Which ethnicity or country do I belong to? Yes, it is surely 100% accurate K36 results.
Which ethnicity or country do I belong to? Yes, it is surely 100% accurate K36 results
Other urls found in this thread:
A more close up pic of me
>ashkenazi jewish
1-2% is barely anything, besides my mom doesn't practice Judaism.
It's pretty similar to Scottish and Irish, so why are you surprised?
keep a chiller glance, relax your eyes so they’re not so open all the time
lose weight
chew gum
daily oil control moisturizer
shower 2x day (use shampoo and conditioner at least once, twice if your hair is not brittle/sensitive, otherwise it will wear and fall out, but still use water)
shave the beard/keep it combed and sharp-looking, touch it up every day or so with a razor, buy product
new hairstyle (try different things, see which fits better w your face)
no alcohol (may help w nose redness/swelling + will help with weight loss and skin clearness)
nose augmentation surgery (few thousand $ if you tried everything and are still not satisfied, would do wonders to your appearance)
100% Germanic chad
Why is your nose so bulbous?
I chew gum every day, and phone pic taking is quite hard for me. I also shower every day, but it seems that at the time, it was too long of hair.
I am around 120 pounds and the pic was taken in March, which was a time of allergies and cold.
bitches and hoes, ba ba ba bitches and hoes.
so this is peak biz
look it doesn’t matter to me bro
you do you until you’re satisfied
which should be never
What does biz mean?
Am I just too unredeemable or what?
I have no true identity or anything really going for me, but idk what to do besides the things you told me there. We will all make it frens.
it happens
>what does Jow Forums mean?
hello newfriend :)
none, you're definitely Rudolf
lol I think I know this person before, but you seem bretty gud English/Scot mix. Atleast you have light eyes and a somewhat blond hair
Explain moar fren. I want to be enlightened.
Don't take pics that close, the lens distorts your face when too close
I'm on here a lot. Too much in fact.
Is this better?
Like it resized it, but idk how much distance with my phone I should do it.
a lot better. how did you change so much that quickly?
It's better, but try at an arm's length.
The first pic made you look like a Chechen terrorist
quit drinking you alcofag
i drink like a fish. it keeps me healthy and vibrant. or at least sane.
K36 is bullshit. Gedmatch calculators are bullshit.
Its clogged pores. As you can see from the rest of his appearance he doesn't put much effort in.
You look like pic related but with a nose three times the size and a horrid rapestache that makes it all even worse.
>Which ethnicity or country do I belong to?
I resized it
I don't drink because it is bad for your health, the pic was taken in late March.
Why would I? It's not like anything would change much bc of more polticial opinions, but I am pretty skinny tho.
just take a photo now
Can you trim beard so it's even and then take a pic from an arm's length away
no i mean that you have to care about yourself and not make ANY excuses even when excuses exist. you could fool anybody on this board and pretend to be some alpha chad with zero problems (and many people do) but you would still log off and be a loser. make zero excuses to yourself, everything you can fix, and with that mindset find a vision that you want to see yourself as, and pursue it relentlessly, no matter how long it takes.
cool shirts dude
bro you look pretty good in comparison to the first pic. exercise/diet to lose some face fat and longer hair on top would balance with larger facial features
Very gud optimist mindset fren. I hope we all strive for the best. However, people on this board call me turk, jew, chechen, etc. but I am mostly Celto-Germanic.
Damn, you're ugly.
thx fren, its very comfy
adopt it
and whenever people insult you let that motivate you to prove them wrong
im off
good luck in life user
Thank you for coming to this thread, you really did improve and also helping others. Hopefully one day I could do something to help you.
You are ugly as shit.
-Captain Obvious
On the plus side, if you are a cool guy and manage to stand up on your legs and possess a spine, nobody will give a fuck after you turn 25. As long as your career does not involve facial aesthetics, you can make it. Hit the gym, acquire currency and you will be way better off than a lazy 10/10 man in looks.
>wasting this much money for literally nothing
you belong on cross
Much better, you look ok in this pic.
Look how much smaller your nose got by taking the pic at a higher distance.
Technically, it was 23andme and the electricity costs that really gave cost to anything. Internet for everything is 90$ a month.
That said, you fit very well in the countries in red, and don't look like a Chechen anymore.
I am sorry for you luck, fren.
so out of 10, where would I be; no homo. What type of nose is it? Normal?
Man, I have sooo many questions that dumb normies can even think to answer.
Danes and Dutch aren't dark haired and hazel/warm brown eyes, Joao
>90$ a month
>mfw I pay 5$ and still have a DL speed of 6 MBps
Yeah, but you have to live in fucking Bulgaria. There's the trade off.
I am superior to all of you
Post your pic here and ask for a classification
Average Danes and Dutch don't look like those guys you see on nazi propaganda
Dude, not you again. Don't start that shit about your pure Han Chinese lineage.
> Has no respect for his parents
you have to sign up, no thanks
>so out of 10, where would I be; no homo
Well, probably 3/10 in facial terms. At least you are lucky to be born a man, so getting Jow Forums and going for the lumberjack aesthetic can make you 7/10 minimum.
Its not that bad user, its not the 90's anymore. Poor boomers from UK and USSR come here to spend their last days as its cheaper and more enjoyable to live as a normal man than to rot in a nursing home.
boomer bong
Its a chinaman, they dont respect anything, not even their own lives ... look at that doomer twat.
remind (((these))) are the people who come here ask for war with iran
>2nd gen american
lol actually thinking you’re american
dude wtf ad i received for this website alone cost 100$ maybe they put different prices for us but i dont get it why you need to find about your family history yeah i can understand the point but still god choosed you to live in usa for reason
>look at my photoshop skills
fuck off yellow faggot cope harder you will never be white
I am a superior and you shall treat me as such
>you will never be white
Thank god
>muh muh my yellow shitskin superior genes than you white boi
>live in white country as immigrant
clap clap faggot you even displayed your lack of iq points
go schizo post somewhere else, meme flaggot.
Lmao Serbia, you're not even white and your guys were good goys with the Turks. You even have some Ottoman vocabulary from them.
Now I can actually agree on this point.
I am sorry, but you're not white.
My skill structure is very much like a Caucasian one and you haven't seen my new pic
image thinking like this well unlike usa and your history books our history is full of glorious battles and hard times
>You even have some Ottoman vocabulary from them.
false slavic's language and cyrillic letters was used way before turkish culture even existed
image being proud spic and living in white country that's what i called based i can even actually understand you why would sane person live in any asain country just to be raped or pick pocked
Come over here with your superiour finances and try to win a fistfight with any able bodied man from Poland to Russia. No ? I figured as much.
Even a rabid gypsy who has not eaten in three days would wipe your slant eyed face on the rough soviet era pavement.
I tried to sign up for apricity, but they removed the account, wtf!
The Holy Superior Proto-European Divine Romanian race.
Romanians are better than all of you. Everybody else is subhuman.
Too bad for that retard Milan Obrenovic. He destined us to an eternal shit flinging contest that no one can win.
Bulgarian, Romanian and Macedonian genes are very similar, any idea why Andrescu ?
Hint circa 900 AD
you mistake him with aleksandar obrenovic he is the one who dint want to leave macedonia
yellow faggots are same as niggers they reproduce same as niggers they are ugly like niggers
fuck niggers fuck spics fuck shitskin fuck asian
Isn't it true that Turkish loanwords have entered Serbian?
A lot of these are Turkish and Greek
Romanians are Semitic mutts, not Romans.
Yes, the Daco-Thraco group is apparent here to a small extent.
Macedonia is a made up country, technically Bulgaria too.
>Asians are the same as Niggers
Stay salty sub-White faggot. Serbia is a shithole for seething sub-White cucks like you.
yeah, it's pretty nice not getting shot on a daily basis
More insight on haplomemes
Technically, Asians are not on the same level as us as proven here:
Pretty sure I mean Milan.
While we were busy revolting yet again against the Ottomans, uniting our lands ... that faggot decides to lie to your soldiers that they are coming to help us, and invades, thus starting this bullshit.
I'm in your thread on apricity
>I'm in your thread on apricity
Oh hello fren!