Are you honest about why you hate abortion: because you want to control women?

Are you honest about why you hate abortion: because you want to control women?

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you see how women are if you don't control them

Quickest SAGE of the day...






Once Great Britain

Russia Today






same can be said about banning guns, Shlomo

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>sex ed lowers abortion rates and make contraceptives cheap

A pack of condoms is like what a couple bucks? And you don’t even get age checked for them? Cheap ass whores.

Also if “sex ed” worked we wouldn’t have to have abortions because people would know the consequences of unprotected sex.

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This comic is very uncanny, offputting and truly NPC-like. Is this supposed to feel like i''m being preeched to by an a.i.?

Based schizo


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>1 post by this ID

rvw will be overturned cry more.

>age pyramid neds to look like a triangle so that old people can get a retirement
>boomers are retiring, will soon be gone, but there will be no one left to enable the retirement of millenials and zoomers because boomers convinced them that abortions were empowering and that you need to have a solid career before even considering a relationship with someone

Also: yes, that's right, I want to control women. I don't want women to be controlled by the fucking media or by the banks.

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Ends with mandatory state provided birth control, birth permits, genetic screening and genetic selection of offspring.
A decade or two from now when China enforces mandatory genetic selection of offspring and begins improving their average this will be the only recourse the west has.
Both pro-life and pro-choice arguments lead down this authoritarian path.

yes, i want to control a womans impulse to murder her unborn child, if its my child i should have a say in the decision too

> Condoms are too expensive
> Muh birth control pills too expensive
> Waaahhhh

In what fucked off universe is not wanting to pay for some slut's birth control equivalent to "Wanting to control women"

Sounds like she wants to control MEN

I don't hate abortion m8

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I don't like abortion simply because it's disgusting. However, it's voluntary eugenics, so why complain?

I'm pro abortion because it keeps us from being overrun by dindus

Why can't you faggots just let natural selection take its course?

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Christcucks hate abortion because they are nigger lovers (christian universalism).

>the single issue women cared about for the last couple of decades is expanding their right to kill their own children
why are they so evil?

So what do you say to the pro-gun, pro-choice lads?

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You guys should try to right for legal abortion. Is actually something serious and a big deal! Is not only about women bodies.

Don't be like my country... We actually fucked up when we banned abortion.

I am completely pro-control of women. Have you seen uncontrolled women lately?

God, I love it how incels and angry white men can only bitch about this shit online.

You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?

2016 was a freak occurrence, a tantrum by a dying breed of pissy white dudes who will never make it happen again.

You just don't have the numbers and 10% of you are gay.

Storm's a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks.

When Dems get power back, you cucks will be dragged off to PRISON for posting hate speech online.

Women are so DONE asking for their rights. You fought them tooth and nail and now they are going to take those rights with soul crushing force.

Fuck your shitty slutshaming.
Fuck your imbecile creamsicle President.
Fuck you for never getting laid.

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So fucking what? Revenge for the shit they pushed against men.

Hi, I’m user and I’m a procontrol-of-women-oholic

To cover up affairs where the beta provider can't be tricked into believing he is the father.

Why not just develop a male pill? That way sexual partners wouldn’t have to trust each other and conception could truly be pro-choice.

A lot of girls getting abortions you don't want to reproduce anyway I'm talking about niggers and white trash.

i am unironically certain they exist

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Hopefully all of this will be documented in digital media so the next generation will keep them in line. I just hope we get somewhere within my lifetime so I can have children at a decent age with an obedient wife. I hope I can do it before 40.

The feminists would screech so hard when you take away their ability to control and entrap man with “accidental pregnancies”

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right

Sex outside of marriage and outside the purposes of spouse unity and procreation is degenerate. Birth control is degenerate. Killing babies is peak degeneracy. Calling it a right to body autonomy is a trick of subversion. It's not just their body that they are destroying, it's the future.



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We should have listened.

I am pro-gun and pro-choice but I'm also really leftist so Jow Forums hates me anyway.

Jow Forums isn't one person. There is no consensus here, unless something unanimously pisses everyone off.

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Of course, but you know the hivemind.

That would be an added benefit. Women would have to prove themselves as worth investing in rather than men being tied to them. It’s the solution to the hypergamy question.


They recruit. From the breeders. Get fucked.

no, its because I am against murder of the innocents

Because your are killing humans you fucking monster

We only operate as a hivemind when we have a common goal. Otherwise we're a chaotic sea of faggotry.

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Fuckin' based and redpilled

What rights do you not have?

It incentivises having an abortion
That's why legality is on the table
The train of logic women go through is "if I get pregnant I can just have an abortion"
It should be "if I don't use a condom I may get pregnant and I really don't want to have to deal with the long process of getting an abortion legally"

People say that but they’re also okay with collateral damage in war—which we accept as an unavoidable consequence.

>really leftist
sounds more like a gay conservative

thats ok, people being collateral damage in war are never innocents, they are guilty of being retards and not relocating to nearest safe country

you sound like a confused faggot.

so has sex ed for niggers gotten worse since the 60s? Is contraception less readily available than back then? Because abortion and out of wedlock birth rates have only skyrocketed since.

>Fuck you for never getting laid.
Pathetic. You think you hold sex over our heads? You can keep your tattooed diseased ridden whores who will never in a million years make good mothers and caretakers. enjoy divorce and being miserable til you die alone and without a legacy you stupid fuck.

Theres literally dozens and dozens of laws that take away complete autonomy because of the persons actions. Why is it that when a woman isn't allowed to kill her baby, it's suddenly some huge violation of her autonomy?

There's nothing inherently anti-gun about leftism.

There are 20 types of birth control, almost all of which are controlled by women. This includes a pill you can take up to three days after the “mistake”.
The fact that there are still so many abortions is proof that most women are stupid and evil.

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Obvious bait but I do have something to say to the image.

Load of BS
Want less abortions? Stop subsidizing it. Whatever you subsidize you get more of. The real problem is the animals that treat abortion like birth control and thus don't use condoms. You can find roasties on twitter talking about their doctor warning them if they keep getting abortions they'll go sterile. Make them pay for it themselves and they'll change their behaviour in a fucking hurry.

>If you don't want to spend taxpayer money on slut pills you want to control women.
Birth control is literally like 8 bucks a month. You can get generics if it for 4 bucks a month. If you can't afford 100 dollars a year you shouldn't have sex
Also condoms are basically free unless you want fancy ones
Not being a fucking slut is also free

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It's not it's a separate entity

Just a signal for gibsmedat votes because they tack on "Free™" at the beginning. Leftists are more than happy to give it away to non-contributors and illegal immigrants anyways, or even import people to abuse the system anyways as you can see all across the """Western""" world outside of the USA.
>Affordable Contraception
How poor are you to not afford literally free condoms or other contraception? No wait... they mean "The Pill" aka the sparcely tested drug with drastic anti-societal side effects and unknown longterm side effects. Other contraceptive is too hard! Especially not the most effective form otherwise known as "Abstinence".
>Comprehensive sex-ed
By "Comprehensive" you mean absolutely fucking degenerate nonsense. Like California(?) teaching kids to be gay, swallow cum/piss, and fist each others assholes until they need a diaper.

Women are property, so they should be controlled.

>say shit like this
>still believe gun control is about public safety
dude women lamo

The mark of the beast won't be some hidden stealth operation. It will be very obvious and public. It transcends technology too. Alas this is not /x/

yet the craziest anti 2A'er are hardcore leftists
and abortion activists
let that sink in

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It's not about controlling women.
Never was. The issue is far deeper than that.
The debate is over when life begins.
Stop with this "control women" narrative because it's fucking retarded

I'm pro-responsibility. No abortion get out of jail free card. Stop having unprotected sex or suffer the consequences

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really? how would we test this?

Im just jealous i can't kill without consequences.

Commie detected

So you are in support of the increased welfare use, child abuse, over-burdening of our adoption centers, and increased crime that will result in the banning of abortion? The point being, people won't act how you want them to act. There are always going to be shitters that should not breed. Why do you want to force them to procreate? They aren't smart enough, nor have enough to self-control to stop fucking, so we're always going to have the problem of unwanted pregnancies.

Then I suppose the fetus should have picked a different womb. Tough break, kid.

Cut off welfare and cite Darwin, let the retards die

Leftists are not a monolith.

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The point of this being an effective strategy is long since passed. Lamentations aren’t useful.

Are you honest about why you want to cut off babies dicks: because you want to control the goy?

Just get your tubes tied roastie

Except they won't just die. They'll go after more innocents for resources, often with violence. They'll continue to breed in order to outnumber their opposition and will form more roaming gangs that cause destruction everywhere they go.

That's why you kill them, doofus. What do you think guns are for?

>so we’re always going to have the problem of unplanned pregnancies

I doubt that. This is a scientific problem, not a sociological one. Once we have a male pill, which will happen despite the roastie screeching, most of this will go away. Eventually the majority of children won’t even be conceived in human wombs, making these discussions moot.

The availability of birthcontrol and abortions cause a lack of responsibility. which caused the issues of today.

Fpbp. It wouldn't be a problem if white women were having 2.1 children each, but since they are not our culture is dying and we have to do something

It certainly can't hurt

Because killing babies is wrong. Abortion should be legal for black people, chinks and kikes tho

Women are objects of pathos. A woman's destiny, when forged by pathos ruled decisions, is a mirage of vapid hedonistic goals hovering over a lake of deep insecurities hidden by a thinning layer of ice. These women, brainwashed into believing they have a purpose higher than procreation, walk out gleefully onto the ice. By the time the mirage fades and they realize they're on thin ice, it's too late in the day and the sun(logos) sends them to the bottom where their insecurities consume them.

Because it makes women think sex is without consequence. Also, killing your own child is bigger tier.

But white rich republicans want to ensure that black people don't abort, so that there's more black people who will outnumber the whities. wah do?

why not provide them with free sterilization
cheaper and easier than constantly aborting every pregnancy

wtf, i want 9month fetuses to be ripped apart in womb now

good thing they cant abort an STD

And then it's suicide by 35

You should realize that rich white Republicans don't see you as one of their own?

Then why do poor white people vote for white rich republicans?

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misspelled child murder, and yes i want to control women who want to kill unborn babies.

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