What happened over the course of the last 30 years that turned white men into such insufferable faggots?

What happened over the course of the last 30 years that turned white men into such insufferable faggots?

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women's empowerment included male emasculation

Based allied forces post war brainwashing and American white guilt media

Plastics having a feminization effect

probably the internet and social collapse

They came from broken families.

This guy gets it

Read about gender accelerationism. Unbridled neoliberal Capitalism has caused the barriers between men and women to erode due to giving them the same position in the labor force. That combined with obesity, plastics in the water and shitty food with saturated fats has caused a decrease in testosterone in the general male population in the west. That's why we see so many trannies and basedlets pop up everywhere. These trannies and women are doing well in the economy even better than traditionally masculine males. More women are getting into college and stem fields are dominated by autists and trannies and soon women.

The Frankfurt school

They are raised and influenced almost exclusively by women only during their entire education from daycare to college. Their boomer and gen X dads were either absent or focused on work more than family, failing to give them healthy model of masculinity to follow.

Frankfurt school was actually against this kind of degeneracy.

No they weren't, faggot.


What causes Jow Forumsacks to post honk memes? The world isn't serious enough for us. o n i o n faces are us bringing ourselves down to the level of the extant culture.

The beaners are bad with this movie and tv worship stuff too

This exactly. Look at people who work in fields with little women: construction, fishing, trucking, mechanical and electrical work, finance, etc. You dont see hardly any fags like this in those places.

My wife's boyfriend would probably know user, Gee he's such a cool goy

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this guy got it

female role models got promoted and male role models got vilified to the point where boys had no one to look up to

hollywood script writers started emphasizing the weakest traits in males and the strongest traits in females

an entire generation was indirectly taught that the vigor and strength inherent to masculinity is somehow wrong

this led to boys believing that weakness is strength and having no concept of genuine manhood

combine all that with social media and the desire for judgment, and we get open-mouthed cuckolds signaling their submission

Fields that need a high level of autism like finance would probably be dominated by trannies and basedfags pretty soon. It's inevitable. Tech and industrialization are to blame. Soon we'll all be genderless blobs hooked on techno capital

What happened over the course of the last 30 years that turned white men into such insufferable faggots?
idk the jews?

these soicucks have infected everything /tg/ related.i ve even noticed a few at warhammer night at my lgs. theyre fucking everywhere in mtg its just lost at this point. boardgames have it worst tho. when will this geek chic shit end

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it's the s oyboy bugman. A product of decades of indoctrination from feminism, cultural marxism, leftism, and the government-media complex.

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It began when based blue collar factory jobs were sent to third world countries. Once smart phones were thrown into the mix, shit really went down hill.

Corporations have infantilized adult male hobbies.

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Chill out, it's mostly just (((gingers)))

Social media. The desire for likes, shares and acceptance have made these faggots insufferable.

an obsession over power dynamics, and a long life of trying to "fit in".

>male role models got vilified to the point where boys had no one to look up to
>hollywood script writers started emphasizing the weakest traits in males
MCU got plenty heroic, muscular white guys. how are these not role models?

>this led to boys believing that weakness is strength

I actually think it has something more to do with weakness is acceptable.

If you're weak or submissive, its cute and funny and you don't have to take responsibility. Its a coping mechanism.

I have no fucking clue

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