Why do women of color show no interest towards white guys?

Everyday I see white women happily enjoying the fruits of diversity mixing it up with every race of man imaginable. But I don’t see the reverse. Why do women of color show no interest in white guys Jow Forums?

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Friendly reminder that browncel is an autistic, sexually frustrated Pajeet zoomer living in London who has been compulsively posting the same shitty racebait threads a dozen times a day for months


I guess because you're ugly or something? Black women are extremely aggressive in flirting with semi-attractive white dudes.

I don't know why. Maybe you should stop trying to psy-op you little faggot.

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What are you smoking?
Non-white chicks near unanimously prefer white men to their own or any other.

oh look, it's that nigger thread again
everyone reply to the nigger, guys

Look at the neck. Total MTF tranny.

have sex incel

I regularly get hit on by non-white girls
get your head out of your ass

sage this shit

Women of all races will sleep with a good white men. Only white men have universal appeal

Not irl

You lie

nonwhite girls love white guys lmfao

You need to calm down

Maybe you’re just ugly. Nigresses and beanerettes hit on me all the fucking time when I need to be in proximity.

Why do you post this everyday? Anyone who isn't an incel knows negresses are the easiest to get. They don't pursue white men because they don't think any would be interested in their monkey puss. When a white guy goes after them though they jump on it. That's like hitting the lottery in the ghetto.

There's 2 kind of black girls. The good ones that want you to treat them like your little slave girl and the ones who want you worship them because they a queen n sheeit. You have to be able to tell the difference between the two.

False. Sau sage goes in all orafices fields of your poor quality threads shillfag.

Not outside of pol memes

>make stupid fucking thread
>add title that is totally untrue
People still reply. Unsloppy job Mossad.

Are you kidding me? Black chicks have been all over me my entire life, I just can't find the attraction... I'm just not really into it. But I have to say, a few of them have been hot enough to make me feel compelled to try it...

2 weeks ago I was at chick fila getting lunch and a random black girl with her light skinned friend (not full white but either mixed or latina, I don't know?) friend looked at me and said, "Oh my God, you have like the bluest eyes." Her friend said, "Wow, your eyes are so beautiful. They're like the Ocean." They were both looking at my eyes and complimenting me and I just smiled and said, "Well, thank you for noticing! I don't even know what to say, but my day just got a little bit brighter." I laughed, and went on with my day.

I am 100% certain I could have hooked up with both of them. All I would have needed to do would be to ask for a number and suggest meeting up later.

I'm already married though. But I felt pretty good about myself that day because women don't normally come up and compliment me and it felt good...


FACT: as white american women continue to decline into obese SJW pigs.... more and more based white guys are having to turn to fine educated tall and thin confident conservative Black women.

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>FACT: as white american women continue to decline into obese SJW pigs.... more and more based white guys are having to turn to fine educated tall and thin confident conservative Black women.

Educated strong confident Black women are seen by many as the Top Tier for Marriage material.... anything is better than the obese white girls with tattoos and dyed hair and BERNIE t-shirts.

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>Educated strong confident Black women are seen by many as the Top Tier for Marriage material.... anything is better than the obese white girls with tattoos and dyed hair and BERNIE t-shirts.

Our black sistas may be the only thing to keep this country afloat, most white American women are a lost cause.

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All the okc studies show the exact opposite, kike

>more and more based white guys are having to turn to fine educated tall and thin confident conservative Black women.

I feel so bad for white guys who get stuck with typical white american women.

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Youre just ugly op. Or have litterly no confidence

Women are watching BWC porn more then ever before. Stop trying to psy-op.

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not true. almost every single desi i have met has hit on me. i never take it far because i m not a degenerate and wouldnt do shit all if i wasnt dating a person, but the point still stands.

same with arab girls. but theyre all whores outside the middle east once they taste any freedom, so thats a no go.

Most white guys would probably date black women exclusively it if was seen as more culturally acceptable, so many white guys are sick of the white landwhales they see daily at WalMart.

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you must not get out much.

Even at the beach this summer, you will be noticing more white guys only hanging around the beautiful black women.... most white American guys are beyond sick of nagging white landwhale women.

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Marriage survival rates are HIGHER when a white guys marries a Black Queen..... marrying a white woman is a lost cause.

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This thread again. All fucking morning. Sage and ignore the paid fetishizing shills

cringe asf
guy looks like a cuck and woman looks stinky af

Women don't like men who act like beta cucks and blame their lack of success on race, skin colors or other bullshit.
Move along incel boy, take a shower and get gymned ;^√

You mean NIGGERS?

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Every white guy needs a black queen in his life.

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t. dad doesnt want me dating a black girl so i do it in spite

They show interest in me. Because I am good looking

Nothing better in this world than graduating from college, and getting:
- a good paying job
- a nice house in the Suburbs
- a comfy Black queen, tall and thin, to come home to every night

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Black Girls = Best Girls

how the fuck did me females rank so high?

Holy fucking shit you stupid niggers, stop replying to these fucking threads.
Jow Forums really is the dumbest board on this site.

She looks like the red skull

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Does anyone have this pic but it's a black girl instead of a kike

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You're just proving his point JIDF

She's white btw.

most American white women are seen as bottom of the barrel for marriage material

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More and more white men are waking up, choosing fine black women to be with.

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In my experience hispanic girls are almost always willing to date white men.




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>[rubs hands jewishly]
>I'm gonna make ANOTHER thread that's supposed to get demographics on white men, white women, black men, and black women ALL in one go!
>[doesn't realize there's only like 40 people on pol at any given time, and we all larp for lulz against kikes]