I unironically side with the waitress, if you can't afford to eat out at a fancy restaurant...

I unironically side with the waitress, if you can't afford to eat out at a fancy restaurant. Don't waste time from someone who's getting paid under minimum wage. You either have the money to dine in a fine establishment or you don't. Don't be a nigger and cheap out on the tip to someone who just busted their ass for you.

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>Fancy restaurant

She should have called out the "fancy" restaraunt for paying minimum wage.

I always tip 15%, and 15% has been the baseline for as long as I can remember. Just in the past 3 years, the expected tip has almost fucking doubled. Some of those automatic ordering machines default to FUCKING 30% NOW! It's madness.

The fuck is this dumb single mother roastie complaining about? 10 dollars to put plates on tables. When I did pizza delivery I got on average 2 or 3 dollars. Sometimes I didn't even get tipped at all. Shut up whore.

based capitalism not paying living wages and simply letting the poor proles pick up the slack

Tipping is just stupid. Restaurants should just increase the price of the food and pay the waiters and waitresses more. Then waitresses can't bitch about their tips, and customers can't cheap out the waiters/waitresses.

15% is a normal fucking tip

tip only on the food, subtract the tax and drinks

nah, 15 is like a C grade
20 would be a B
25 would be an A
10 would be a D
5 would be an F
Stiffing is like expulsion. But 30? shit, for that tip they better offer happy endings.
tipping should be abolished anyway

Just charge me 30-50 bucks for a fancy steak dinner and be done with it. Im tired of waiters getting 90% of the tips and chefs who made my food get fucked.

Lmao wtf I tip 10% and that feels generous

>who just busted their ass for you
>carrying dinner plates

I am of the opinion that if I have shitty service, then I have no obligation to tip a damn thing. Your job as a server is to please me within the confines of the job description.

Come at me cunt.

I agree. In fact, I think everyone should just do take out or cook at home until restaurant owners get their shit straightened out and use robotic servers. Let all the nasty, spitting, lazy ungrateful waitstaff find something useful to do like make copies or empty the trash in offices at night.

The only reason I tip is so my wife doesn’t make an argument about it in the car.

Can anyone tell me why I need to pay the waitress' salary instead of her employer?

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Tip 20 or 25% and be nice. If you dont want to tip, go to the fucking grocery store or a fast food joint. Cheap fuck.

Waitresses should get paid minimum wage and the cooks should get the tips.
Kitchen crew works 10x harder than all the thot waitresses.
Girls hang out in the kitchen playing with their smartwatches and talking about the dick they got last night while the cooks have to fix all their mistakes and make all the food to order.
Being a server is the easiest shit ever.
One day at work they didn't have enough waitresses there and the restaurant was packed, me and my friends had to cook all the food and take turns changing out of dirty clothes and taking orders and bringing food out then going back to cooking. And we didn't get shit for it.
These sluts make bank, don't let them kid you, every waitress at my last job had the newest iPhone/smart watches and brand new cars.
Got their hair and nails done every other day(which I'm sure cost a lot)
And spent half their shifts filling solo cups with dressings and getting the cooks to do everything difficult.
They couldn't even change the ketchup dispensers out without male help.
It's a fucking joke.
Cooking is fun but it's SEVERELY underpaid.
And I'm not talking about some nigger infested cheap restaurant.
This was one of the busiest sports bars In my state.
Thinking back I think the owner was a Jew.

20% is the baseline

15 is good service, 20 is excellent, 10 is bad.

Anyone saying otherwise is a waitress.

I dont tip and I am never going to. Only time I tipped was a $100 bill in highschool at a vietnamese place and the waitress offered to blow me which she did. Went there a few times after for more until she was no longer there, heard she got deported.

Anyway tipping is for cucks and living off tips is worse than wage cuckery minimum wage.

No, it's 15.

Tip percentage does not have to go up you stupid fucking faggot. 15% is fine and their tips will increase as food costs increase. Neck yourself.

1 post by this ID

Dump redpills if you have to post in this thread

wtf is an estonia

The service industry is retarded and shouldn't be financed. This shit is tailor-made for inner city no-family atomized degenerates.

Stop being foodle degenerates and eat wholesome meals with the family, or plan a visit to friend's/colleague's family for dinner.

It's always been 15%, user.

You're a nigger.

Tipping is cucked!

If the service staff are going to complain to the customer that their socially compulsory tip wasn’t big enough then they shouldn’t have gotten a tip in the first place.

>someone who's getting paid under minimum wage
pro-tip: they're not


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>OP makes absurd claim about something just to bait replies
>trivial non-political topic to get anons arguing with each other

You are most likely viewing a slide thread. A stupid thread made to deliberately make important and knowledgeable threads disappear. You should already know how to reply.

checked and bait-pilled

Another retarded American phenomenon. You try to leave €100 for a €98 bill here and they'll bring you the change if you don't leave. Or easier yet, you just pay by card - how exactly does that work in burgerland without getting death stares?
Is it true your displayed prices in stores don't include VAT and you have to manually pay your income taxes too?

if she wanted a bigger tip she should of been a better server.

This, you’re paying shekelbergs wages for him

100% agree!

Thx moloch.

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>eat in restaurant
>pay last couple euros with coins and shit
>"Keep the change"
>it's merely the price of what I ate to the cent

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>eat out at a fancy restaurant
>the tip
*the theft

When i go out dinning in a restaurant I only pay for my plate not yours. Go fuck yourself beggars

If you think you're entitled to the money then just fucking add it to the bill.
Don't make me jump through your etiquette hoops and make me do math while I'm drunk, you fucking cunt.

>drove around the USA
>never tipped once
>never went to the same place twice

Tipping is for boomers. "Oh look at me I'm paying for something again". Fuck you.

if you cant afford to pay your employees a living wage then dont run a fancy restaurant

I go to eat food. Not be some ones fucking employer and paycheck.

Usually they give you the card reader and you enter the amount of tip

They basically forced it on me when I was in the US, but I stoically declined from tipping stating it’s against my principles.

Then a fat nigger woman looked at me angrily

>'oy vey, don't you know you're supposed to give a 40% tip so I don't actually have to pay my employees?'

Some people tend to think 20% is the minimum but yeah 15% is a decent enough tip. I tend to go 20% but i'm generous.

>Eating out at restaurants with service.

Take the fast food pill.

Pay at counter without tipping.
Sit anywhere you want.
Unlimited soda refills without having to ask for them.
No one pesters you constantly inquiring how your food is.
Leave when you are finished.

>Ameripoors cannot 150% tip
lmaoing at your life rn


F should = no tip

I don't even own the business and yet I'm expected to pay the employees?

1 post by your id

Waitstaff will get the rope. Every one of them I know posts about how tough it is being a waiter, how they have PTSD from that one table that only tipped 30%, then take home 500$+ a week from tips.

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1 post by your id

Sales tax are applied at the state and local level and so most stores don't include sales tax in price listings. There is no federal VAT. Income taxes CAN be paid manually, but for most people they are deducted from wages, I assume this is the case in most countries.

I do agree, don’t be a cheap nigger.
Make eating at restaurants white again

Cheaper food.

30 year old boomer from Poway

First time I went to London, I left a tip and I was embarrassed. Sorry I was conditioned, fog breathers.

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What about E?

the waitress should be killing her employers not complaining about lack of tips

>it's ägänst maj principels!
>*angry negro stare*

top kek

I don't tip in percentage, I tip based on the level of attentive service you provide. if you put in minimum (take my order and bring my food) you get $2, you interact with me in a cheerful and friendly manner while doing you job, you get $5, you do something special you will get a special tip of $10 or more depending on what you did.

15% good service
20% great
20% 5 star

5 star means shit like table side salads and complementary desert pairings, $70 isn’t that fancy

>literally gambling on your paycheck not being minimum wage

Front of house fans are the fucking worst

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This is going to sound weird to a non-English speaker, but grading here basically always skips the letter 'E'

Waitresses are people who have no education and no skills but can still afford to buy cocaine. That's the kind of money they get from tips. She yelled at the customers because she's an entitled cunt.

I'm in america right now on holiday and the concept of tipping confuses me. I leave like a few bucks and my friend tells me that's not enough at all. I dont want to do maths after a meal.

The average server is not "busting their ass" they're a drug addicted young woman with a ridiculously huge fake smile and who gives mediocre service at best. They don't even deserve the 15% they get and they should be grateful

>be me
>prep cook in mid grade family owned restaurant
>waitress is hanging out in the back avoiding work, eating our food
>complains about how she "only" makes $300 a night in fucking tips
>mfw I'm standing there, sweating to death, covered in grease and grime, hands with oil burns on them, and I barely make that in a week

Kitchens are bullshit. I got in the habit of refusing to make food for front of house staff. They would ask for x or y and I would tell them to make it themselves lol. That job gave me a hatred for waitresses. The bartender was cool though, he would tip out the kitchen staff every night.

If I got out to eat now I specifically ask for my tip to go to the kitchen staff. I only tip my server if they do an exceptional job.

Fuck you go to school if you want a bigger salary. I'm paying for the meal not your salary. I'll go get the fucking plate myself if I have to.

That's why restaurants are going down the drain:

1) You fuck your clients with shit ingredients, stale food and god knows what goes on in those fucking kitchens.

2) You expect people to pay your waiter's salaries

3) Your food sucks and you stick a french label on it and now it's 'fine cuisine'.

Fuck you and your waiters we'll fucking cook at home.

And btw usually shit tippers are black people and rich people. Middle class you'll get chased into the parking lot for 50 cents.

Take the extra dollar you need to survive and go get fucked

the waitress is being a lazy nigger , they get like 200eu a day on tips alone those faggots are so overpayed its childish of them to complain

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Heaven on earth.

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I'm certainly not one of the "herr derr I don't tip, get a better job!" faggots, but I disagree with the waitress in the headline.
15% is the minimum tip you should get and she got it. No reason to complain to the customer about it. The customer did nothing wrong and tipped within the "society acceptable" range.
If the customer tipped 10% or below, then yes, the server can ask if there was anything wrong.

This is the main reason I don’t give a fuck, maybe it’s a biased market because im in vegas. But they do the same thing here on one side they bitch how hard it is and make fb posts bitching about tips. On the other hand I know teachers that brag about going back to waiting since it makes more here. Fuck em

>She should have called out the "fancy" restaraunt for paying minimum wage.
That's every restaurant in the country you dumb faggot.

>25 would be an A
Idiots like you are the reason these restaurants actually end up charging more for food and pay less to their service. Sub 80 IQ morons like you paying an extra 25% for someone to walk 50 feet with a plate of food and rudely walk away. Brilliant.

"It's your bosses' job to pay you, not mine"

>getting paid under minimum wage.
Lie. Stopped reading there.

15% used to be for good service and 10% was the norm in the 80s.
Now it's 20%, so in a few years it'll be 30%. When does this bullshit end?

>Not tipping zero

I used to work restaurants. Never want to go back. Fuck those cunts.

Here's s counter point:
I'm going to do whatwver I want.

It's either no tip or a tip to the CRA for me.

>Waitresses should get paid minimum wage and the cooks should get the tips.
No fucking way.
I've seen cooks say "I wanna make server money" and become a server for a month only to go back to the kitchen. Customers can be fucking insane and dealing with them, the manager, cooks, bartenders, etc is a very different job than cooking the food.

Yea, I still have tons of battle scars all over my arms from oil/oven/grill burns.
It's crazy the shit I've had to put up with. And I never complained once.
Meanwhile have to completely stop what I'm doing and ask "are you alright?" When some thot breaks a nail.
One night I worked 12 pm to midnight during the superbowl at sports bar and I swear every fucking person in the city must have went there to eat.
Most of the waitresses walked out with about $500 in tips and all we got was an extra shift drink.

I’m a barback/expo lead, i’d tip the kitchen if I could but I make $30 a night while the servers I get beers and food for, for the whole 2 story building, complain about $100+ a night. Luckily I’m BoH and FoH so kitchen doesn’t hate me

15% is what you should normally tip, but if you eat at a nicer restaurant you should be tipping 20%-25%

And now you're country is Londanistan. Karma is a bitch, faggot.

They should just do away with the whole "tipping" system.

There's no other job where they decide how much to pay you AFTER you do the work. A carpenter would never build a house if the deal was you paid him what you thought it was worth after it was built, and if things were a little tight you might not pay him at all.

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Shit, I thought it was 11%.

$300 a night vs $80
Okay buddy, whatever you say. No one goes from the front to the back.

>leaving the tip
It's their job and they get paid for it

Problem is the government taxes tips. So if you're in a tip kind of job they assume you got tips and will tax you. Then the restaurant gets to lower youre wages based on what they assume you're getting in tips.
Its all fucked and it's the government's fault.

>at a nicer restaurant you should be tipping 20%-25%

I disagree. At a fancy restaurant everything costs more, so 15% is already a bigger than normal tip.

>"It's your bosses' job to pay you, not mine"
This bong faggot has never heard of commission...
All that Sharia law is rotting your brain you dumb faggot.

The servers generally aren’t even the ones bringing you food