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Kikes can seriously 100% go FUCK themselves.

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So much kvetching

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What is this comic even implying? That kikes have ever had a modicum of restraint in calling forward memories of the holocaust? The kike in question has already disproven this notion before he even posted the god damn image.

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Oh sweetie

Oh look. Mossad is already making shitty forced memes of their failed mass shooting frmo yesterday. It was such a big failure nobody even knows what that picture is referencing. It got buried quick.

Sloppy job mossad.

>Jews love talking about Jews being killed for being cunty fucks
>Jews keep acting like cunty fucks
it's a real fucking mystery why everyone hates them

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>when you try to be a good goy but it backfires

Take your fuckin' meds you schizo faggot. Fuck you.

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You're a failure. You've always been a failure. You need to accept reality.

Take your fuckin' faggot ass meds you schizo retard.

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Hahahahah Mossad can't handle the 21st century.

names for the list...

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fuck it is getting old

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Jesus christ it's almost as bad as them bitching about getting short changed.

I'm not seeing much nuance from these Jews. Their hive-mind seems to be united in conflating border detention centres with death showers and human lampshades. Just imagine if their ancestors had been this unreliable when narrating the events of the Shoah. We wouldn't be able to believe a word of it!

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I am so fucking sick of jews

I deeply chuckled

These faggots don't know how good they have it, and how fucking bad World War 3 is going to be. God dammit, I just wanted to play videogames and watch anime.

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Sic her Larry !

Its the year 2219. Jews are still whining about the holocaust and how anudda shoah is on the way. Climate change has almost completely destroyed mankind as we know it.

And this is why Twitter needs to be fuck-crackers-kill-whitey

I am not even fucking kidding you guys my fucking phone just autocorrected to that when on this subject. WHAT THE FUCK GOOGLE? Holy shit!


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>never again for ANYONE
Except Ukranian farmers. They can starve to death, amirite?

Further proving there are no good jews.

Whichever kike isn't a parasite that defends spics turns out to be an Israeli parasite, they are truly an iredeemable race.

Why are people arguing over fiction anyway. Its nice to see jew infightig though. Can we put more flame on this?

Never trust a man who won't shave his sideburns

wow, fuck these people
reminder: these people want all whites destroyed

>You are a holocaust revisionist because you don’t agree with me labelling detainment of illegals as another holocaust in a revisionist manner
Are they stupid or lying? I really don’t get how you can go this far into cognitive dissonance without realizing

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based, redpilled, etc.

>Nonexistant genocide
>Jews all back it

Why is it that practically everything jewish people say makes you say 'Fucking jews' lol

They fucking do it to themselves.

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How about south african farmers? If indiscriminate detainment of illegals at he border is a holocaust now, I’d say racially discriminatory murders are a holocaust too

can you imagine needing laws just so people won't openly hate you?

Yeah Liz, this is a protected trademark after all.

Also kek at OP’s ID
Surely this is definitive proof of collusion
FBI!!! FBI!!!!!! I found proof!!!!!!!!!!

How do you feel about today’s twitter argument Moshe?

jews jewing jews. fucking marvelous

Holy ahit Iran had nukes the whole time, one just went off in tel aviv, turn on the news

best part is that jews dont fucking own the holocaust. more communists died in camps than jews. jews made up only a chunk of the total dead.

Well yah they gotta put on a show and pretend they're your friend or else who's gonna go die for them in the upcoming war with Iran ?

So I'm guessing my opinion that anyone caught coming across the border should be terminated on sight, would be unpopular?

And still "conservatives" cant stop sucking jewish cock and grovelling before their kike masters. I despise jews, i will the first serious leader who runs on a platform of exterminating the jewish beast.

If there’s a civil war between them, I couldn’t imagine what it would look like.

Why dont they come to Israel and serve in the army and shit if they are afraid people will mistreat them? Diaspora jews somwtimes sound like such pussies and parasites. Please if they do get fucked over dont let them in, your just plan B for them anyway.

>If there’s a civil war between them, I couldn’t imagine what it would look like.

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wtf a kubideh kabob just flew over my house

Use term "liberated" and maybe it goes unnoticed. If someone complains just say your buddhist or hindu

No no no, I mean a bloody one not a bitter hissy fit.


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Yeah it looks like Israeli jews are rght wing nazi type and diaspora are like fag commie type.

Is it because diaspora jews are leftist, atheist, and rallying behind palestine or what

It's because Netanyahu killed the 2 state solution.

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Wow really? Have any articles to link about it? Wish I would’ve heard this sooner

meanwhile, the holodomor
meanwhile, FDR and japanese internment camps

Don't you realize Trump cozying up to Israel is not what the Zionists want? The POTUS is always supposed to play the never ending mediator towards Israel-Palestine peace that never happens. Just to maintain the status quo. Trump stopped that.

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This one is particularly interesting. Trump are running concentration camps and the proof of this is that her family got murdered? There seems to be more feelings than reasoning.


>6 million Jews were exterminated in the holocaust
>Jew replies with...
>you are a holocaust revisionist

>gop nazis
but they love kikes

This ones triggered kek

Israel will sometimes cooperate with the peace process only to sabotage it to buy them time to continue colonizing the West Bank.

>hurr Durr no new settlements since 1991
That's because they strategically made a shit ton of them and they are growing. They are built over Palestinian water resources and they violate the 2-state borders.

There is nothing wrong with deportation. It's simply sending you home and/or preventing you from ruining someone else's. It's exactly like kicking someone out of your house. It's your house and your right to expel guests that have overstayed their welcome.

I don't get it why is she getting mad.

A pox on both your houses I'd say.
>Why dont they come to Israel
Fuck off niggers, we're full.

Send Guatemalans to israel

>sit down
That is the epitome of "uppity."

it must be mandatory for jews to have a twitter account. there's not a single jew alive that doesn't have one

>What was the path...
Invading and burdening the native European population.

I really wish most people had the ability to step back and just look at how shit this propaganda is in all seriousness.

Look how fucking comic like it is anons.

Every jew alive demeans the memory of the 6 million

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These idiots actually WISHED that an actual holocaust was happening

>never again for ANYONE

So, what's the deal with those Uyghar concentration camps or the ones in North Korea? Or, something closer to home, like Gaza?