California, yes!!!!!!

California, yes!!!!!!

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If you see an issue with this, you are part of the problem

How fucking fragile do you have to be to be offended by a flag?

White people doing white people things.

Reminder that this guy is a degenerate philanderer who has also been accused of sexual harassment and the left totally gave him a pass on it.

Surprised we haven't raised a dildo on the flagpole yet desu, not progressive enough

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thats fucking gay

You remind me of this argument.

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>if you disagree with something it must mean you are fragile and offended by it

Glad i moved out of that shithole

>haha it's just a flag that represents satanism, stop being a bigot!

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>The Black Flag will fly above the dome.

i dunno, you tell me...

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I hate my state and will fuck it over every chance I get.

When the time is right, I'll help fight against the state and federal government during the 2nd American Civil War.

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Satan confirms.

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Not an argument
Not an argument
What exactly is the issue here? At least it isn't one of those stupid confederate or Nazi flags. What exactly is the issue here?


faggot spotted

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Violates the First Amendment. The rainbow flag represents a morality/conscience argument. It is no different than flying a KKK or Christian flag above a government building.
Its also highly offensive to a substantial portion of the population.

>The Black Flag will fly above the dome

Is it time?

Considering ol dixie had niggers scurrying up the flagpole like it had a coconut on top you tell me

Who cares? Homosexuality is irrelevant and the parts that disgust the conservative sensibility only exist because it’s been taboo for so long. Let them have their moment in the sunshine and, before you know it, there won’t be any ghoulish looking weirdos marching up and down the streets. Once homosexuality is boring it’ll just be a thing a tiny percentage of the population does behind closed doors. If you give a shit about two guys kissing at home you’ve got too much free time.

>If you give a shit about two guys kissing at home you’ve got too much free time.

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Where’s a Muslim when you need him?

DOTR approaches.

God has destroyed civilizations for far less.

Holy fuck burn everyone and everything

You might not like it, but this pic is peak rainbow.

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Muslims will bomb a 'Pride Parade' and that's a good thing.

All I see is a dumb nigger

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I shit in op's mouth and he thanked me. what a degenerate

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Get out of FLORIDA

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>i can be President if i act nice to niggers, beans, and faggots
This fucking deluded car salesman. Look what he did to SF if you want a preview of what is to come.

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I realized recently...i hate people arent even the same fucking country as the rest of the U.S. stop sending us your people. you all fucked your own country. you fucking stay there.

good point to be honest

Who would get offended by a silly flag?

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Why are these people proud of what they were born as?

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Florida is worse dude

Because Pride comes before the fall.

let me guess, you're a conservacuck poorfag that couldnt afford to live there anymore so you moved to some meth-infested shithole in texas? sad.

Not an argument

How fucking fragile do you have to be to have your degenerate behavior celebrated and validated by the government?
>part of the problem
Nope, part of the solution.

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is there anything more cucked than flying a literal LOSER TRAITOR flag? does your wife let you lick your bull's cum out of her pussy when she's done getting it?

thanks for conceding that your original argument was idiotic.
as for the issue at hand:
1. the faggot flag symbolizes the celebration of decadence and perversion, behavior that is immediately dysgenic, extremely physically unhealthy as well as linked to mental illness, especially pedophilia and sex addiction. even if it were only because of the dysgenic part, faggot behavior is naturally repulsive to healthy human beings for obvious evolutionary reasons

2. it is commonly associated with the moronic concept of "GAY PRIDE", what is there to be proud of about getting fucked in your anus?

3. the flags in front of state property are a symbol of the sovereignty of the people who are united under that flag, to use them to pander to any particular interest group is a misuse of authority

I live in arizona and get more californians coming to us than i havent had a chance to grow to dislike them yet.

STDs transmitted by the LGBT scene have ended more lives than both combined.

Stop sending us your faggots and junkies and we have a deal.
t.CA native tired of it off state favors telling me how to live on my land

I don't know too much about American history, but how was the Confederacy a traitor?

Arizona does look like its getting bad, my condolences

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>out of state faggots

Whats so special about California? Do you like getting your ass pegged on a street corner? You can do that anywhere you want..

if people actually cared about gays they wouldn't push this reckless degeneracy. they push them to behave rationally and cautiously.

You attract them yourself with your bullshit social programs.
Seriously who the fuck thought that giving people free needles WOULDNT attract junkies?

Being against increased federalism and consolidation of power is high treason, silly goy


LOL this thread is getting spammed by racists, so I'm out!

Just want to point out that you all will lose the culture war, and there is nothing you can do about it

Bye nigger. See you tomorrow.

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>infringe people's rights
>people want to leave to keep their rights

imagine being a yankee unironically

Yes, the confederates are considered traitors. However they are honored in the south, because they are seen as having stood for something they believed in and not allowing themselves to be pushed around.

In your own shitty state.. Meanwhile people are celebrating Trumps birthday in other areas.

Have fun pegging your boyfriends asshole you faggot

Faggots are literally sending themselves to the ovens.
Their behavior is just red pilling normies.

>Flagpole Sitter plays

California was red until Reagan's amnesty legalized our farm equipment and the midwest started shipping us faggots.

The East Coast is fucking terrible.. worse than the west if you ask me

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It’s not about being fragile you cuck faggit; it’s about seeing your once great empire turning into dust. KYS before we kill you in the coming War.

east coast is doomed
florida is doomed

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Its 2019 and california just now finally decided to fly the flag just to get points. They couldnt even get the votes to legalize faggotry there, faggots are done no one cares.

But didn't they just want independence? It'd make sense to call someone a traitor, if he backstabs you as you're fighting another war. For instance, my own country betrayed Germany during the second world war. However, I doubt even Russians considers Finns traitors for seceding from their empire during the first world war.

Oh Lord, How long will you let the degenerates mock you and your promise to not flood the entire world again?

How long must the saints endure such wickedness?

Are you a God worth serving or not?


I love how people are so retarded they cheer to retarded pandering. Back in the 90s people would know that this faggot is a dumb retarded sell out. No one cares anymore as long as you show validation to their retarded predictable issues

There's more niggers in the east coast desu

What's the black one?

Not as fragile as someone who needs a sexuality flag.

I spent the first 14 years in north carolina(a southern state) 2 in virginia(a northern state) and the last 2 of my schooling in Arizona(southwestern)

The reasoning for the succession differs based on where you're at.
According to the south, states rights were being messed with, and they were being forced to take on laws and regulations dictated by the north. They didnt like this. The 3/5ths clause and the abolition of slavery was the last straw.

The north just says the south wanted slavery.
Arizona just said white man bad. (back in 2008)


Could it be captured?

nobody in california is from california.

t. californian escaped to europe. I had no idea there were so many white people in the world until i left

Virginia isn’t a northern state faggot

>Its just marriage, bigot
>Its just adults, bigot
>Its just comsenting individuals, bigot

>Arizona just said white man bad. (back in 2008)
What is this?

could have fooled me with the way they act.

>is there anything more cucked than flying a literal LOSER TRAITOR flag?

Flying a faggot flag comes to mind

Arizona public school as presented by mexicans?

We’re already past that point. Homosexuality is boring and doesn’t grab attention like it used to, that’s why the new push is transgender, 2 spirit, and their end goal all along pedophilia. It’s fucking disgusting and used as a tool to desensitize the masses.

its more about outrage culture that everyone falls for from the media wanting more hits and views or whatever the fuck than anything else. Looking for new ways to outrage people

If people didnt give a fuck, maybe they would go away

friendly reminder - CA voted against gay marriage. keep rubbing in their faces; backlash will be worse than it already will be. lol

if the faggots are really so proud of fucking each other in the ass how about they put a dick going into an asshole as their flag instead of a rainbow which is completely meaningless and shares no connection with homosexuals

Gavin Newsom FTW!!

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I understand this is basically the modern version of Elvis moving his hips around in the 50’s for outlets, but one was artistic while another is aligned with nothing but premeditated maliciousness.

So you are saying contracting AIDS from man ass is winning?

what is the third flag?

this is the symbol that liberals are proud to display

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its true and very tiresome, I agree. EVERYONE is completely out of fucking ideas these days. It all comes down to "No, YOU!" as arguments anymore basically