What do you Aussies think of Greeks?

What do you think about Golden Dawn, in particular?

Reminder: not a slide thread.

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Aussie and Greeks are the same level as a subhuman nigger who spams blacks cocks on Jow Forums all day.

Don't mind Greeks as long as you stay in Greece. I hate the wogs in Australia. Golden Dawn seems pretty based though.

aussies deserve DEATH
theyre wh*te

Potato nigger stfu

This, Greeks fucking suck and swallow

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Why us specifically?

>What do you think about Golden Dawn, in particular?
I like them. But most of all because they and the Greek people are the proof that Ultranationalism is just one recession away from starting a new European Golden Age.

Do you know their policy? Specifically I'm interested in how they feel about Pan-Europeanism, but not in the sense of the economic cartel that is the European Union? I'll explain why I'm asking if you want.

When I say TURK, you say MILLETI

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You count Greeks as huwh*te Bruce?

Nice proxy.

White? No I don't, Greeks are Mediterranean. But Meds are a close second to whites.

Turkish rape babies, you wog cunt. That's what you are. Also pay dempts.

Why ask questions if you're not going to respond?

I haven't heard your opinion on Jow Forums yet. (Because I'm admittedly a newfag, lurking Jow Forums for 9 months now).

Their policy is to clear Greece from the shitskins overrunning the country. They want the revival of the Megali Idea, the plan in which Greece is expanded to western Anatolia.
And they are staunchly anti-Zionist and anti-kike. They've repeatedly burned Israeli flags (and American as well, because they know mutts are pawns of the kike).

I specifically asked the opinions of Aussies.
>Turkish rape babies
>t. leaf

Greeks aren't Turkish rapebabies. Infact it's not what you think. Turks are partially Greekified, in that they interbred with the large Hellenic populations inhabiting Anatolia before and during Ottoman statehood. All genetic similarities stem from the fact that Turks are partly Greek, not the other way around.

I don't care about "white". White can include Jews, Arabs, half breeds and mongrels, even Latinos from the Americas. Fuck "White", the only thing that is relevant is Europeanism, and Greeks are European. (pic related)

Alright. Do you know anything about Europeanism, though?

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>Greeks aren't Turkish rapebabies. Infact it's not what you think. Turks are partially Greekified, in that they interbred with the large Hellenic populations inhabiting Anatolia before and during Ottoman statehood. All genetic similarities stem from the fact that Turks are partly Greek, not the other way around.
This x1000. Western Turks are practically Greek. Not by minority, but by literal majority. And as a whole, Turks are 35% (1/3) Greek.
I don't care about "white". White can include Jews, Arabs, half breeds and mongrels, even Latinos from the Americas. Fuck "White", the only thing that is relevant is Europeanism, and Greeks are European. (pic related)
I never, ever got why they do this.
>Alright. Do you know anything about Europeanism, though?
Admittedly, no. But isn't it about to embrace the traditions and cultures of native Europeans?

Btw, are you of Anglo-Celtic stock or Greek? Because you know a lot about Greek genetics.

*>I don't care about "white". White can include Jews, Arabs, half breeds and mongrels, even Latinos from the Americas. Fuck "White", the only thing that is relevant is Europeanism, and Greeks are European. (pic related)

I wish I wasn’t a half Greek mutt

>Admittedly, no. But isn't it about to embrace the traditions and cultures of native Europeans?
I was just asking whether you knew whether or not Golden Dawn's policy on Europeanism in general existed, and whether or not they were opposed to it or just the EU (I can understand being opposed to the EU).
Basically all it means, to me, is that Europe is stronger together, and that the promotion of shared values could lead to limited integration, and prevent foreign entities like China from pitting us against one-another one the United States balkanizes and collapses within the next ~30 years.

>Btw, are you of Anglo-Celtic stock or Greek? Because you know a lot about Greek genetics.
At least 90% of my background is from the British Isles(though based on my mother's appearance; there's a large amount of Nordic admixture). The only reason why I know a lot of this stuff is because I have spent 6 years here, and history is my equal greatest field of study/hobby (alongside sociology and warfare).

>I never, ever got why they do this.
Issues of "whiteness" develop in countries that are highly mongrelized and it's inhabitants are stripped of their historical and national identity through assimilation. It's particularly prevalent in e.g USA and Brazil, but prior to modern mass migration "whiteness" wasn't really thought of in Australia (as an example) and probably most of Europe either.

>The only reason why I know a lot of this stuff is because I have spent 6 years here, and history is my equal greatest field of study/hobby (alongside sociology and warfare).
It's better for everyone to know some things (basic at the least).
>Issues of "whiteness" develop in countries that are highly mongrelized and it's inhabitants are stripped of their historical and national identity through assimilation. It's particularly prevalent in e.g USA and Brazil, but prior to modern mass migration "whiteness" wasn't really thought of in Australia (as an example) and probably most of Europe either.
This. I noticed that in all of the aforementioned countries they didn't pay attention to whiteness, as they were previously homogeneous. Now, they're indeed heavy mongrelised

Btw, how can you make Australia 99% European again? I literally lust for this to happen again.

Don't mind them at all. There's been some historical tensions between Anglo Australians and Greek immigrants, but those times are well and truly past.

Hence the whole "wog" thing. There's no real animosity behind it nowadays though.

Of Anglo-Celtic stock as well, I suppose?

shit edit

oh and get all of your fucking people out of this country please

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>Seriously responds to the proxy
Sven, you literally can do better than this.

at their height they were a bunch of philosophical queers in togas. christianity ruined greeces empire along with romes.
bring back the gods