Why does capitalism pretend to be a meritocracy?

Why does capitalism pretend to be a meritocracy?

Attached: rich people.jpg (500x522, 50K)

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The rich work hard so they can afford to be lazy, the poor can't afford to be lazy and despite that, they are.

This, I’m not filthy rich but i have no debt and own land. I also never had more than a week off for the last eleven years. Now i can enjoy everything iv accumulated and all i have to do is manage employees. Employee who make the same i did, who have more free time than i did, employees who are lazy and accomplish nothing at work and outside their job.

Physical labor is cheap because it's supply strongly outpaces demand.

>i have no debt
In western world, having no debt means you are rich user

>two men working out the thousands of details in a high risk, high reward gamble with their own livelihoods and those of all their thousands of employees on the line, using countless hours of research and analytics performed by themselves and their teams to find the best solution.
>brown people who literally shit on and wipe their asses with the produce they half-assedly collect
Disparate impact, user

>being born to rich parents, a well off family, or getting lucky in life.
>being born poor to a poor family
fixed that for you

>thinking the rich risk their own livelihoods
>t. brainlet

If you had ever invented or accomplished anything of value you would be wealthy too.

Those are Mexicans not people

Because the ability to controll people on its own merit shows a higher inteligence than a regular individual.
Apply that any way you want political, group work, managing but its a fact.
Also take it as this why atrent YOU in his place? why arent YOU controlling and using people? because that is evil/hard? the go cry elsewhere wage slave.

Are you really that retarded OP? While the fucking beaners can be replaced in a wimp by robots in the next 10 years, such things like charisma, leadership and communication skills cannot be replaced, period. It is this fucking "my gibs" mentality which is fucking annoying, just work your ass off and stop fucking meandering.

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That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on here.

yes but those rich people are CEOs and their decisions benefit many people under them and their vastly inflated pay reflects that.

(Sorry, I'm just giving the usual cuckitalist position for a lark.)

You mean if my family was rich or I got luck and hit the life lottery I would be rich too.
Almost every single business owner I know are 2nd or 3rd generation or come from well off families.
its very rare to meet anyone who owns a successful business that didn't have part of it handed to them.

Stop hating on consumption smoothing christcucks. Debt is wonderful if youre not a loser with a shitty job

That’s not true. People get their ideas stolen all the time and it’s very easy to be undervalued in our economy.



Nice anecdote but where's the data?

>why arent YOU controlling and using people?
Are voters who get welfare/disability controlling and using people?


all over the internet

There are still things you can do in capitalism that will allow you to live very well, which is not open in other systems.

There is a man who washes my bins. That's it. That's all he does. He washes bins for a living. He charges £5 per bin and he does every house in my village. And the next village, and the nearest four after that. He also does restaurants, pubs, cafes and other businesses. He charges more for larger bins. Each bin takes him about ten minutes to clean. He does all the houses and businesses in a day, once a fortnight. It's fag packet maths but I estimate he makes about £2000 every two weeks washing out bins.

He couldn't do that in a system that hindered capitalism or banned it altogether. That's proper capitalism. I agree that there's loads of monopolies and pork barreling and other bullshit but capitalism as a concept is quite good.

If it's all over the internet then why did you use your anecdote? Is it that you can't be bothered to look it up and use it even if it is all over the internet?

Someone had to secure the land to grow those onions
Someone has to buy the seeds
someone has to transport the onions off the farm
someone has to find a buyer for the onions
someone has to transport the onions to the buyer
someone has to pay taxes on all
someone has to buy the equipment nessary
someone has to pay the water bill
someone has to pay insurance for the crop and workers
someone has to process the onions to be acceptable for sale after they pick them
someone has the pay the workers upfront before any money is made

i can keep going on, it's not like those mexicans picking onions are doing all the work lmao. You think the land and the onions just materialize out of the ether or occur naturally? You think they just magically just end up on store shelves after they pick them? Is paco planting the seeds, watering them, paying for all that then finding someone whose willing to buy tons and tons of onions then getting in a truck and selling them? Is paco also paying taxes to the state and fed etc...

Im so sick of retarded commies

Explains why you are poor

because you can go easily look it up if you don't think its turn
since it all over the fucking internet.
90% of start ups fail most successful business have been around for generations

>Why does capitalism pretend to be a meritocracy?

Because if the proles realized their exploitation then they would obviously work to overthrow the oligarchy. The oligarchy has to keep illusion of meritocracy to stay in power.

>Haha great business deal, Chad
>mi picky el produco

I wonder which capacity is rarer in the world and might be worth more to an organization?

Everything you mentioned is very simple to understand and do. I’d say at least 25% of the people in the US could easily be trained to replace any CEO out there.

The data you refer to shows that you are wrong though.

Fuck, is this really true? I only used cash my whole life so I never ended up building debt.

"Merit" and "hard work" are two different things. The "poor people" in your pic have an average IQ of 90-95. Anyone could do their job, and anyone who needed it to survive would work as hard. But someone with a double-digit IQ will never be able to run a major corporation successfully, or turn a startup into a multinational. This is why there are so few black and female CEOs. Profit is color blind

Maybe if your parents weren't fucking losers you wouldn't be poor.

I’ve been more successful than 99% of the people on this board.

wow what a really high iq picture. wtf I'm communist now!

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Who said i was poor?

Out of the top 100 American companies from 100 years ago only 4 or 5 are still around. Try again, retard.

In a way, after all free gibs represents a special form of slavery where the state is the slave and you the master.

Why do commies pretend they would offer a true meritocracy? If the feminist cow that they beta orbit heard them mention "the m word", they would have their testicles removed.

>Out of the top 100
there is your problem






BBC youtube.com/watch?v=HerQ4ZUApKQ&t=14s

Russia Today youtube.com/watch?v=NJo9VdTtRYs

America youtube.com/watch?v=iWm8WYfxX88&t=30s

Australia youtube.com/watch?v=j77XIUcxRdQ

Sweden youtube.com/watch?v=6ESx_ArqqS8&t=64s



>You mean if my family was rich or I got luck and hit the life lottery I would be rich too.

So if the only way to get rich is to be born rich then how was the first rich person born?

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>most successful business have been around for generations
>except 95 of the top 100 most successful businesses today but that is totally unrelated to my claim
okay, cuck

>how was the first rich person born
to rich parents

The contemporary distribution of property came about through so called primitive capital accumulation. Basically any kind of possession was at one point the result of theft, violence, extortion, duress, forced labor, slavery or simply exploitation

Yes, it's true. If you own land and have no debt (no mortgage, etc.) Then you are vastly more wealthy than the bottom 70%~80% of the US, who are in debt that is piled so high that it would take them more than a decade to dig themselves out of it if they stopped spending any money.

The first rich person was a conqueror/gangster.

Capitalism will always result the degeneration of man. A capitalist only serves money. They will destroy anything and everything to obtain more riches.

Pretty much capitalism will never stop until every single human interaction and relationship has been throughoutly commodified, until society has been atomized and every individual alienated.

So he was a self-made man who was not born rich. So why can't someone do that today? And a second question, do you actually believe that a Kim Kardashian or a Will Smith is descended from an unbroken line of rich people dating back to prehistory?

sometimes rich spoiled kids don't want to run daddies business and go off to do something else. shocking I know.
but most small business owners, that i insure, are 2nd or 3rd generation family owned or got all their money from mommy and daddy.


Did you work hard?

Prisons are full of men that have tried.

Not really. I strategized, manipulated people, and was an all around sociopath.

Why do communists pretend this next time will be utopia when they have more than a century of mass death, mass starvation, and oppression behind them?

Under capitalism, we may not all start in the same place. But at least I’m free to find a way up. Under communism, you are a slave. You belong to the state. Your very existence depends on whether you are valuable to the ruling party. And considering the lefts attitude about white males, I’d just as soon not end up face down in a ditch with a bullet in my brain.

Classic Capitalism

Always the same shit. OP is just some jobless incel that looks at that image and doesn't see sweat "so it must be super easy". Well, you lazy nigger, what they don't tell you is that we don't get to turn it off, ever. We are working 24/7. Disaster on Christmas? drop everything. Oh shit, you have the flu. Too bad you get to spend the next 6 hours working from your couch.

because it causes a certain amount of the exploited population to put their energy into the misguided attempt to get ahead by hard work instead of where it should be.
By the time they realize their mistake they are sunk cost falacy into capitalism and either continue defending it or just give up.

Nepotism will keep you from ever being "rich" and even if you manage to earn a certain amount it will be when everyone else richer than you has gotten a little bit richer, leaving you table scraps to be eaten off the floor like the pussy ass bitch you are.

you dont understand what any of those terms you are using means, and your idea of history is based on skewed propaganda. Look at the ww2 japanese propaganda about how US soldiers will eat babies, this is the degree your own understanding of communism is skewed.

You keep saying 2nd or 3rd gen like it's important. You do realise there had to be a 1st Gen, right? Someone had to start it, those people didn't receive any handouts, how do you explain their success?

But its you retarded faggot.
yes you are

>where it should be.

Mass organization to overthrow the oligarchy

Cause it is. Crony capitalism, aka what the US has instead of capitalism, isn't tho.

The most hilarius thing about your post is that you are still using anecdotes even after claiming that the data would back you up and is easily obtainable because it is all over the internet. How about you bring up intergenerational social/economic mobility of high-income earners?

they don't that's why he ignored it lmao

there is no such thing as any specific system
in implementation all systems will vary from their idea. The kinds of capitalism you see today are in fact capitalism, they are what happens when the idea of capitalism is subject to the material conditions of the world and human society.

Those guys farming arent poor

>those people didn't receive any handouts, how do you explain their success
because they got lucky and did it in a time when everything was cheaper and easier

>That's definitely real capitalism
>No, no, real communism has never been tried
U R Blowin My Mind

Cronysim is inherent to Capitalism because Capitalism possesses a near-infinite malleablility to sustain itself. It's like organism that reacts to the threats it is exposed and expands into every space and every domain. Capitalism even uses criticism against itself as commodified it to sell it off as a neutered product.

What are you expecting your parents should have done to make you born into a rich family that you can't do?

>because they got lucky
Now I know why you hate the rich. You don't accept responsibility for the lack of success compared to how successful you want/think you should be. Yeah, blame the universe and keep making excuses for yourself.

Good goyim keep at it

Those are rich people enjoying the fruits of their labor. Do you think if spics were smarter theyd still be picking crops?

Why shouldn't we impose a 100% inheritance tax, hm? Wouldn't that make the world way more meritocratic?

Inventors who make anything useful usually get it stolen by some immoral zog tool

Inventors who make anything revolutionary wind up dead

I would kill you where you stand for spouting such ignorance in front of me

communism is not a thing you do, its the end result of everything else.
Real socialism has in fact been done several times.

if their ancestors did hard work so they don't have to it's bad?

yikes op you better not accept any will money from your parents in the future

because that is not what we are talking about
we are talking about poor people starting up businesses and becoming well off through hard work, which rarely, if ever happens in today's world.
majority of businesses owner come from well off families, who have people to support them and pay their bills for them
and the majority of successful small business today are, either as i stated, people from well off families, or 2nd/3rd generation
this information is readily available, if you are to lazy to look it up i don't care.
just like you are calling those people lazy for not working hard.

As an American, why can't I get a hand out?

Always interesting when the high priests of capitalism talk about personal responsibility. When you are poor and steal a loaf of bread it's prison time for you and if you can't pay your mortgage you lose your house. If you are a rich banker who commits fraud you get a plea deal and when you are a big banking conglomerate you go to daddy government to bail you and your buddies out. Cut-throat individualism for the poor and corporate socialism for the rich!

Because you have to be a capitalist. Capitalism is essentially a system of handouts—some inherited, some not.

>Now I know why you hate the rich.
i don't hate the rich, i am well off, and both my wife and me come from well off families. like i said before, i insure small businesses, which is a family businesses that i took over .
but keep thinking hard work is how people become successful

Technocracy would be the way to go but that would mean monopolies are legit.

>intergenerational social/economic mobility is not what we are talking about
>even when we are talking about people being rich thanks to their parents or not
Amazing retard.

>just like you are calling those people lazy for not working hard.
quote me where I called anyone lazy or even used the word 'lazy' at all. I didn't, you are just hallucinating what I say to make it easy for yourself to dismiss what I say without actually rebutting anything.

imagine unironically believing this

>rebutting anything
you haven't said anything relevant to rebut

Yes, because all the bios and testimonies of people escaping the multiple versions of communism were all psyops by capitalist Jews, right? Never mind my personal relationships with people who immigrated from these shit holes and are still afraid to talk about it in public.

FFS, put aside the endless historical documentation of communism’s endless tragedies and just think about it from a pragmatist perspective. You say capitalism is bad because people are greedy. But you simultaneously believe people will suddenly stop being greedy once you create the all powerful centralized government necessary to enforce communism’s rule. It’s complete horse shit specifically designed to lull gullible low iq parasites into supporting tyranny.

According to stats they almost certainly inherited their wealth. Most wealthy people in American are middle class again within 2-3 generations

why do you suck at money?

oh wait that's cause you're lazy lmao


based Canadian

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit

Capitalism has nothing to do with meritocracy.
It is the most efficient system because it is based on human nature

>But someone with a double-digit IQ will never be able to run a major corporation successfully, or turn a startup into a multinational.


are you fucking serious retard

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>gets called out on pretending that I called someone lazy when I hadn't even used the word lazy or any other similar adjective
>completely ignores it
Pretending your mistakes don't exist? As expected of a failure jealous of more successful people who blames luck for his own lack of ability.

many parents invest and work themselves hard in order for their child to have better starting possition while others smoke during pregnacy