogan and macho man
not to mention WWE/F had NWO and all that shit on their to.

Really is..
The fact that Drumpf says shit like this just shows how fucked we are.

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This user gets it.

Nukes are a hoax. They're fear mongering fake weapons.
Make people think the military is strong when it's mostly fat weaklings with smoke and mirrors.

he's gonna blame iranians

If he loses 2020 he better drop fuckin names and hard evidence

isn't he getting a little close for comfort and clumsily unmasking all the kikes on purpouse though?

he is the jew
this is another jewish trick

We all know the oiled dick was was behind it all and Bush was scared.

they don't call it "ground zero" for nothing

we live under the dome AND NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT

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>i know it but i'm not telling it because i know it but i just don't want to tell it you know because reason

at first i was like

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This user is a dumb faggot.

The (((megapowers))) hulk hogan and macho vs twin towers, big boss man dressed like a nyc cop and akim a a muslim

>New York isn't real.


like the one banging his daughter?
trump's family has been in bed with the jews since forever
so much so they're indistinguishable

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We all know the cunt who did this. She's worst girl.

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This post is completely factual. He is interlinked with several of the prime suspects.

What is it with whites and their obssessive need to latch on to a savior? Trump isn't it, wake up already. He is one head of the hydra. He is a shabbos goy through and through.

>>it was not iraq
duh, it was done by some mad mudslimes everyone knows that, now go shower yourself you dirty hippie

Earth is flat and we live under the firmament.
>1 Corinthians 1:27
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”

Let God be true, but every man a liar.

When you realize what happened on 9/11 then realize the absurdity of going to war FOR the guilty party because they claim Iran is a threat Jesus fucking Christ peak Talmudic Clown World

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Big boss man is a cop, and you call a cop by pressing 911

well you can only cross your fingers and hope can't you? if not trump then, it's happening anyways
jews can never stuff all of this spaghetti back into their pockets

>flat erf nukes don't exist no one died on 9/11
I see JIDFtards in this thread

Reminder, all crazy conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 other than 'Jews did it' are designed to make that statement sound as crazy as all the rest.

Look at the 911 plane footage.It's cartoonish CGI.
This whole thing was just a show.

>muh nukes
>muh shills ignore them and believe me instead
Smoke machines, flamethrowers, mannequins, actors in firefighter costume. That’s 911.

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Eat your Matzo

da jooz

This is good.

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Large possibility of that. If that happens I officially give up. We will spiral into death.


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this one's weird


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he is playing friendly to get in close for the killing blow

truly and unironically 14d underwater inter-dimensional backgammon

kikes will argue this


Attached: 1487726671141.webm (712x480, 2.75M)

Trump knows a lot about high rise building structures. He knew back then that the official story didn't add up.


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That’s exactly how a cgi object looks when you put it halfway in another object.


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damn that one is kinda blowing my mind

Best in depth review of this issue.

All the truther movements had been infiltrated. Disinformation is everywhere. Dr. Wood’s assistant was murdered over this book. Super scientific, pictures tell a thousand words

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Bush was a useful moron.


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yeah nationalism is on the rise, trump or not
the more time passes the more he looks like the best gatekeeper the jews could have dreamed of though

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Hint: Not Israel.

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CGI glitch opps

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>Implying the Bush Jr. wasn't an excellent president.

Wew lad.

how about you prove that anyone died in the attacks instead? the only people who died were the retarded fireman looking through the rubble.

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Jews out in full force, holy shit. SHUT IT DOWN. IT was holograms fellow gentiles!

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To solve the mystery, we should find out who placed unusually high bets against the dollar, for oil price and gold price increase before 9 11.

The deep state is greedy. They wouldn't miss an opportunity to do insider trading.

9/11 was done by neocon zionists
Trump is surrounded by neocon zionists
You're not very bright for a glowing israeli OP

Do this

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It's on that illuminati card. Attack against twin towers.

This one can be explained by focal length and lens curves. Just saying.

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your time is up shills. prepare to be hung in public while we throw stones at you