Russia calls out US False flags

Blatantly calling out and laughing at ZOG false flags:

literally calling American elites "low IQ":

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Other urls found in this thread:

Russian media/politicians are in no position at all to call others low IQ.

> Russia

You are one fucking idiot aren't you?

Go fuck your mother retard.

Why not? They get what the want out of their plebs

>Sloppy Job! No One in Europe or the World Buys US False Flag Narrative Anymore!

>oink along
top kek, britbongs and amerifats being called pigs

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mutts btfo

it might be wise to thank the almighty for this balance in the world

because this shit has to fucking stop

all the FAKE shit


and between us, fuck the kike shills in your thread op. fake fiat banking racist cocksuckers

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Lol they seem smarter than what we got now. Take one good long look at Kampala Harris and try to imagine it’s not a literal monkey in a suit.

If Russia invaded I would help.

Russians, Arabs, Japanese...

Go kill yourself jew rat. It’s all you can do for the world at this point.

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based and redpilled desu

>we don't even know if the boat is Iranian
I doubt it isn't Iranian. Was what they were doing nefarious? I don't think so, but completely falsified video would have been instantly denied and questioned by Iran if that wasn't one of their boats.

Japan calls out Israel & USA false flag

>Pompeo said in a press conference Thursday that the United States' assessment was based on their "intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar Iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication."

>A source close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "These are not definite proof that it's Iran."

>"Even if it's the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it," he said.

>If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

>"That would apply to the United States and Israel as well,"

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It's true you idiot iran blew up those tankers with weapons of mass destruction aka incubator babies.

the japanese crew got rescued by iran, the boat in the video is iranian rescue boat. they couldn't just leave the mine they found at the ship so they had to remove it. any country would have removed it.

>aka incubator babies.
death stranding is about Iran?

Nigga we caught the mountain pajeets on video


israel lobby calls for false flag:

bolton admits lying to and deceiving the american people

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no, theres no way Iran wouldn't blow up a japanese ship to get back at america for having freedom. They clearly hate freedom and america.

No the Russian/Norwegian crew from the Front Altair was rescued by some other ship, then handed over to Iranians. The Japanese crew went to the US ship. I think Iranians were just checking things out and trying to collect their own evidence. It's odd, seems like the US, which was aware of the object believed to be a mine on the Kokuka Courageous, would have had a lot more curiosity in figuring out what was stuck to the hull. Instead they just hung around and pointed cameras at it. The Iranian boat didn't show until 4 hours after the incident if I remember correctly.

thread sure got glow in the dark fast

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Another point of interest: why is there zero discussion about what happened to the Front Altair? There were two ships attacked, yet we only get some minor details about one of them.

Call me a glowie, but the US government needs to be nuked.

You need to calibrate your sensors from paranoid to sensible, friend.


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Holy shit those RDJ lifts.

you're the one spewing nonsense. remember the US intelligence first said it was iranian torpedo, then mine, while the damage is clearly neither and even the japanese have said it makes no sense. read this:

sloppy job mossad is hillarious

it looks long because of the reflection you mong

>they h8 freedoms
boomer tier argument


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You don't even know the difference between the two ships attacked. Stick to posting youtube links because you clearly don't understand this situation.

its about time
We have been out here postin
And putin and rus bros have been

where the mother fucking bitch have you been bitch?!
>Iran’s foreign minister on Friday accused the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia of a plot to “sabotage diplomacy” after attacks on two tankers in the Persian Gulf, and appeared to insinuate that those countries were behind the assaults.

>Mohammad Javad Zarif in an early Friday morning tweet said the fact that “the US immediately jumped to make allegations against Iran — [without] a shred of factual or circumstantial evidence — only makes it abundantly clear that the #B_Team is moving to a #PlanB: Sabotage diplomacy…and cover up its #EconomicTerrorism against Iran.”

>Zarif regularly uses the term “B Team” to refer to a group of leaders he claims are engaged in warmongering against Iran: US National Security Adviser John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (or Bolton, Bibi, Bin Salman and Bin Zayed — hence the “B” moniker).

>Also Friday Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said US actions presented a serious threat to global and regional stability, speaking at an international forum in Kyrgyzstan.

>“The US government over the last two years, violating all the international structures and rules and using its economic, financial and military resources, has taken an aggressive approach and presents a serious risk to stability in the region and the world,” Rouhani said, in translated comments, at a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Eurasian security alliance.

>Meanwhile the United Arab Emirates’ Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said Friday the attack was “a worrying development and a dangerous escalation.”

>He said Zarif’s “credibility [is] diminishing… Public relations is no real substitute to constructive policies. De-escalation in [the] current situation requires wise actions, not empty words.

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fugg just gib me burgers user then i fight war

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I only mentioned the japanese stuff and you derailed by ignoring the facts and talking about the norwegian shit. sloppy job, mossad.

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>bolton sends american navy full of patriot missile to the gulf
>suddenly tankers have cruise missile damage

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I realize they are not made of wood as you like but those are manlet booties. You can see where the sole/front upper is curved up, aside from the reflection.

Classic case of manlet lifts and mild clown shoes to accommodate.

>t. swiss al bundy

You are unimaginably dense. You brought up the Norwegian ship when you talked about the crew that was rescued by Iranians, conflating them with the Japanese crew. Christ almighty. Like I said, stick to being a glorified link aggregator because you do not know this topic.

>stop derailing my thread user
he ain't derailing shit. it appears as if he agrees with your sentiment and that things look shady and don't add up.

>Retard thinks Russia has the power projection to launch any sort of invasion of US soil
Wow color me surprised

>cruise missile damage
pic related
Exactly. Doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate his stupidity if he's too dense to understand.

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>Russian media is still conspiratard tier
Mmmm yes

Is this image implying that kicking the shit out of Iraq in Kuwait wasn't completely justified? Haha, get fucked.

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>implying Western media/intel has any more credibility

those idiots only believe zog media

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>The operation caused no casualties among the population, but cost the lives of four operatives
Oof. At least it wasn't as bad as the US training NVA/Vietcong defectors as double agents, I think they sent like dozens of guys to their deaths or something.

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Or 'don't believe any news media' it's packed full of lies and spin.

>Guardian of Zion
Sounds like a trash mob name in an mmo raid

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I guess two ships were never attack in the Gulf of Oman last week then. Pack it up boys, nothing is true because there are opposing takes on what happened.

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I guess evidence was never manufactured to blame assad either, and that definitely didnt happen just a couple years ago.
and theres no way america and isreal being able to arrive at such an intimate knowledge of iranian nuclear research facilities to be able to tailor make a specific virus just for their nuclear research facilities could ever produce a speedboat, and some uniforms.
and let me guess russia was involved in this somehow as well right?

Do you have a coherent statement to make? I think you've confused me with someone that doesn't think Western/israeli intelligence is full of shit.

more believable than CNN

don't you have some somali dick to suck?

This about the mine gets me
>oh no it did no boom
>live and malfunction
> let's danger our sailors and ship to retrieve it and dispose
>Get blamed anyway

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at least they know how to make news interesting

yeah, there is nice sarcasm to it... it's annoying to read the subs, but still enjoyable.

That pic is definetly going to be in the history books of the future

Anyone know where I can watch the video with the dancing israeli's?

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That makes me believe it really was an attack done by Iran.

Well if it isn't then there will be no future


>That makes me believe it really was an attack done by Iran.
you believe many stupid things Sven, one of them being "diversity is our strength"...

Russia can laugh all they want the only people who need to believe it are zogs in American media and how hard will that be to accomplish?


It’s like watching Fox News.

Go cry to mommy Merkel and suck nigger cock you faggot

But without tuck

>russia pushes the same narrative as russian shills

woah big surprise

More like Alex Jones. The same level of credibility.

>wait until America has carrier group near by to attack a civilian ship??

>diversity is our strength
I don't believe that.
You don't have to be a libtarded faggot to think Iran is behind the attack.
Iran is infamous for those kinds of attacks, they do several of them each year.
The only reason it's a big deal now is the rising tensions between the communist states (Russia, China, Iran,) and the west.

So, was Abe playing a pre-agreed stopgap with Trump to discredit the false flag Trump knew was likely? OR is he stepping off the rez and refusing to play with Trump now that Trump has proven he's like all the rest?

>USA needs a justification to start a war with you
>you start shooting down tankers

I know sand people are stupid, but they are not that stupid...

Also, disappointed in you Sven. I thought scandinavian people had high IQs.

Are you a Russian or Iranian immigrant?

>Are you a Russian or Iranian immigrant?
no, I just like truth...

>literally the enemy of the west
>"laughing" at us
oh no, we better alter our behavior to appease our enemy


>>literally the enemy of the west
by west you mean ZOG? sure as fuck ain't the enemy of Europe

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You guys stink of shilling.

Russia is controlled by Jews, which makes it an enemy of the entire world.

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>Russia is controlled by Jews
top fucking kek

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Yes, the US is also controlled by Jews.
It's a kike eat kike world.

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just nuke the whole middle east region and be done with it.
problems solved.

good goy

Fuck Russia fuck Putin and fuck you Kremlin shill. Tomorrow the Dutch government will name those russian fucks that are responsible for the shooting down of Malaysia boieng. Fucking kikes.

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Says the Swede typing this while his wife is in the other room being inseminated by a 200 pound Islamo-bull.

he's jidf with a vpn

>Jews buying vpn when meme flags exist for free
Do you even heeb

6 000 000 D chess

>Putin's son in law

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>implying the vpns are paid
>implying it's not israel run vpn company that sells data

What's wrong faggot why are you quiet now?

Mfw I do no know if even I could be Mossad at this point

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I'm listening to ron paul, you faggot shill. see

You guys are schizophrenic.
If I was a Jew I'd support Russia and the US at the same time.

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>russia calls out false flag to start war in favor of israel
>jidf shill using swedish flag says russia is on the side of israel
imagine being this much of an obvious shill

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