Uhhh G-gguys ?!??

Uhhh G-gguys ?!??

I come from a small town with 99.99% white population. Just moved to a big city and can’t find ANY white people WHAT THE FUCK


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Based and racepilled

The great cleansing hasn't even begun.
And then there will be a lot of non whites left over. That just means the jobs in deportation will be through the roof.
Never be cuck and think we've "lost"

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Kek he went to the city.

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The fuck are you talking about trump let’s in 1000 illegals everyday

The only white people I’ve seen were gays

I swear to god, the whole day of the rope thing is the greatest psyop the CIA has ever pulled off. Yes goy, keep fantasizing about some unrealistic mass genocide as your birthrates continue to fall.

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Yes the wh*Te race lost, your race is going to go extinct with a whimper not a bang fags.
>muh ww3
>muh race war
>muh civil war
nothing is going to save you fags.
wh*Te women worship the Black Cock, and Black Kings.
wh*Te women can't stop thinking about getting pregnant with Black Kings.
It's over wh*Tebois.

Even when I went to California it was still 45-50% white in the city. You get away from the spic ghettos and it ramps up to like 80-90% white with the rest being Asians or chosen people

Why tf would you move to a city in 2019? get out bro


But if you had babies with a white woman, your child wouldn't be black or white, they would be an abomination. They will more than likely identify with their white side, creating more white allies. Plus, all the hispanics moving to America hate blacks and love white people. Nogs will have it even worse in 30 years than they do today.

Dorothy you aren't in Kansas anymore, you're in Bernie and Hillary territory.

I came from a small West Virginia town where I’ve only seen a black person once in my life and the only Asian people I seen were at a Chinese restaurant. This is a huge culture shock for me it’s like I’ve been transported from 1955 to 2019 in a day

I'm sorry that you're retarded OP. That must be difficult for you. You will be in my prayers

We will just breed out the latinas, easy.
latinas make more porn with us then any other "human". as were the only humans alive rn

So what's it like working for Mr Sheckelsberg? Cities are Jew ran farms for their nigger tier shabbos goyim slaves. You aren't a nigger tier shabbos goy are you?

>wh*Te women
Implying they're of any value to us at this point. Two options: 1. We reach our fill of bullshit and kill everyone. I mean everyone, no survivors, no mercy, tossing babies out of windows sort of shit. 2. We say fuck it, enjoy our lives, die off and then you can try taking care of yourselves. That punishment is far worse than ours as you will live in a living hell that you can't blame anyone else for.

No big deal either way, however the cards fall I guess.

I'm a mutt and I'd have to side with the darkies in the hypothetical civil war. You guys fucking hate me on here, how could I possibly trust you not to off me, even if whites are better at the whole civilization thing?

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West Virginia is still 98.7% white with a fertility rate of 3.5
West Virginia will stay the same for another 200+ years.

You do not know what the future holds.

>We will just breed out the latinas, easy.
100% down with this AND WV. Mountain senoritas...could it possibly get any better than that?

It was either this or work at a restaurant as a buss boy my whole life making min wage

>how could I possibly trust you not to off me
You can't, at least we taught you something. That said I have one half breed friend who mentally white (black/italian). I might fight for him a bit, won't lose sleep over it though.

Making minimum wage in a white area where white people reproduce is better than living in a city where the white men are cucked due to liberal propaganda telling white women that white men are wimps.

Its better just to stay in your small town

WV isn't going to be un-white for another 200-500years.
the fertility rate is 3.5 for Whites there, and those Whites have the biggest penis out of all wh*Teoids.
So women actively wanna try and fuck them, and think about there cock daily.

I can’t afford anything on min or wage now I can actually buy things. Not worth it

you need to calm down

When/if you have kids, do you have a plan of where to live so that your bloodline actually survives in future generations? Like join a mormon church or something? Cities can destroy your bloodline. Through them eventually just being infected with feminism or gay.


>population of town: 5000
>99.99% white
>5 nonwhite
>OPs family
OP is a fag and nonwhite

I think you misunderstand, I dont judge anyone individually based solely off their race - those are feds posting that shit. I've never meet a single 'white supremacist' irl, not one, but I've meet MANY black supremacists (i was a wignat in a former life). We all know KKK is a government org and thats the only openly 'white supremacist' group thats a household name, why do you think that is? Because its a fed org, even Dr. Duke came to realize this and left. Can we agree that ethnostates would benefit all people? Could we also agree that the race tension for the most part is created/pushed by Jewish ran industries (music, movies, tv, news, social media)? You know what THEY fear most - us working together for a common goal. Removing the Jew, peaceful separation, and a societal reset. We should be working together, but feds like the nigger posting here, fear that more than anything. Dont let these feds and kikes form your opinion, they do NOT have your best intentions in mind.

Is it FEDs who are teaching students in school to judge people based on race? Because you are saying FEDs are making those posts where white people are proud to be white or something, judging people by race. But schools judge by race all the time teaching students white guilt. Are those teachers FEDs? They are teaching people to judge based on race.

You just found out why we've been advocating for nuclear war.

Based and truthpilled

its been over the past 10 years. especially in England
To put it simple
white couple maybe has 2 kids
Islamic have 4 to 6 and this trend hasn't stopped like expected.


Two non-white halfs is hardly a half breed...