Uhhh G-gguys ?!??
I come from a small town with 99.99% white population. Just moved to a big city and can’t find ANY white people WHAT THE FUCK
Uhhh G-gguys ?!??
I come from a small town with 99.99% white population. Just moved to a big city and can’t find ANY white people WHAT THE FUCK
Based and racepilled
The great cleansing hasn't even begun.
And then there will be a lot of non whites left over. That just means the jobs in deportation will be through the roof.
Never be cuck and think we've "lost"
Kek he went to the city.
The fuck are you talking about trump let’s in 1000 illegals everyday
The only white people I’ve seen were gays
I swear to god, the whole day of the rope thing is the greatest psyop the CIA has ever pulled off. Yes goy, keep fantasizing about some unrealistic mass genocide as your birthrates continue to fall.
Yes the wh*Te race lost, your race is going to go extinct with a whimper not a bang fags.
>muh ww3
>muh race war
>muh civil war
nothing is going to save you fags.
wh*Te women worship the Black Cock, and Black Kings.
wh*Te women can't stop thinking about getting pregnant with Black Kings.
It's over wh*Tebois.
Even when I went to California it was still 45-50% white in the city. You get away from the spic ghettos and it ramps up to like 80-90% white with the rest being Asians or chosen people