Canadian art of Helmet Attack

I have to say, it's quite spectacular.

Attached: helmJeb.png (762x294, 263K)

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Lol i want to get a frying pan and do that now.

Holy kek the music and the connection as well lel

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I hope the attacker gets executed, fuck alt right nazis.


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Fags mad

this old boomer at the end doing the "im staring you down bit" pisses me off so much.

>step one, light cig...

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Imagine being this gay.

Get rekt faggot

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based zion warrior

Old cunt thinks hes a badass but could get curb stomped before he could say more money for Israel

That fucking boomer is such a faggot, he thinks of himself as a rebel and yet the only reason he has the confidence to stand there is because he has the full backing of the police state and corporatocracy


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Hes the one that needs a helmet to the face. I would have at least pushed him. But the optics of pushing old men down is worse than smacking antifa fags and hamplanets with a helmet. The smoke in his mouth makes him look so cool though. BASED PAN MAN

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I would have thrown that old weak faggot into the tent, that dudes got some amazing restraint. I am extremely racists towards boomers tho.

He is worse than a jew, may allah forgive me, he is a boomer


what about this

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hes definitely fucked for this but nothing more I hate than an unemployed commie

when i run this country rope for every commie

I love the fact that he has no problem wailing on the whale.

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what's up with these people and holes in their jeans, don't they have money to buy nondamaged clothes?

wtf I love leafs now

young liam neeson looking ass
this nigga really went all 'taken' on them masked niggas
need that nigga in my crew lol

For anyone who is interested there is a longerer version of the video tht is worth watching
Turns out there were multiple fights that day
The christcucks got jumped several times before the Chad defense group made it there
This is a very interesting escalation. I remeber when people just ignored the fire and brimstone types
If you watch the whole vidya the faggots go and engage the preachers in their containment zone
They fags practiced tactics with that giant reinforced black clothe
In the longer vidya you can see them use it to block off and isolate the preachers then they jump them
All very fascinating

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Oh my got

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vid taken down already :c

I have a backup I’ll be putting up on bitchute later that contains the entire day



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Preachers about to git gud and crusade the fuck out of the aidspackers


fixed it

the hero we need

I'd be interested in that. Please do.


You can see the blood pour out his hooked nose instantly

Wonder what happen if the chad brigade brought fabric walls then assaulted people inside.

You’ll see from the beginning the preachers in their containment zone with no one around them as the day progresses the fags start attacking them

Watch from 25 minute mark to see how antifa used that black banner to attack them. They push out the other preachers then surround to and attack them

I would literally pay to see that boomer beaten up by the cig chad

there would be nothing more satisfying in this world then to KO that old fuck midst "standoff", to entirely dispel any notion of smug self righteousness and semblance of capability, although probably unproductive and realistically detrimental it, (also it might fucking kill him) god it would be gratifying

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:) ......downboat

I like how the boomer giving cig leaf man a stare down like he acheived something.

Fucking day of the pillow when?

imagine defending faggotry on Jow Forums


Thank you fren

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We need to start taking their phones from them. Not to silence but to expose their dirty little secrets.

The entire day is riddled with fights
The just posted the one highlight here

He's coming for you next. In fact, you might want to look behind you

We just banned keeping whales in captivity, someone needs to call Fisheries and have her returned to the ocean.

Remove their masks. They're wearing them because they know they're monsters.

That's the most Based leaf in all of Canada

kid factory that pumps em out for benefits
I’m trying to quit but this makes me want to smoke one for the lad


Makes me want to smoke a pack a day.

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Same. Those are the exact type of people who have destroyed this country.

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Safety first.

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Quick rundown on who are these people antifa is beating up?

Helmet Chad needs to set up a newproject2 so I can send him money.

They would all be arrested and the media wouldn’t protect them like they are currently protecting the faggot aggressors

Someone give this man a cookie


Do you’re own research tranny nigger

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Christians with banners. They're beating on the most pacified cucks around. Helmet man taught them a lesson.

Lmao, his arms are above his head and she doesn't even make him budge.

>Quick rundown on who are these people antifa is beating up?
Christian preachers hold rally
Antifa turn up
Antifa isolate and then attack preachers
Based panman is based

At 23:00 minute mark u can see antifa use the banner to completely engulf one of the preachers
Chad sets him free

>they are taking our cookies

Was the rally against sodomy or is antifa so sure of themselves they just beat Christian's without even trying to give a muh oppression spin?

Honestly Canada is the one country where the happening may happen after all

Our country is totally misrepresented by our media and current govt which is a powder keg. Canadians are more conservative than people realize, and our country is whiter than people realize. We just elected 3 straight Conservatives governments 2005-2015 and are going to elect another in a few months when we get rid of Trudeau.

My point being though that this country is a powder keg. We have had a hyper liberal media and government swarm us with fags and hajis and niggers and nobody in the population is okay with this (poll done last week had 67% of Canadians against immigration... google it). Thus, we are seeing more and more people act out. Even the comments section on all Canadian media is now highly woke and is just open Muslim hatred from start to finish

Antifa didn't beat up anyone. Christard's got to turn the other cheek like they love to do, and then actual lads showed up and proceeded to beat the shit out of antifa as seen in video.

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my god he's handsome
do you guys think he likes traps?
asking for a friend

Th-thats a big guy

someone turn this into a Jow Forums postable webm I'm too much of a boomer, this one has slow mo for the hits:

the original leddit thread has been deleted lel

You can't download from bitchute - put it on - it's free, and worth the small time investment.

Also anons should check this out. Canada is slowly but surely finding a solution to our Immigrant Question.

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>do you guys think he likes traps?
Fuck off. His job is to impregnate at least 9000 white women, not waste his semen on weirdos like you

imagine being a burger and still thinking you have a chance if we invade

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There’s a couple webmaster floating around
Hopefully this thread will be going all day so I can webm the rest of the highlights

Wait a second...

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>fist fight
>literally sucker punches two in the face with a weapon, like a literal nigger
>gets manhandled by fat antifa roastie afterwards
>apparently this is all praiseworthy in the incel community

weird flex but okay

it wouldn't have to be a forever thing just until he finds a qt3.14 h'white aryan girl who stands in wheat fields

>blocks your path

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it's a retarded fashion statement here in burgerland

Your conservatives are just Liberal lite. Scheer is a Merkel-tier cuck

>it wouldn't have to be a forever thing just until he finds a qt3.14 h'white aryan girl who stands in wheat fields
Even if he is, by some miracle, into traps, I seriously doubt he is interested in Yanks

random people in pink headwear attack for apparently no reason chad fuks em up saving whoever the fuk

>Even the comments section on all Canadian media is now highly woke and is just open Muslim hatred from start to finish

This is really important. The comment section in almost every American news site is gone.

They post endless articles telling us we love immigration and we have no way to respond back how we really feel.

People get the courage to act out when they know they aren't alone.

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Alberta should be our 51st state. The rest of Canada can go fucking hang.

This happened in my city
Still cant believe were slightly uncucked

Alberta is majority non white
Good luck faggot

brainstorm countertactics for that wall thing - that's the most important thing to be gleaned


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