Y'know what gets me fucking pissed

Y'know what gets me fucking pissed
Jow Forums?!
How come it's cool when already established white characters are blacked but the second any black characters are turned white people fucking flips their shit!

What's the fucking deal?!

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Not another Nessa thread, I can only fap so much in a day, my dick is sore.

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>What's the fucking deal?!
"everyone" is niggers, that's the fucking deal, shove that down your thinkpipe, digest it and realize what a pointless and redundant thread this was to make because everyone here already knows that the world is full of and being ruined by niggers at the behest of their puppetmasters: the kikes

So could this whole thing be just a way normalizing the "niggering" of the west?
by displaying it in the media so 'whitey' thinks it's just natural?

In all seriousness niggas wanna see themselves more in everything. when you got people in brazil fucking light niggas to make their kids less niggery looking they niggas get self concious and want everyone to prove "black is beautiful"

Black is beautiful though

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Because white people bad, black people good.


now you're getting it

You must be gay if you wouldn't hit that.

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Imagine the smell

"but muh representation!"

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I don’t mind seeing more beautiful black queens in the media

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder fuckface...

>I don’t mind seeing more beautiful black queens in the media
They are overrepresented as it is they make up way more than 13 % of the characters in the media. So now I don't watch jewish propaganda, written for blacks and self hating whites.

I don't get this weeaboo shit.

ah yes, the smell of shit and history irrelevence

The hottest black in the world would still be like a 6/10 compared to the hottest white or asian women. Be honest

Yes because I literally have the pick of the hottest women in the world to choose from, good one user

isn't bestiality forbidden on Jow Forums tho ?