>some sort of points system based on competence Theres 4 billion people in asia and a billion in africa, meanwhile theirs only around 700 million white people most who dont want to move here.
Points based immigration means brown based immigration
>Reminder: senior figure in the Government (neutral and not aligned to any campaign) told me last week that @BorisJohnson could be "within touching distance" of 200 MPs by the end of this week #ToryLeadershipContest
It would be our points system so the results wouldn't necessarily be the same as Canada's or Australia's. We could combine it with other things. A limit on the number of people who can come from one country, for example. An absolute ban on people coming from countries that have certain issues - for example countries that have legal forms of rape or childfucking. Just common sense shit.
Luis Perez
>literally Rory in 40 years the resemblance is uncanny
Just got word from the project manager. He told me it's getting too obvious. Tone it down a bit lads
Caleb Barnes
>ple. An absolute ban on people coming from countries that have certain issues - for example countries that have legal forms of rape or childfucking. Yeah but there is no way Boris would do that, thats bad for GDP
True, but the notion the we should grade people on how worthy they are to come into the country is not a bad one.
Caleb Roberts
Fuck you I can't wait that long
Lincoln Richardson
Are you dense? In an ideal world, obviously we would repatriate non-natives. The fact remains that we're still massively overpopulated and don't have any practical need for immigration.
At least 4 tory MPs lurk here and saw my personal Rory4PM campaign
Colton Price
it's fixed, he was never going to win and if any of them had any integrity or wit they'd have fully endorsed a no deal WTO brexit and appealed to 'beleiving in Britain', it was an easy campaign to win but they are in the pockets of the EU.
Isaac Myers
median is a form of average, i said average not mean.
Blake Brown
Blonde woman on BBC is gorgeous
Evan Ward
This. Win-win.
Thomas Collins
Rory will beat Corbyn and return a Tory governmet. Rory is our only hope to stop a Labour Corbyn government
Jayden Collins
Retarded Brew fans are gushing over Rory because he once made a speech about hedgehogs
Daniel Hall
mummy mordaunt
Grayson Cox
Boris is in the final two no matter what and the members favour him so he's pretty much guaranteed anyway.
Kevin Torres
Hypothetical: >Bojo utterly flubs the debates >Final contest is between Hunt and Stewart