>Genetic diversity is good. interracial couples are good >Inbreeding is bad
Can any of the white trash on this board refute this? You people never go outside. The only response you have is "fuck niggers durrr". You can't say that to people in real life. So tell me what you would say to a normal person in public.
White populations carry more than enough genetic diversity for populations to survive. The idea that without miscegenation you would be imbred is a kike ploy. Sage.
Ryan Myers
Inbreeding is a problem when you're like fucking your first cousins for 500 years, there's more than enough genetic diversity in any given European subpopulation to avoid it. But of course you're just a Pajeet trolling for (You)'s or whatever
There is enough genetic diversity amongst whites to protect them from disease and enough specialization for them to design cures, therapies to ailments.
Evolution means survival of the most fitting in. Humans differ so much because they were adapted to their location and lifestyle. For example, Europeans developed the ability to drink milk or alcohol because the lack of desinfected water. Human crossbreeding will lead to a massive rise of health problems for whites.
Good for you... are those children perpetual nigger victims now? Get out now or God is going to destroy you like you destroy our cities. Sons of cane. Feel that big boy, that's pride fucking with you. No one wants you in their countries. Run don't walk retards.
Jace Nelson
Hahahaha that map is HORSE SHIT.
I'm from Iraq and I don't know a single arab that's lactose intolerant hahaha
Jason Nelson
that map is form english wikipedia
Cameron Thomas
But what about Abeeds?
Jaxson Scott
Mixed race children cannot receive blood or organ transplants from either of their parents because they are so genetically different. If you're mixed race and get ill with something that needs a transplant, you're even more fucked than the blacks who barely donate in the first place.
Liam Smith
Surely they have cows down there lmao
Colton Gray
Based White women hate you wh*Teboi they want BBC not ur small beta male wh*Teoid ugly dick fag. Its over wh*Te genocide is coming
Lincoln Perry
>Genetic diversity is good. Then why not mate with a chimp?
i explain it to you nigger nigger-IQ: 70 white IQ: 100 mixed baby IQ: 85
Ethan Reed
i agree, OP
if inbreeding is illegal, then racemixing should be illegal as well. Seems to make sense to me
Jayden James
this video by Dr. Edward Dutton on the subject of mixed race individuals is very interesting youtube.com/watch?v=3s3U64VUYg4 in short, they are basically crazy and inferior
That woman might as well not have kids. Hers look nothing like her. It’s like she disappeared into that niggers genes. It’s stupid.
Alexander Nelson
>I want to fuck white women >I envy whites >I hate white men. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH Translation complete.
John King
Funny because I just read an article where Portland, Maine is taking in a bunch of migrants now. Not long now
Camden Murphy
Black or muslim culture is just shitty, like real lowest shit tier They are the worst of untermenschen, as well as many whites are But ehite culture is superior