How to stop being a failure

>high iq
>possess huge knowledge on various topics like history, geography, politics, biology, religion, rhetorics etc
>good logical skills
>anti western degeneracy
>not bad looking at all
>come from good and successfull family

Yet, i'm not doing anything with my life. I'm completely demoralized and failing college. No plans for future. I'm overeating on shit food. Highlights of my life consist of drinking alcohol in park and smoking cigarettes. There's masturbation addiction, which is creating some really fucked up fetishes and devoiding me from my humanity. Hatefull towards women (i got cheated on 2 years ago). Full of anger because of shitty situation in my country.
Sorry for my parents who have to endure parasitic son.

Is there any really good advice how to turn this around? Christpill or discipline pill?

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Other urls found in this thread:!ApqJr6MVUlptkckY9Bq7Zxyl_D-5ow

Find a cliff. Walk off it.

Christpill leads to discipline pill. Acknowledge your sin and do better for God and you will learn self discipline.

>I'm completely demoralized and failing college. No plans for future. I'm overeating on shit food. Highlights of my life consist of drinking alcohol in park and smoking cigarettes.
And why is that, according to you? No one is born redpilled and mad at the jews, what is your excuse for being a failure?

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you just said it. stop eating shitty food drinking and smoking. lift weights dumb ass.

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Discipline pill, download some books like power of habit, willpower instinct, etc. Scientific self-help. Will probably only work if you cancel your internet though, there are no shortcuts

join the army

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You need to take a few days off in the countryside. You need to take deep breaths up in a mountain, alone, look deep into yourself and stop making any kind of excuse. You are gonna have to change or accept you were really average at best. You are gonna need to start working out; running is the best way to do it, but you can also start going to the gym. And you are gonna have to accept that being addicted to the internet, pornography and other things is just a meaningless way to spend time while you are alive. And that you owe it to yourself and your self worth to be better that
t. Been there done that

>high iq
>logic skills
You're likely an idiot other than some ebaumsworld test. You hopped on an accelerated curve in your younger years before slowly drifting back to the mean and eventually the below average zone. Then you came here to cope and realized you could just blame others for your own shortcomings.

The end. The way to break free is realize what Jow Forums is.

What are you studying (1 post commie memeflag) OP?

Try to start a business. Even if you fail you’ll be a better person after. You sound like a pussy desu.

This guy knows. Take a year off and wander desolate mountains alone. Try Alaska, Canada or Siberia. Risk death. Fast (don't eat for a few days).

Find yourself. Men were never intended to live in modern society. Get out of it for a while and you'll be amazed at who you become.

Don't worry about college. If you're intelligent, it won't matter whether you have a degree or not.

Christianity is good to

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> memeflag
Suicide is the best option

I thought about that, i could give it a try
Just blackpilled to the point of no return. Also, city life is taking a toll on me.
It's not that easy dude
I want completely to isolate myself from internet at some point
This seems like a best advice greekbro, i'm having some ideas about moving to countryside for a long time now(still wanna finish the college, i'm close to graduation anyways)

>possess huge knowledge on various topics like history, geography, politics, biology, religion, rhetorics etc
share your most important insights

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three pieces of indispensable advice for the doomer-zoomer:
>stop wanking
>start lifting
>learn about crypto-currencies (you'll eventually reach the point where you go all-in, which gives you a clean mental break from clown world and a stake in the next one)

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You remind me of myself when I was younger. Since you smoke and drink, stick to IPA (like Sierra Nevada torpedo), and switch to American spirit lights. And do 3 huge things besides: stop eating meat, garlic, onion. The garlic and onion cause ANGER, that's why even in Islam you aren't allowed to enter a Mosque if you consume them. I don't want to explain unless you're curious, but you can't give up alcohol if you eat meat. It sits in the digestive tract and rots and causes demons to celebrate, and... and this:

>Sedative foods, also called static foods, or tamasic foods are foods whose consumption, according to Yoga, are harmful to either mind or body. Harm to mind includes anything that will lead to a duller, less refined state of consciousness. Bodily harm includes any foods that will cause detrimental stress to any physical organ directly or indirectly (via any physical imbalance).[citation needed]

They are, however, sometimes necessary during times of great physical stress and pain. They help dull the pain and lower consciousness, allowing the body to repair itself. Such static foods may be deemed necessary in times of war or great distress.

Static foods stimulate and strengthen the lower two chakras, but will not assist in beneficial development of the higher chakras. In fact they are usually detrimental to the advancement of the higher chakras.

Such foods include: meat, fish, fertilized eggs, onion, garlic, scallion, leek, chive, mushroom, alcoholic beverage, durian (fruit), blue cheese, eggplant (only in Jain customs), opium, and stale food.

I got quad 7777's and quad... hmmm... 4444's in one single thread related to the Satvic diet. I forgot to screencap because I'm gay. Source:

Jow Forums was a mistake. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

That is part of the curse of high intelligence.

Why bother when you can see the outcome?
Why would I start a business when some SJW trash will come vandalize it, burn it, shut it down, because I'm a white male?
Why get married when I know the woman, at any time, can decide to leave for no reason at all, take the kids, and make me continue to pay her when she has to do nothing in return?

Just why? Why do any of it? This is why so many men just say fuck it and start capping fools.

Read more, lift more, and NatSoc more. Find love in your people and you will be set free from the degeneracy that’s pushed upon you. The anger will never go away but the despair will. Lose that Jewish meme flag. Find bros and redpill them. Learn to fight.

No wonder so many ancestors fought wars all the time.

>learn to fight

Why, the rest of you morons aint going to do anything. Tarrent showed us that. If we fight it will continue to be single lone wolf instances that will be demonized by even you 'radicals'.

Until you fags can actually stand up by the side of your brothers, it's all so pointless.

Get another gf. The real meaning of life is finding a partner who you can share everything with and eventually start a family. In order to find a partner you first have to get your shit together. Get Jow Forums if you aren't, get your academic shit together (you have to support a family) and make finding a partner your goal in life.

It didn't happen for me until 25, but It's the only thing which made me happy.

You clearly aren't as smart as you think/say you are faggot. Otherwise you'd have already made a good life for yourself. Obviously another retard that thinks he's smart but isn't.

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Listening to any of us is not the right first step. Lol

By the way, if a little cheating messed you up, you should stay away from the christ pill. The last thing you need is some kike bullshit to ruin your view of the natural world.

how did you guys meet?

take the disciplinepill, I'm fighting with it myself. I was top of my class in school and high school, so I got a really lazy attitude to studying. I'm in college and get good marks, but I feel burnt out already. this is biting me in the ass so hard, but I'll bite the bullet

Take the christpill user. Let him into your life. Abstain from alcohol, masturbation, and narcotics. He will set you free

>history, geography, politics, biology, religion, rhetorics etc
>good logical skills
>anti western degeneracy

World is filled with semi-baked quasi philosophers like you. I know because I am one as well.

>I'm overeating on shit food. Highlights of my life consist of drinking alcohol in park and smoking cigarettes

Oh, and you are a poor fat drunkie? Enjoy being poor until the day you die.

You remind me of all those Yelp reviewers in that South Park episode.

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join the military, cautiously form a nationalist cell for when the time to start putsching comes

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ill say this just once, lose the fucking hammer and sickle, take the ancap pill and buy chainlink, biz will tell you more

i dont even know why im telling this to a dirty commie.

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same this is where im headed too

i was considering converting to islam and doing something. while i felt a connection to god it was really wholesome and motivating but it just fell apart and now im back to being an unmotivated loser who wants to kms. i dont even know whats wrong with me. i hate women but have a gf, every night i think about breaking up even though she hasnt done anything wrong and is everything i could wish for. fucking kms.

>Just blackpilled to the point of no return. Also, city life is taking a toll on me.
Which country you live in?
Also what are you studying? What are your interests?

You are ok without worldly achievements. You’re no better or worse than the rich or poor man in Gods eyes

We met at uni. I dropped out of uni at 18 as an extremely socially awkward acne faced loser and played WoW full time, but went back to uni at 23 after my parents kicked me out (thank God). Luckily I was pretty good looking by my mid-20s which helped me get over the social awkwardness and meet my wife. At 18 I never could have seen myself actually managing to find someone but life can improve given time and effort.


>have 4 year BSCS degree
>can program with multiple languages
>manual and CNC machining and modern manufacturing technologies is my hobby and passion
>not bad looking at all
>come from good middle class midwestern family, though that may be a bit underselling it these days what with the slum lording rental properties
>been unemployed for the last... 10+ years
>no one will hire me, my small business sucks too
>totally supported by working class mother and her investments

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unironically, you need to stop fapping. Not just porn. Stop fapping. It's hard but you have to do it.

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You must make peace with yourself. Identify that which troubles you, understand how and why it troubles you and by completely deconstructing it, you'll be able to see it's mechanism. Once you know it's structure you can disable the machine, reliving the weight it had on your psyche.
Focus on one thing at a time, start with the masterbation. Do cold showers whenever you want to jerk it. Only drink low carb alcoholic drinks, avoid simple sugars all together. Use one coping mechanism to wean yourself off another then at the end you'll only have one monkey to kill.

The christpill leads to the cuckpill

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You clearly are as dumb as you look.

It's a well known fact that very high IQ people tend to be "failures" and less succesful, for many reasons.

Society is designed for the average person. Those too dumb, or too smart dont fit in well, and as such, dont 'succeed'. Often times it's because they chose to follow some passion, such as dabbling in inventions, volanteering for Doctors Without Borders style no income third world shittery, etc.

>equating learning to fight and stand up for yourself to becoming a mass shooter
You’re a fucking moron.


stop being a faggot gamma

IQ is a meme.

>High IQ
>Can't even into capital letters
>Failing college

You are a low iq baby. American college is a piece of piss compared to going to uni in a civilised country

I'm blaming myself. I had a good starting point for lots of things(few languages, basketball, 3d modeling), but never had a motivation or will to work on it
Law, i fucking hate it
My grandpa has a 100 year old stone house in the mountains. Village is almost completely desolate during the year. Real horror setting during the autumn and winter. But going there alone with some books and guitar sounds like a dream
Traps are gay
Starting to lift, but my lanklet genetics won't let me be jacked
Interesting, i'll look up into it
B-but i'm not a robot
I see gaining knowledge and having kids as only real goals in life. Knowing they'll have to grow up in a world with demonic anti-white/human politics, electrical radiation, polluted food and water isn't very reassuring

ask for a loan
buy and flip property
easy day unless you're a europoor.

Men were't intended to survive in the wilderness alone either. That's why almost anyone who attempted to actually wander off into the wilderness would starve and parish. We're tribal creatures who need a social structure to survive. That's what Christopher McCandless determined right before he died alone in a bus in Alaska.


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Get your blood levels checked , I was low on vitamin d and i felt like killing myself every day, until i started taking 7000ius a day.

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That's what a gamma would say

and i'm not even going to get into this anymore

you lack drive and spirit and by the looks of your fag flag you probably want everything handed to you

high IQ almost always comes with low industriousness and lack of focus.

Things tend to be really interesting to me but when I get the logic behind it it becomes almost unbearable. In short, I never see through the shit I need to do.

Only way to change it is by planning out my day and becoming more diligent which is easier said than done.

You are overthinking it op. Pic related, hes the inspirational big brother you never had. If you have seen TTGL (who am I kidding? Im talking to a memeflag) jesus is basically kamina. The proper translation of SIN IS FAILURE, "TO MISS THE MARK". Yoy have a sin problem op, only one person can help you with that

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This pretty much, dear old mother, after father died, is doing alright in the housing game.

>free income for sitting on your ass and hiring a contractor once in a while to manage a property

>land the property sits on is sometimes more valuable than the house anyway
>house appreciates, then deteriorates, property keeps appreciating
>can get investment back, even in the '08 housing crises you probably didn't lose more than 25% of the investment
>this is exactly how rich people get rich

No you fucking jewnigger sub average agent of averageness, what you're saying is a meme

I have a 140IQ, I have a son, I fuck women, now I have a girlfriend, I go out and get drinks.

You're just a hairy jew trying to cope because you don't have shit. And if you're not a jew? Your genes are still trash. You're missing a piece

>i fuck women
>i have a son / i have a girlfriend
>i go out an get drinks
woops. found the modernist clone

>good logical skills
>I'm overeating on shit food.
>drinking alcohol in park and smoking cigarettes

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1) eat foods that boost testosterone that will get you the fuel you need to make changes
2) quit drinking
3) start working out
4) quit watching porn. jerk off with your imagination in the shower if you have to
while you dont need spirituality, it does help just because its nice to have something to say thank you to increase feelings of gratitude which can also keep your focus on getting better

This guy knows nothing, he is correct about alcohol and smoking. sooner you ditch the better.
>mainly gain some self control, once you gain that figure out what you want to do.

your not special
your not "making it"
your just one of hundreds of millions doing the exact same degenerate shit and loving being a conformist bug

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>Self-proclaimed "140 IQ"
>"I fuck women"
>"I had a son before I had a girlfriend"
I think we found the nigger

based /sig/ poster

Develop an identity for yourself and if you try to hold yourself to higher standards then you'll start to get better.

Move to Jow Forums
Forget politics, there is no profit
Spend all of your time jerking off AND making lots of money through trading shitcoins, it requires zero effort and if you aren't intelligent enough to figure it all out, kill yourself

just drop out and go on welfare
then you'll no longer be a parasite to your parents but a parasite to a shit country that hates you

Call me a nigger, don't care. Its less funny though because there's no nigger here

If you can do it, I would start with a routine.
Basic hygiene is a good start, user.

Nigger is the manifestation of an action pattern, it's a personality, not a race, low IQ retard.

You can't survive on welfare in the US you're a woman with kids.

>be forced to exercise and rake the gravel for 4 years

I guess there's the non-combat MOS though, might be a worthwhile job in the machine shops there. Still though, I love my chemicals too much to abandon them now.

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Listen to Jordon Peterson's 12 Rules for Life!!ApqJr6MVUlptkckY9Bq7Zxyl_D-5ow

Volunteer with a business to get upto date experience or work in a dead end job and create or portfolio to show software companies

>be smart
>smart enough to realize you can just get by in life by putting forth minimal effort
>enjoy teenage years and 20s slacking off and playing videogames
>not a poor piece of shit but not successful either because you never applied yourself

Go to a doc and get some meds for your anxiety and depression. Then get out of the house and away from your phone. Do something constructive. Feed the homeless, be a big brother, build for habitat for humanity, whatever. Just something where you feel like your contributing to something bigger than yourself.

>Listen to Jordon Peterson

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I'm not sure white men who just don't have a job (alienated from the economy) qualify for welfare....

Sorry, but that's not smart enough. If you were actually smart then you would see your full potential and gain the motivation to realize it.

Different guy here. I'm above average IQ and I feel like I have little potential sometimes. It comes and goes

are you implying that smart people can't get depressed or engage in innocuous sef-destructive behavior?

she has phat pussy lips. Didn't expect that

Get fit and finish college then come back to Jow Forums and overdose on Blackpills

I love my history and country (even had a few national heroes in my family, one was awarded by the king personally). It's an eastern european shithole now unfortunately, more because of moral downfall and despair, than poverty. I'm redpilling friends and people in my surroundings, and that made me come to realization that most people are braindead and choose to stay that way. Not to mention, older people will never accept any factual truth from someone younger than them
I have a new gf now, but past experience combined with everything i heard and read about women, is making me misrable. She's decent and well mannered, but still shows some redflags. I'm not jelous or paranoid, just don't have very much faith in future
Well my college consists of learning 1000s of pages worth of information just to reproduce it to professor. Also, i'm not interested in the subject at all, only choose it because it pays good shekels after graduation
I always feel that people here are a bit smarter than normies. Cheating just comfirmed my view, that was devastating, i didn't care much about that gf. But it will affect my affection for my future spouse, meaning that i won't be able to love or care for her as much as i would want
I can live without all of those sins, but alcohol is pretty much in my slav genes
Yeah, my group of loser friends and i often drink and discuss all sorts of obsure things. And i'm not overweight at all, i'm just worried about unhealthy side effecty

stop being an idiot.

read the sticky

I don't even have an IQ high enough to see my fullest potential, but I'm talking Tesla level IQ. Realistically nobody would be that intelligent. I don't exactly know but I think the higher your IQ is, you lose motivation until you break past a certain point where your motivation increases exponentially.

Dumbest advice I've seen around here in a while. I did this. Totally worthless. Stay in school, graduate in a stem or biosci field, then after working a few years start a business in your chosen profession. Once you are financially solvent and not a loser, then you can think about taking trips to Alaska, not before. Alaska is full of losers "finding themselves." Working on a fishing boat sounds romantic until you are 35, your body is destroyed, and you get carpal tunnel working in a cannery next to a bunch of Vietnamese degenerates who don't understand that shit covered toilet paper goes in the toilet, not the trash can.

And stay away from Christianity. It will teach you the virtues of poverty, pacifism, acceptance of failure, and willful ignorance, and will tell you that being a loser is just fine as long as you "accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior." There are better ways of finding spirituality than taking advice on moral conduct from middle aged kid fuckers.

Ironpill and /sig/


Look at the knowledge you have and find connections between them. See if you can find a career or business in that field. If you have addictions like alcohol, weed, opiates, or internet, try to reduce or quit outright. Focus on improving your life - be someone you would admire.

At least you have friends. I have to get buy without them.