What's wrong with fags?

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they’re gay

They want what they think are powerful men who will do whats necessary in a crisis to keep the group alive.
Culture can imprint on you ques that let you know what kind of men are like this. You learn conservatism and racism are hallmarks of these men and ipso facto now you're aroused by racism and conservatism.

That was written by a girl.


>wh*Te subhumans
Being gay is okay, since it mean less wh*Teoids.

"I would not call myself a particularly politicised guy"

How come more blacks become gays tho?

>That was written by a girl.
No it wasn’t

I don't have time to read a fucking book. Condense this to a meme, and I'll consider submitting a hilarious and pithy response.

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perpetual adolescence and addiction to base passions

>be a faggot
>be a faggot who went out with racists
>be a faggot who know considers racists strong and considers all other fags weak

What a sissy

It likely was because girls are the ones that care about that shit.

Go back to plebbit to write your gay fiction.

I like dating liberals.

fintard has spoken

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prolly prison

>What's wrong with fags?

It's a real phenomenon and it's not really hard to understand, gay men are for the most part attracted to masculinity and right wing men ate more masculine than left wing men

Due to a side effect of an ancient mammalian reproductive strategy, we are unable to pair bond with females, and can only pair bond with other males.
We are often confused with straight men who seek peer bonding with other men, but we are completely different.

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